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To understand the Spanish phonic system in order to improve spelling and pronunciation I have put together a powerpoint on Phonics to do with my top year.

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Presentación del tema: "To understand the Spanish phonic system in order to improve spelling and pronunciation I have put together a powerpoint on Phonics to do with my top year."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 To understand the Spanish phonic system in order to improve spelling and pronunciation
I have put together a powerpoint on Phonics to do with my top year 9 Spanish.  We've been doing 'La Comida' so used food as the theme for the ppt.  I tried to think of some typical Spanish foodstuffs so that it allowed for some cultural discussion about paella, calamares, gazpacho, colacao etc.  I explained to the students that we were going to do a mini project which would hopefully help them to improve their spelling and pronunciation.  Before going through the ppt, I dictated the names of towns and cities in Spain with lots of the sounds we would cover with the phonics.  As I collected the papers and glanced at what they'd written, my first comment was "how many times have you ever seen the letters th in Spanish?  And how many times have you seen the letter K ?  (neither exist) at which they all moaned! After going through the ppt and some examples and practice, I dictated the same place names again - so we had before and after lists.  The accuracy was much better and twice as good in many cases.  The students were very pleased with themselves although I feel that the real effects will be long term.

2 El sistema fónico español

3 a arroz

4 e empanada

5 i ingredientes

6 o orégano

7 u uvas

8 a e i o u

9 ce cebolla

10 ci ciruelas

11 ca calamares

12 co colacao

13 cu cubalibre

14 ce ci ca co cu

15 qui que queso rosquillas

16 gi ge girasol gelatina

17 ga gazpacho

18 go gofres

19 gu gulash

20 gui guisantes

21 ge gi j ga go gu gui

22 h harina

23 ñ piña

24 z zanahoria

25 ll paella

26 v vino

27 h ñ z ll v

28 arroz ingredientes orégano empanada uvas cebolla ciruelas calamares colacao cubalibre queso rosquillas gelatina gazpacho gofres girasol guisantes harina piña zanahoria

29 Tímido Sabio Tontín Dormilón Feliz Gruñón Estornudo

30 Sergio Ramos Fernando Torres Iker Casillas Santi Cazorla Joan Capdevila David Villa

31 chorizo bizcocho ajo castañas Jerez mejillones gambas riñones ginebra
albaricoque azucar cerveza cerdo chori_o bi_ _ocho a_o Casta_as jere_ me_i_ones _ambas ri_ones _inebra albarico__ a_ucar __rve_a __rdo chorizo bizcocho ajo castañas Jerez mejillones gambas riñones ginebra albaricoque azucar cerveza cerdo

32 ce 1. ___pillo 2. ca__a 3. casta__as 4. __zás 5. __uvia 6. __lebra 7. ca__ón 8. __ patillas 9. __sualmente 10.oc__dental 1. ___pillo 2. ca__a 3. casta__as 4. __ zás 5. __uvia 6. __lebra 7. ca__ón 8. __patillas 9. __sualmente 10. oc__dental j ñ qui_ ll cu j za u ci

Descargar ppt "To understand the Spanish phonic system in order to improve spelling and pronunciation I have put together a powerpoint on Phonics to do with my top year."

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