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La familia the family.

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Presentación del tema: "La familia the family."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 la familia the family

2 los mayores the grown-ups

3 the great-grandfather
el bisabuelo the great-grandfather

4 the great-grandmother
la bisabuela the great-grandmother

5 los parientes the relatives

6 el cuñado the brother-in-law

7 la cuñada the sister-in-law

8 el nieto the grandson

9 la nieta the granddaughter

10 el padrino the godfather

11 la madrina the godmother

12 el sobrino the nephew

13 la sobrina the niece

14 el bebé la bebé the baby

15 el bautizo the baptism

16 el Día de Acción de Gracias

17 el Día de San Valentín St. Valentine's Day

18 la Víspera del Año Nuevo
New Year's Eve

19 la Nochebuena Christmas Eve

20 la costumbre the custom

21 brindar to propose a toast

22 to be thankful, grateful for
agradecer to be thankful, grateful for

23 recordar to remember

24 regalar to give a gift

25 felicitar to congratulate

26 llorar to cry

27 sonreír to smile

28 los modales the manners

29 reunirse to reunite oneselves

30 saludarse to greet each other

31 besarse to kiss each other

32 abrazarse to hug each other

33 to shake each other the hand
darse la mano to shake each other the hand

34 to get along with each other badly
llevarse mal to get along with each other badly

35 to get along with each other well
llevarse bien to get along with each other well

36 to divert oneself (to have fun)
divertirse to divert oneself (to have fun)

37 contar chistes to tell jokes

38 reírse to laugh oneself

39 to say goodbye to each other
despedirse to say goodbye to each other

40 la boda the wedding

41 to marry each other (with, to)
casarse (con) to marry each other (with, to)

42 felicitar to congratulate

43 ¡Felicidades! Congratulations!

44 la fiesta de sorpresa the surprise party

45 to complete years (have a birthday)
cumplir años to complete years (have a birthday)

46 nacer to be born

47 el día festivo the holiday

48 hacer un picnic to make a picnic

49 los fuegos artificiales

50 el desfile the parade

51 enorme enormous

52 antiguo antigua old, antique

53 mientras while

54 frecuentemente frequently

55 había there was, there were

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