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Unit 4 ~ Getting Around ~ Clothes & Food la ropala comidalos colores el abrigolos pantalones cortos el agua rojo los aretesla ropa interior el jugo anaranjado.

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Presentación del tema: "Unit 4 ~ Getting Around ~ Clothes & Food la ropala comidalos colores el abrigolos pantalones cortos el agua rojo los aretesla ropa interior el jugo anaranjado."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Unit 4 ~ Getting Around ~ Clothes & Food la ropala comidalos colores el abrigolos pantalones cortos el agua rojo los aretesla ropa interior el jugo anaranjado la blusalas sandalias el refresco amarillo los bluejeansel traje el sándwich verde los calcetinesel traje de baño la carne azul la camisael vestido la ensalada violeta / morado la camiseta los vaquerosla leche café / marrón la chaquetalos zapatos las frutas rosado el collar las verduras gris la corbata los cereales blanco los cortos los postres los pantalones Perdónel mesero(a) el / la dependiente ¿Me puede ayudar? ¿Le puedo ayudar?

2 escoje uno de los tres… 1) TSWBAT produce a clothing catalog. – Students use vocabulary to show price, size and color of clothing items Materials needed: construction paper or white paper markers clothing catalogs or magazines scissors, glue sticks Procedure: Students select a Spanish name for their clothing company. Students draw or cut out from old catalogs 10 items of clothing to include in the catalog. Students produce a booklet of clothing items out of construction paper by pasting one clothing item on each page. They include the following information for each clothing item: color, size - tamaño (pequeño, mediano, grande), and price (precio) in pesos or euros. – Use to convert US dollars to Euros or Mexican pesos 2) TSWBAT produce a restaurant/café skit using food vocabulary words. – Students use vocabulary to order food at a restaurant Think of your favorite restaurant and design a menu for it. Write the name of the restaurant, all the dishes and beverages that are served there, and the prices. Have a partner order a meal from your menu while you play the role of server. Then, exchange roles using your classmates menu. 3) TSWBAT produce a flea market skit using necesitar, comprar, pagar, vender, and the expression ¿cuánto cuesta? (How much is..?) – Students use vocabulary to bargain prices, and to buy and sell items. One student is thevendedor and the other is the cliente. Each vendedor owns a store, and has merchandise to sell to the cliente. The cliente comes to the store to purchase 5 items, using play money.

3 Rubric for Clothing Catalog

4 Rubric for Presentational Speaking ContentComprehensionComprehensibilityAccuracyFluency 4 Speaker consistently uses the appropriate structures and vocabulary necessary to communicate. Speaker understands all of what is said to him or her. Listener understands all of what the speaker is trying to communicate. Speaker uses language correctly, including grammar and word order. Speaker speaks clearly without hesitation. Pronunciation and intonation seem natural. 3 Speaker usually uses the appropriate structures and vocabulary necessary to communicate. Speaker understands most of what is said to him or her. Listener understands most of what the speaker is trying to communicate. Speaker usually uses language correctly, including grammar and word order. Speaker has few problems with hesitation, pronunciation, and intonation. 2 Speaker sometimes uses the appropriate structures and vocabulary necessary to communicate. Speaker understands some of what is said to him or her. Listener understands less than half of what the speaker is trying to communicate. Speaker sometimes uses language correctly. Speaker has some problems with hesitation, pronunciation, and intonation. 1 Speaker uses very few of the appropriate structures and vocabulary necessary to communicate. Speaker uses very few of the appropriate structures and vocabulary necessary to communicate. Listener understands little of what the speaker is trying to communicate. Speaker seldom uses language correctly. Speaker hesitates frequently and struggles with pronunciation and intonation.

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