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Verbos Reflexivos Reflexive Verbs. Read the following sentences as you look at the illustrations Federico lava el carro. Federico lo lava. Federico se.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos Reflexivos Reflexive Verbs. Read the following sentences as you look at the illustrations Federico lava el carro. Federico lo lava. Federico se."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos Reflexivos Reflexive Verbs

2 Read the following sentences as you look at the illustrations Federico lava el carro. Federico lo lava. Federico se lava. Julio cepilla el perro. Julio lo cepillo. Julio se cepilla. Pedro mira a su amiga. Pedro lo mira. Pedro se mira en el espejo. In the sentences to the left, one person performs the action and another person or thing receives the action. In the sentences to the right, the same person performs and receives the action of the verb. For this reason the pronoun se must be used. Se is called a reflexive pronoun because it refers back to the subject – Federico, Julia, Pedro

3 Study the forms of a reflexive verb. Pay particular attention to the pronoun that goes with each form of the verb. It is called a reflexive pronoun. Lavarse Yo me lavoNosotros nos lavamos Tú te lavas------------ Ud., él, ella se lavaUds., ellos, ellas se lavan Levantarse Yo me levantoNosotros nos levantamos Tú te levantas------------ Ud., él, ella se levantaUds., ellos, ellas se levantan

4 Using Negatives In the negative form, no is placed before the reflexive pronoun ¿No te lavas las manos? La familia Martínez no se levanta tarde.

5 Adding the Reflexive Pronoun Note that the reflexive pronoun is added to the infinitive. El niño quiere acostarse. Voy a lavarme las manos. ¿Quieres levantarte temprano?

6 Study the Following Examples Ana pone su blusa en su mochila. Ana se pone la blusa. Ana duerme ocho horas. Ana se duerme enseguida. Ana divierte a sus amigos. Ana se divierte. Ana puts her blouse in her backpack. Ana puts on her blouse. Ana sleeps eight hours. Ana falls asleep immediately. Ana amuses her friends. Ana amuses herself. (Ana has a good time.) Many verbs in Spanish can be used with a reflexive pronoun. Often the reflexive pronoun gives a different meaning to the verb.

7 Conjugating Stem-Changing Reflexive Verbs Acostarse Yo me acuestoNosotros nos acostamos Tú te acuestas------------ Ud., él, ella se acuestaUds., ellos, ellas se acuestan Divertirse Yo me diviertoNosotros nos divertimos Tú te diviertas------------ Ud., él, ella se diviertaUds., ellos, ellas se diviertan The reflexive verbs acostarse (o-ue), dormirse (o-ue), sentarse (e-ie), despertarse (e-ie) and divertirse (e-ie) are stem-changing verbs.

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