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Lectura Independiente: Campaña del Millón de Palabras

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Presentación del tema: "Lectura Independiente: Campaña del Millón de Palabras"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Lectura Independiente: Campaña del Millón de Palabras

2 “El tiempo que ha pasado leyendo libros fue el mejor indicador del desarrollo de un niño como lector desde el segundo al quinto grado. Anderson, Wilson, y Fielding (1988) If we know that “Time spent reading books was the best predictor of a child’s growth as a reader from the 2nd –5th grade,” then we need to make sure that students are reading a lot in our classrooms.

3 Campaña del Millón de Palabras al Año
Ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar hábitos de buenos lectores Crear interés acerca de la lectura todos los días Apoyar a los estudiantes para convertirse en lectores más capacitados That’s why this year our schools are going to mount a “Million Words a Year Campaign,” where students will read or listen to a million words/year. (Go through the goals)

4 Metas por Nivel de Grado
Lectura y Prelectura Escuchar Lectura en Voz Alta ECE 2–4 libros que conocen por día (en forma independiente o con otro niño o adulto) 1–2 libros por día (1–2 en casa) Kindergarten 2-4 libros que conocen por día Primero 4 o más libros por día (en forma independiente o durante lectura guíada) 2–4 textos por día Segundo 1–2 libros o capítulos largos por día Por lo menos un libro más difícil In the Reading and Writing, Grade by Grade, New Standards books, the grade level goals have been set as follows. (Explain this slide and the next one.) (Points to make: books can be re-readings; read alouds count for the primary grades since that is a major way of developing vocabulary; home reading counts as well)

5 Metas por Nivel de Grado
Lectura y Prelectura Escuchar Lectura en Voz Alta Tercer 25–30 libros de capítulos cortos (lectura diaria en voz alta; no cuenta) Cuarto 25 libros de capítulos (~125 páginas) Quinto 25 libros de capítulos (~150 páginas) Secundaria y Prepatoria 25 libros de capítulos (~150 páginas, 400 palabras por pagina) Read alouds are still critically important in the intermediate grades and should occur daily, frequently with books that are more difficult than students could handle on their own, but at these grades, the students are expected to reach the million words goal through their own reading. (Point: if students are reading below grade level, they should meet the goal for their developmental stage of reading) We want students reading a variety of genres, so teachers will need to come up with book equivalents for genres like poetry, magazine articles, newspapers (Time for Kids), etc. Teachers will be getting a monograph on this to help them. Remember: the purpose is to read a lot!

6 Campaña del Millón de Palabras
Escoger un tema. Decidir cómo destacar el progreso individual del estudiante o del salón de clases. Pensar acerca de cómo incluir a la bibliotecaria de la escuela, la casa, y la biblioteca. Decidir celebraciones por incremento. Planee un gran celebración para toda la escuela cuando se logre la meta!  Plan a campaign for the school, considering each of these important components. The campaign should be fun and celebrate that everyone is reading, minimizing comparisons between kids, classrooms, and grade levels. To celebrate incremental steps along the way think about rewards that are meaningful, such as certificates, books, visits by authors or storytellers, as opposed to stickers and candy.

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