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Presentación del tema: "PIERNA LESIONES DEPORTIVAS: TRAUMAS EN LA: Preparado por:"— Transcripción de la presentación:

Web: LESIONES DEPORTIVAS: PIERNA TRAUMAS EN LA: Dale Carnegie Training® can help you manage the sweeping changes that continue to reshape the workplace. Organizations today need managers who are knowledgeable business partners skilled at managing change. As change agents, managers can play a vital role in helping their organizations remain competitive. Rely on the following process, and you will be more effective in managing organizational change. Be sure you have earned the right to deliver this program, are excited about the topic, and are eager to share with your audience. Speak from your own experiences. Set a good example. Help others benefit from what you have learned about managing organizational change. Preparado por: Prof. Edgar Lopategui Corsino M.A. Fisiología del Ejercicio Copyright © 2003 Edgar Lopategui Corsino

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

EXTERNOS – Lista Lateral (Externa) Peroné o Fibula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

Componentes Óseos HUESOS: La Tibia Función: Sirve como la principal hueso de la pierna encargado para soportar el peso del cuerpo Localización: El lado medial (interno) de la pierna o del dedo gordo del pie Debilidad anatómica: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. El tercio inferior de la diáfisis (porción cilíndrica) de la tibia Superficies del diáfisis de la tibia: El posterior El medial Lateral

Componentes Óseos HUESOS: El Peroné (fíbula) Funciónes: Proveer las insersiones para los músculos esqueléticos Sirve para para completar la acanaladura (formación cavo) para el encerramiento del astrálago (talus), de manera que se forme la articulación del tobillo Localización: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. A lo largo del aspecto lateral de la tibia, uniéndolo en una articulación artrodial a nivel del extremo superior, justamente debajo de la rodilla; en el extremo inferior se forma una articulación sindesmótica

Membrana Interósea TEJIDOS BLANDOS: Concepto Representa un lámina fuerte de tejido fibroso que se extiende entre el peroné y la tibia Función Sirve como el suelo del compartimiento anterior de la pierna Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

Compartimientos TEJIDOS BLANDOS: Compartimiento anterior: Sostiene las estructuras principales para la dorsiflexión del pie y extensión de los dedos del pie, los cuales son el tibial; anterior, extensor largo del hallux, el extensor largo de los dedos del pie, el nervio tibial anterior y la arteria tibial Compartimiento lateral: Se encuentra constituído por el peroneo lateral largo, el peroneo lateral corto, el peróneo tertius y la rama superficial del nervio peroneal Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Compartimiento Posterior: Involucra el músculo gastronemio y el soleo, los cuales se encargan de la flexión plantar del tobillo y el control de la inversión del pie y la flexión de los dedos

HUESOS – Vista Lateral (Externa) Tibia Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

HUESOS – Vista Posterior Peroné o Fíbula Tibia Astrálago o Talus Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Calcáneo NOTA: De: (1996) Corel Mega Gallery. Ontario, Canada: Corel Corporation

18 Invertores – INCLUYEN:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Anatomía Soportan la Pierna MÚSCULOS: Invertores – INCLUYEN: Tibial Posterior (“Tibialis Posterior”) Tibial Anterior (“Tibialis Anterior”) Flexor Largo de los Dedos del Pie (“Flexor Digitorum Longus”) Flexor Largo del Dedo Gordo del Pie o Hallux (“Flexor Hallicus Longus”) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

Soportan la Pierna MÚSCULOS: Evertores – INCLUYEN: Peróneo Lateral Largo (“Peroneus Longus”) Peróneo Lateral Corto (“Peroneus Brevis”) Extensor Común de los Dedos o Extensor Largo de los Dedos (“Extensor Digitorum Longus”) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Peróneo Tertilo (“Peroneus Tertius”)

20 Flexores Plantar – INCLUYEN:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Anatomía Soportan la Pierna MÚSCULOS: Flexores Plantar – INCLUYEN: Gastronemio (“Gastrocnemius”) Sóleo (“Soleus”) Tibial Posterior (“Tibialis Posterior”) Peróneo Lateral Largo (“Peroneus Longus”) Peróneo Lateral Corto (“Peroneus Brevis”) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Flexor Largo de los Dedos (“Flexor Digitorium Longus”) Flexor Largo del Hallux (“Flexor Hallicus Longus”) Plantar Delgado (“Plantaris”)

21 Dorsiflexores – INCLUYEN:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Anatomía Soportan la Pierna MÚSCULOS: Dorsiflexores – INCLUYEN: Tibial Anterior (“Tibialis Anterior”) Extensor Común de los Dedos o Extensor Largo de los Dedos (“Extensor Digitorum Longus”) Extensor Largo del dedo Gordo del Pie o Hallux (“Flexor Hallicus Longus”) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Lateral Gastrocnemio Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Lateral Gastrocnemio Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Lateral Gastrocnemio Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Lateral Gastrocnemio Sóleo Extensor Largo de los Dedos Peróneo Largo Peróneo Corto Peróneo Tertius Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Tendón de Aquiles Calcáneo NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Oblicua Peróneo Largo Extensor Corto de los Dedos Maleolo Peróneo Tertius Tendón de Aquiles Calcáneo Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Hallux Metatarsos Falanges Distales o Falangina NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Oblicua Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1996) Corel Mega Gallery. Ontario, Canada: Corel Corporation

MÚSCULOS – Vista Oblicua Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

MÚSCULOS – Vista Oblicua Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1996) Corel Mega Gallery. Ontario, Canada: Corel Corporation

Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1996) Corel Mega Gallery. Ontario, Canada: Corel Corporation

HUESOS Y LIGAMENTOS – Vista Lateral Peroné o Fíbula Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) 3D Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

Vista Lateral Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Posterior NOTA: De: (1997) Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc. Posterior

VASOS SANGUÍNEOS Arteria Tibial Anterior Arteria Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

NERVIOS Per Nervios Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

NERVIOS: Vista Superior (Dorsal) Nervio Peroneal Profundo Nervio Tibial Posterior Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.

36 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES Concepto Magulladura de los tejidos blandos (e.g., tejido integumentario o piel, vasos sanguíneos, músculos esqueléticos, entre otros) que resulta en equimosis, edema entre otros procesos inflamatorios Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

37 Sinónimos PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior)) Sinónimos Periostitis Traumática Tibial Cardenales en las Espinillas Contusiones en las Espinillas Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. ”Shin Bruises”

38 Concepto/Descripción
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Concepto/Descripción Hemorragia dentro del tejido blando de la espinilla, el cual se localiza debajo de la piel Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

39 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Causas: Anatómica Falta de protección anatómica (muscular o adiposo) sobre la región anterior (diáfisis) de la tibia: Ausencia de un relleno muscular o adiposo en el área de la espinilla, de manera que pudiera amortiguar golpes bruscos en dicho lugar Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

40 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Causas: Traumática Golpes directos: Golpes directos a la tibia anterior (e.g., patada en balonpie) Golpe sobre el compartimiento anterior Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Choques: Colisiones con otros atletas u objetos fijos sólidos (e.g., verjas, cercas)

41 Periostitis Traumática Tibial
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Causas: Periostitis Traumática Tibial Descripción/concepto: Una condición en la cual un golpe severo a la tibia acasiona un estado inflamatorio crónico de los tejidos cutaneos y periosteales. Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

42 Periostitis Traumática Tibial
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Causas: Periostitis Traumática Tibial Causas: Golpe directo a la tibia “Sobreuso” (e.g., kilometraje alto) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Superficies duras Pobre mecánica en las carreras pedestres (e.g., correr, trotar): Supinación del pie: Estilo de carrera con los dedos hacia afuera

43 Periostitis Traumática Tibial
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Causas: Periostitis Traumática Tibial Efectos (manifestaciones patológicas): Inflamación del tejido (periostio) que rodea al hueso (tibia) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

44 Periostitis Traumática Tibial
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Causas: Periostitis Traumática Tibial Signos y Síntomas: Sobre el tercio inferior de la tibia: Dolor difuso Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Molestias Hinchazón Síntomas que se alivian con el reposo

45 Signos y Síntomas – SIGNOS:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Signos y Síntomas – SIGNOS: Hematoma: Sobre la Tibia Causa: Equimosis Complicaciones: Infección: Si se torna: - Roja (ruboración) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. - Más dolora - Se hincha Periostitis (inflamación del periostio) Posible – FRACTURA: En el caso de una patada directa a la tibia

46 Signos y Síntomas – SIGNOS:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Signos y Síntomas – SIGNOS: Aumentro en la presión del compartimiento anterior: Causa deportiva: Golpe directo sobre el compartimiento anterior de la tibia Causa patofisiológica: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Hemorragia interna: En el:: - Compartimiento anterior de la pierna

47 Signos y Síntomas – SÍNTOMAS:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Signos y Síntomas – SÍNTOMAS: Dolor y molestias Área sensible al tacto Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

48 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Tratamiento Hielo Compresas de hielo aplicadas localmente Compresión Elevación Reposo Entablillar en caso de fractura Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Proteger o alcochonar la tibia: Jugadores de balonpie: Usar protrectores de espinillas (“shin guards”) Material Sólido para amortiguar Dona

49 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Tratamiento Vendaje invertido del tobillo Fármacos antiinflamatorios (e.g., aspirina) Ejercicios de fortalecimiento Modificaciones del entrenamiento: Corredores pedestres de larga distancia: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Mejorar/corregir la mecánica de carrera Correr en superficies blandas (e.g., hierba) Evitar corre en rutas con curvas cerradas Uso de plantillas para corregir la caída del pie y talón

50 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Espinillas (Tibia Anterior) Medidas Preventivas El uso de protectores amortiguadores sobre la espinilla Correr con zapatillas bien alcochadas Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Evitar correr en carreteras curvadas

51 Concepto/Descripción
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Concepto/Descripción Magulladura del tejido integumentario y estructuras subyacentes, particularmente el muscular Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

52 Concepto/Descripción afectando se especialmente el tejido muscular
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Concepto/Descripción Golpes que recibe la pierna inferior en la región posterior, afectando se especialmente el tejido muscular Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

53 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Causas: Golpe directo: El músculo afectado se comprime contra el hueso subyacente: Ejemplos: Patada (e.g., balonpie) Caída Colisión contra un objeto duro estático u otra persona (impacto en deportes de contacto) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Bolazo (e.g., béisbol) Factores de riesgo: Tipo de superficie (e.g., cemento, irregular, muy blanda) Fortaleza muscular desequilibrada

54 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Efectos Patológicos Desgarre de vasos sanguíneos Hemorragia interna Coágulo sanguíneo Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Aplastamiento de tejido muscular Neuritis de los nervios peroneales (en contuciones del nervio peroneal)

55 Signos y Síntomas – INMEDIÁTO:
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Signos y Síntomas – INMEDIÁTO: Dolor Hinchazón/inflamación Debilidad Disfunción Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Pérdida pasajera de la función muscular Lugar del trauma sensible al tacto Hematoma: Debido a la equimosis o hemorragia interna

56 Signos y Síntomas – DESPUÉS (o Lesión Severa):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Signos y Síntomas – DESPUÉS (o Lesión Severa): Los síntomas iniciales se agudizan Espasmos musculares: El músculo se “trinca” Incompleta contracción muscular Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Formación de un “nudo”

57 Signos y Síntomas – DESPUÉS (o Lesión Severa):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Signos y Síntomas – DESPUÉS (o Lesión Severa): Restricción en el arco de movimiento: Incapacidad parcial para utilizar la extremidad Regíón dura, rígida e inflexible: Debido a la hemorragia y espasmo Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Neuritis y/o parálisis temporera de los peroneales, con una caída del pie: Esto ocurre en aquellos casos donde el nervio peroneal sufre una contusión

58 Tratamiento - FASE AGUDA (Inmediáta):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Tratamiento - FASE AGUDA (Inmediáta): Compresión: Durante una (1) hora, aplicar un vendaje compresivo (de presión) enjuagado en agua fría (e.g., una venda elástica para disminuir la hemorragia local) alrededor de la lesión Esto ayudará a controlar la hemorragia interna Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

59 Tratamiento - FASE AGUDA (Inmediáta):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Tratamiento - FASE AGUDA (Inmediáta): Hielo: Aplicar una compresa de hielo directamente sobre el vendaje en la zona de la contusión: Durante 45 – 60 minutos 20 minutos sin aplicar hielo Si hay hematoma, aplicar las comopresas frías de 6 a 8 horas Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Re-evaluar la gravedad de la lesión Elevación Descanso

60 Tratamiento - FASE AGUDA (Inmediáta):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Tratamiento - FASE AGUDA (Inmediáta): Medicamentos: Analgésicos Anti-inflamatorios Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

61 Tratamiento - FASE SUBAGUDA (Seguimiento):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Tratamiento - FASE SUBAGUDA (Seguimiento): Hielo - Crioterapia: 30 – 60 minutos 1 ó 2 veces al día Terapia física: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Terapia termal profunda Baño torbellino (“Whilpool”) Masaje

62 Tratamiento - FASE SUBAGUDA (Seguimiento):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Tratamiento - FASE SUBAGUDA (Seguimiento): Ejercicios terapéuticos: Contraccioines isométricas del músculo afectado Coloca el músculo en una posición de estiramiento para evitar espasmo muscular Vendaje protectivo Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Ortóticos: Cinta o envoltura de apoyo a fin de establizar la extremidad o región anatómica afectada y permitir que el atleta participe en su deporte sin que empeore su lesión

63 Tratamiento - FASE SUBAGUDA (Seguimiento):
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) Tratamiento - FASE SUBAGUDA (Seguimiento): Cuidado médico Aspiración de la hematoma (de ser necesario) Reparación quirúrgica de un músculo herniado Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

64 Concepto/Descripción
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Concepto/Descripción Infiltración/extravación de sangre hacia el tejido muscular como resultado de la ruptura capilar Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

65 Tipos/Clasificación PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tipos/Clasificación Hematoma INTERmuscular Hematoma INTRAmuscular Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

66 Tipos/Clasificación PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas INTERmuscular:
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tipos/Clasificación INTERmuscular: Descripión/Concepto: La hematoma intermuscular representa aquella hemorragia confinada fuera del tejido muscular, i.e., en la fascia del músculo esquelético Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. La sangre del hematoma se desplaza por la fascia intermuscular: Resultado/manifestación patológica: Cardenal

67 Tipos/Clasificación PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas INTERmuscular:
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tipos/Clasificación INTERmuscular: Signos y síntomas: Dolor Inflamación Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Pérdida de: Potencia muscular Movimiento Aparecen cardenales en sitios remotos de la lesión

68 Tipos/Clasificación PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas INTRAmuscular:
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tipos/Clasificación INTRAmuscular: Descripión/concepto: La hematoma intramuscular se caracteriza por una hemorragia que reside dentro del tejido muscular Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. La hemorragia es producida dentro del músculo: El hematoma dentro del músculo no puede extenderse, por lo que: Se absorbe lentamente

69 Tipos/Clasificación PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas INTRAmuscular:
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tipos/Clasificación INTRAmuscular: Signos y síntomas: Después de 48 – 72 horas los signos y síntomas ceden: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Dolor considerable Inflamación considerable Pérdida de movimiento considerable Un bulto doloroso (hematoma) puede palparse en el músculo)

70 Causas PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas Golpe local:
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Causas Golpe local: Choque con objeto Caída Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

71 Tratamiento Fase AGUDA: PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tratamiento Fase AGUDA: Hielo, Compresión, Elevación y Reposo: Aplicar hielo de media a dos horas mientras aumenta la inflamación Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Mantener el vendaje compresivo, el reposo y la elevación de la extremidad durante 46 – 72 horas Detener la actividad física

72 Tratamiento Fase SUB-AGUDA: PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
HEMATOMA/CARDENAL: Muscular Tratamiento Fase SUB-AGUDA: 3 - 4 días luego de la lesión inicial: Aplicar calor húmedo local: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Objetivo/propósito: Para acelerar la absorción del coágulo Ejercicios de estiramiento estáticos y pasivos

73 Concepto/Descripción
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Concepto/Descripción Dolor y molestias en la pierna debido a un alto millaje y repetitivo de carrera sobre superficies duras o a un uso excesivo y esforzado de los flexores del pie Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

74 Concepto/Descripción
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Concepto/Descripción Término general aplicado a una variedad de condiciones que afecta las espinillas de la pierna, en la cual se experimenta dolor y molestias Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Generalmente, el dolor percibido por las personas que practican baile aeróbico se encuentra localizado a lo largo del borde medial y posterior de la tibia

75 Concepto/Descripción
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Concepto/Descripción La diagnosis para los problemas en las espinillas debe estar limitada a inflamaciones musculo-tendinosas, excluyendo la fractura de fatiga o disturbios isquémicos Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

76 Niveles/Grados de Dolor Percibido
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Niveles/Grados de Dolor Percibido Primer Grado: Ocurre luego de la actividad atlética Segundo Grado: Ocurre antes y después de la actividad, sin que se afecte la ejecución del ejercicio Tercer Grado: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Ocurre antes y después de la actividad atlética y afecta dicho desepeño Cuarto Grado: El dolor es muy intenso y el deportista no puede participar en sus competencias o entrenamiento

77 Internas/Patológicas
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Internas/Patológicas Inflamación del tejido blando (periostitis, miositis, aponeuritis o tendinitis) Afección de la membrana interósea Síndrome de compartimiento (particularmente el profundo posterior) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Desgarre parcial del aponeurosis (fascia) en el músculo: Gastronemio (pantorrilla, “batata”) o del Tibial posterior

78 Internas/Patológicas
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Internas/Patológicas Fractura de fatiga (estrés) Lesión en la región anterior de la pierna Desbalance en la proporción de la fortaleza muscular entre los músculos del aspecto anterior versus los músculos del aspecto posterior Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Descoordinación entre los músculos anteriores y posteriores de la pierna Herniaciones musculares y fasciales Desgarros musculares

79 Internas/Patológicas
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Internas/Patológicas Irritación del nervio peroneal Debilidad y fatiga muscular (fatiga general luego de una temporada agotadora) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Poca flexibilidad Utilización muscular diferente (emplear el mismo músculo esquelético en forma variada) Desequilibrio químico Pobre condición o aptitud física

80 Internas/Patológicas
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Internas/Patológicas Dolor: Dolor en la parte trtasera de la pierna Cualquier dolor en la pierna inferior Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Desequilibrio en el pie

81 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Externas Correr a toda velocidad cuestas elevadas con paradas súbitas Correr sobre terrenos irregulares (puede también causar traumas en el tobillo y músculo) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Ejercitarse sobre superficies duras Cambiar a superficies no acostumbradas (e. g., de una blanda o un rígida o viceversa)

82 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Externas Constante batimiento contra el suelo ”Sobre-uso” (alta frecuencia de las sesiones por semana) Calzado inapropiado (e.g., muy estrecho, muy alto, entre otros) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Pobre mecánica de trotar o correr: Supinación o pronación del pie al correr El corredor alarga el paso (bajando cuestas)

83 Malalineamientos Anatómicos
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Malalineamientos Anatómicos Los malalineamientos antómicos incluyen cualquier tipo de problema estructural, tales como los siguientes: Pronación excesiva del pie Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Supinación anormal del pie Pies planos (colapso o caída del arco) Pies cóncavo (“pie cavus” - arco alto)

84 Malalineamientos Anatómicos
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Malalineamientos Anatómicos Una pierna más corta que la otra Problemas en la postura del cuerpo: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Obesidad/sobrepeso Hombros caídos Lordosis

85 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Posibles - CAUSAS Teoría Progresiva Existe una teoría que explica la etiología de los problemas en las espinillas. Esta teoría se fundamenta en un deterioro progresivo y lesiones, según como se describe a continuación: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Desgarres musculares Problemas em la membrana interósea Periostitis (inflamación del periostio) Fractura de fatiga o estrés

86 Inflamación del Tejido Blando
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Efecto/Patología Inflamación del Tejido Blando Periostitis: Reacción inflamatoria de la membrana que reviste la superficie externa del hueso (periostio) Miositis: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Inflamación de los músculos del compartimiento profundo posterior de la pierna Aponeuritis: Inflamación de la aponeurosis (delgadas vainas conectivas que aíslan cada músculo) que rodea a los músculos del compartimiento profundo posterior de la pierna

87 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Signos y Síntomas Dolor o irritación en la espinilla Irritación en la región de la espinilla Hinchazón localizada: Tendón: Del musculo tibial posterior Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Músculo: Flexor largo de los dedos del pie Rigidez muscular Área sensible al tacto

88 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Manejo del Entrenador Recopilar información concerniente a porqué el atleta ha adquirido un problema en las espinillas: Ejemplos: La razón para cambiar de campos de terreno de superficies duras a suelos deportivos menos sólidos y traumáticos Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Si se observa una fatiga general luego de una temporada agotadora Examinar al atleta por posible debilidad en las estructuras del cuerpo (e.g., muscular, articular, entre otras)

89 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Agudo (Inmediáto) Hielo: Aplicación de hielo durante 10 minutos o hasta que ocurra eritema (enrojecimiento de la piel debido a vasodilatación de los vasos capilares cutáneos y, más exactamente, de las arteriolas y del cause de la microcirculación) antes y después de la actividad deportiva Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Compresión: Envuelva el área de la espinilla con una venda elástica para limitar la hinchazón

90 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Agudo (Inmediáto) Elevación: Eleve la pierna por encima del nivel de la cadera Reposo: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Sustituya la actividad o el entrenamiento por otras actividades (e.g., cardiorespiratorias) en las cuales no se soporta la masa corporal (peso) del cuerpo sobre las extremidades inferiores (e.g., natación, correr bisicleta, entre otras)

91 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Vendajes protectivos: Vendaje adhesivo de la espinilla: Trabajan con el efecto y no la causa Vendaje elástico con almohadilla o relleno alrededor de la pierna Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Esto puede incluir un vendaje elástico alrederor de la pantorrilla, con acojinamiento sobre los músculos involucrados Vendaje de compresión Vendaje de soporte en el arco (en los casos de colapso del arco en los pies)

92 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Ortosis/ortóticos: Arcos (plantillas) de soporte longitudinal (para el colapso del arco longitudinal) Almohadilla de sostén para el arco metatarsiano (colapso del arco metatarsiano) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Plantilla especiales para corregir la pronación del pie (si aplica) Almohadilla para levantar el talón (de ser necesario)

93 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Fisioterapia/Rehabilitación: Calor: Calor empleando compresas de agua caliente Calor contínuo en la forma de: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Hidroterapia caliente (baño torbellino – “whirpool”) Electroterapia (ultrasonido) Masaje Bálsamos analgésicos

94 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Fármacos: Analgésicos: Salicitatos: Descripción: Sales o los esteres del ácido sacílico, e.g., ácido acetilsalicílico, que constituye la apirina, la cual produce una acción analgésica prolongada Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Propósito: Para aliviar el dolor Indicación: Antes y después de ;a práctica atlética

95 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Antiinflamatorios ( 8 por día es seguro) Propósito: Para redicir la hinchazón Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

96 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Ejercicios terapéuticos/rehabilitación: Ejercicios de fortalecimiento muscular (con resistencias o pesas): Ejercicios progresivos con resistencias (moderados) para mejorar el tono musular, (particularmente los flexores del pie) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Fortalecimiento de el músculo gastronemio y los músculos anteriores de la piena inferior: Esto puede desarrollar dolor en la tracción muscular durante la dorsiflexión

97 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Ejercicios terapéuticos/rehabilitación: Ejercicios de estiramiento: Ejercicios graduales de estiramiento de los músculos anteriores y posteriores de la pierna, particularmente la pantorrilla, tendón del talón (Aquiles) y los músculos de la corva o posterior al musculo (“hamstrings”) Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Movimiento de la coyuntura sin dolor

98 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Ejercicios terapéuticos/rehabilitación: Ejercicios de estiramiento: Estiramiento del tendón del talón o de Aquiles (sin dolor): Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Lagartijas (“pushups”) del talón contra la pared (estiramiento del talón de Aquiles): Sostén el estiramiento de 1 a 2 minutos a fin de estirar el gastronemio Tablón inclinado (sin dolor)

99 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Ejercicios terapéuticos/rehabilitación: Ejercicios de tolerancia cardiorespiratoria: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Mejoramiento gradual de la: Torerancia aeróbica en aquellos deportes que involucran carreras pedestres o brincos

100 Subagudo (Seguimiento)
PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas PROBLEMAS EN LAS ESPINILLAS: ”Shin Splints” Tratamiento Subagudo (Seguimiento) Enfoque holístico: Acumpuntura: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Suplementos de vitaminas y calcio (no existe evidencia científica que que apoye esta terapia)

101 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
FRACTURAS: Tratamiento Férula de Tracción Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

102 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
FRACTURAS: Tratamiento Férula de “Sager” Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

103 PIERNA INFERIOR: Lesiones Atléticas
FRACTURAS: Tratamiento Usando Muletas - Yeso Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

104 Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

105 PLACA EPIFISARIA Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

107 Durante la: Flexión Plantar
TRAUMAS EN EL TOBILLO TENDÓN DE AQUILES: Desgarre – Síntoma: Durante la: Flexión Plantar Dolor agudo Extrema debilidad Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

108 Tratamiento Inmediáto: AGUDO
TRAUMAS EN EL TOBILLO TENDÓN DE AQUILES: Desgarre Tratamiento Inmediáto: AGUDO Hielo: Aplicación de compresas frías Compresión: Aplicar presión con una venda elástica sumergida previamente en agua fría Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Elevación Reposo

TENDÓN DE AQUILES: Desgarre – Leve Lesión: Tratamiento: AGUDO Hielo, Compresión, elevación y descanso: Durante un periodo prolongado de tiempo Luego de que se detiene la hemorragia Aplicar con poca presión una venda elástica para seguir con la compresión Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

110 Primer Grado (Tipo 1) – LEVE:
TRAUMAS EN EL TOBILLO TENDÓN DE AQUILES: Desgarre – Clasificación: Primer Grado (Tipo 1) – LEVE: Tratamiento: Hielo Vendaje protectivo (“strapping”) – Propósito: Prevenir la flexión dorsal execsiva Calzo en el talón Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

111 TRAUMAS EN EL TOBILLO Tratamiento: CRÓNICO Hielo – Crioterapia:
TENDÓN DE AQUILES: Desgarre – Rehabilitación: Tratamiento: CRÓNICO Hielo – Crioterapia: Masaje con hielo Modalidades terapéuticas: Hidroterapia (calor o baños de contraste), etc. Ejercicios terapéuticos: Aquellos que promueven el arco de movimiento: Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. Estiramiento del gastronemio y sóleo Encuclillados parciales (“half squat”) Aquellos que promueven la fortaleza muscular: Levantamiento de la punta de los pies (“toe rises”) Trotar Ciclismo

TENDÓN DE AQUILES: Desgarre – Rehabilitación: Tratamiento: CRÓNICO Levantamiento del talón (“Heel lift”): Elevar ambos talones, aún cuando solo un pie se lesione: Colocar una almoadilla de esponja o fieltro en el talón del calzado cotidiano Vendaje de apoyo Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

113 TRAUMAS EN EL TOBILLO Aumentar el arco de movimiento
REHABILITACIÓN: Objetivos Aumentar el arco de movimiento Aumentar la fortaleza muscular Mejorar las aptitud física general del atleta lesionado Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc.

TRATAMIENTOS - Tornillos: Reparación Start by articulating a clear vision of what your organization should be. Present the vision clearly, and explain why it is important for your organization to achieve this vision. Include a picture of the leadership skills this vision will require. For example, global thinking, strategic partnering, etc. NOTA: De: (1997) Super Anatomy. Cleveland, OH: LifeART – TechPool Studios, Inc.


116 Prueba de Competencias Profesionales:
Prueba de Conocimientos Fundamentales y Competencias de la Comunicación Prueba de Competencias Profesionales: Nivel Elemental CONTUSIONES: Muscular (Gastronemio) – Pierna Posterior


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