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Organización Mundial de la Salud

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Presentación del tema: "Organización Mundial de la Salud"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Organización Mundial de la Salud
Organización Mundial de la Salud. Serie de documentos técnicos de la OMS sobre dispositivos médicos. Introducción al mantenimiento de equipos médicos Pág. 9. F. E. Salazar1 M. Trujillo2 O.C. Tobón3 M. E. Gómez4 Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, Medellín, Colombia 1 2 4 Poster # 213 Session name POS2 “POSTER HTM” Saturday 14 December 2018 Integration of maintenance activities of biomedical equipment: Maintenance model applied in the entities of San Vicente Foundation. Objective Implementing the series of technical documents of the World Health Organization (WHO) on medical devices, as a maintenance strategy where San Vicente Foundation could link the normative requirements at the regional level, with harmonization procedures recommended by supranational bodies. The model includes inspection procedures, Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Corrective Maintenance (MC), with Safety Inspections (IS) and Performance Inspections (ID) to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly, both for patients and patients , Being simple procedures that allow to verify the proper operation and the safe use of the device. Methodology Planning Administration Maintenance Categorization of types of equipment to be included in the program with the Fennigkon and Smith method which allows to quantify each type of equipment, its function, clinical application and maintenance requirement. GE = Function+application+maintenance+background Function: Therapeutic, diagnosis, analytical, miscellaneous Risk: Patient death, patient or operator injury, misdiagnosis, equipment damage, no significant identified risk Maintenance: extensive (routine calibration and part replacement), above-average, average (performance verification and safety testing), bellow average, minimal (visual inspection) Background (average failures): significant, moderate, average, minimal, insignificant Prioritize Conclusions 30% Decrease in corrective maintenance 130 PS SAP Is used by the staff 50% Decrease of the estimated time of stay of the equipment outside the service due to maintenance and calibration References *Organización Mundial de la Salud. Serie de documentos técnicos de la OMS sobre dispositivos médicos. *Introducción al mantenimiento de equipos médicos Pág. 9. *Presidencia de la República de Colombia. Decreto 4725 de “Por el cual se reglamenta el régimen de registros sanitarios, permiso de comercialización y vigilancia sanitaria de los dispositivos médicos para uso humano”. Diario oficial de diciembre 27 de 2005 *Presidencia de la República de Colombia. Resolución 2003 de 2014 “Por la cual se definen los procedimientos y condiciones de inscripción de los Prestadores de Servicios de Salud y de habilitación de servicios de salud”. Diario oficial de diciembre 27 de Disclaimer: The presentation of this material does not imply any endorsement or recommendation by WHO. WHO disclaims any and all liability and responsibility whatsoever for any injury, death, loss, damage, use of personal data, or other prejudice of any kind whatsoever that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the procurement, distribution and/or use of any technology presented in the 4th WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices.

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