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Publicada porBonita Villas Modificado hace 10 años
Pronouns of Emphasis And the verb gustar #9
Notes #8 Standard 1 on Structures : Students will use linguistically and grammatically appropriate structures to comprehend and produce messages. Students will identify similarities and differences amongst the language they know. Objective: Students will review the conjugation of the verb gustar and the pronouns of emphasis that go with gustar.
Conjugating the verb Gustar Me gusta (I like)Nos gusta (we like) Te gusta (you like)x Le gustales gusta (they like) (he, she, (formal you like)
Pronouns of emphasis me = to me te = to you (fam.) le = to you (form) le = to him le = to her nos = to us les = to you (form) les = to them a mí a ti a Ud. a él a ella a nosotros(as) a Uds. a ellos a ellas index X
Pronouns and Subjects of emphasis examples me = to me te = to you (fam.) le = to you (form) le = to him le = to her nos = to us les = to you (form) les = to them a mí a ti a Ud. a él a ella a nosotros(as) a Uds. a ellos index X A Raul y a mi nos gusta….. A mi me gusta …… A ti te gusta……. A Raul le gusta….. A Maria le gusta…. A Raul y Maria les gusta……
gustar (to be pleasing) megusta it is pleasingto me a mí index
gustar (to be pleasing) tegusta it is pleasingto you (fam.) a ti index
What do you do if you want to say: My brothers dont like to eat. lesgusta comer. it is not pleasing to eat. dont like to eat. (to) My brothers My brothers A mis hermanos no Always place the no in front of the indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, nos, les.) index
PPT Activity. Translate to Spanish. 1.Diana likes to talk. 2.Diana doesnt like to talk. 3.Fred doesnt like to answer the phone. 4.I like to watch television. 5.We like to watch television. 6.María and Susana like to go shopping. 7.José and Felipe dont like to go shopping. 8.We like to go shopping. 9.We like to run. 10.They dont like to run.
Murphy PPT Activity. Answers. 1.A Diana le gusta hablar. 2.A Diana no le gusta hablar. 3.A fred no le gusta contestar el telefono. 4.A mi me gusta ver la television. 5.A nosotros nos gusta ver la television. 6.A María y a Susana les gusta ir de compras. 7.A José a Felipe no les gusta ir de compras. 8.A nosotros nos gusta ir de compras. 9.A nosotros nos gusta corrrer. 10.A ellos no les gusta correr.
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) legusta it is pleasing to you (formal) a Ud. index
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) legusta it is pleasingto him a él index
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) legusta it is pleasingto her a ella index
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) nosgusta it is pleasingto us a nosotros(as) index
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) lesgusta it is pleasing to you (pl.) (formal) a Uds. index
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) lesgusta it is pleasingto them (masc.) a ellos index
Murphy gustar (to be pleasing) lesgusta it is pleasingto them (fem.) a ellas index
Murphy What do you do if you want to say: Fred likes to eat. legusta comer. it is pleasing to eat. likes to eat. (to) Fred Fred A Fred index
Murphy What do you do if you want to say: My brothers like to eat. lesgusta comer. it is pleasing to eat. like to eat. (to) My brothers My brothers A mis hermanos index
Murphy 1. Diana likes to talk. A Diana le gusta hablar. index
Murphy Diana doesnt like to talk. A Diana no le gusta hablar. index
Murphy Fred doesnt like to answer the phone. A Fred no le gusta contestar el teléfono. index
Murphy Fred doesnt like to answer the phone. A Fred no le gusta contestar el teléfono. index
Murphy I like to watch television. A mí me gusta mirar la televisión. index
Murphy We like to watch television. A nosotros nos gusta mirar la televisión. index
Murphy María and Susana like to go shopping. A María y a Susana les gusta ir de compras. index
Murphy José and Felipe dont like to go shopping. A José y a Felipe no les gusta ir de compras. index
Murphy Who likes to go shopping? ¿A quién le gusta ir de compras? index
Murphy We like to run. A nosotros nos gusta correr. index
Murphy They dont like to run. A ellos no les gusta correr. index
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