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El abrecerebros El 6 de enero, 2015

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Presentación del tema: "El abrecerebros El 6 de enero, 2015"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El abrecerebros El 6 de enero, 2015
Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions). Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad, birthplace, cumpleaños, precio (price), o location. Go to the PPT slide with that bloque’s animales for a few quick questions/answers about los animales.

2 Repaso de ayer Los animales # idiomas en el mundo
Culturas de Kentucky y Los Latinos Cultura en Kentucky en 150 años $ Pyramid juego

3 ASK ?s de estos animales:
Hammerhead shark – tiburón martillo Crab – cangrejo (m) Sea turtle – tortuga marina Pufferfish – pez globo Animales de 2do bloque Flounder – platija bloque Oyster – ostra seal – foca (f) Sea lion – león marino seahorse – caballito de mar (m) Lobster – langosta squid – calamar (m) Manatee – manatí Dolphin – delfín (m) Bullshark – tiburón toro whale – ballena (f) Tiger shark – tiburón tigre stingray – raya con púa / manta raya (f) Angel fish – pez angel beluga whale – ballena beluga (f) Blue whale – ballena azul jellyfish – medusa (f) Shrimp – camarón Shark – tiburón (m) Eel – anguila Starfish – estrella de mar (f) Swordfish – pez espada (f) Octopus – pulpo (m) Barnacle – balano (m) Great White Shark – gran tiburón blanco

4 ASK ?s de estos animales:
Panther – pantera Toucan – tucán Centipede – ciempiés Animales de 3er bloque Peacock – pavo real Cheetah – guepardo Deer – venado Tiger – tigre Moose – alce Parrot – papagayo Leopard – leopardo Bird – pájaro Polar bear – oso polar Snake – culebra/serpiente Grizzly bear – oso grizzly Monkey – mono Meerkat – suricata Flamingo – flamenco Baboon – babuino Rabbit – conejo Groundhog – marmota Anteater – oso hormiguero Hedgehog – erizo Gorilla – gorila Beetle - escarabajo Koala – oso koala Eagle – águila Hamster – hámster Red wolf – lobo rojo

5 ASK ?s de estos animales:
Wasp – avispa Grasshopper – saltamontes Mosquito – zancudo Flea – pulga Animales de 4to bloque Butterfly – mariposa Millipede – milpiés Centipede – ciempiés Hornet – avispón Brown recluse – araña violín Fire ant – hormiga brava Wolf spider – araña licosa Black widow – viuda negra Dragonfly – libélula Termite – termita Roly poly – rollizo Tarantula – tarantula Stinkbug – insecto apestoso Gnat – jején Mite - ácaro Moth – mariposa nocturna Slug – babosa Firefly – luciérnaga Horsefly –tábano Caterpillar – oruga Worm – gusano Garden spider – araña de jardín Praying mantis – mantis religiosa Locust – langosta/chapulín Bedbug – chinche Ladybug – mariquita Tick – palomita

6 El objetivo de hoy Repaso del Syllabus y Reglas de la clase
Pensamiento (a thought): Are rules helpful in the real world?

7 Syllabus Review Binder Requirements Tentative Weekly Outline

8 GET SYLLABUS SIGNED! Get your syllabus signed ASAP!
What are some things you all can do to remember to get stuff signed? REWARD IF SIGNED BEFORE DEADLINE?

9 Syllabus Review Complete #1-11 on the Handout using your Syllabus!

10 Other Reglas Bathroom Breaks
#12.) You will have three bathroom breaks throughout the course of the semester – USE THEM WISELY! Do NOT ask to use the bathroom after having using the entire break to chat with tus amigos! Forgetting your binder, etc. will count as a bathroom break. #13.) Unused bathroom breaks will count as five points EACH on the Midterm/Final. The date of your bathroom break will be written beside your name on a roster sheet.

11 Other Reglas Tardiness 14.) Must be in class when the bell rings
Must have note from another teacher or Mr. Blanton needs to receive a call if you are late due to their class. Here is the order of disciplinary actions: Warning 15.) 30 min. detention 45 min. detention 60 min. detention Etc.

12 Other Reglas Disruptions and Excessive Chatter
16.) Señor Blanton is a fan of talking at APPROPRIATE TIMES There is a time for speaking and a time for silence. There is also a way to speak to a neighbor in a non- disruptive manner. 17.) TALKING IS ENCOURAGED WHEN DOING GROUP WORK AND PRACTICING THE LANGUAGE.

13 Other Reglas Class Participation & Daily Work 18.) HARD WORK PAYS OFF
When you all participate and work hard during class, it makes me want to reward you more often with “fun” activities. 19.) 15% of your grade AND it will make you do better on homework, quizzes, and tests. 20.) You will receive a grade EVERY DAY. 21.) It is 5 pts.

14 Symbols used to grade daily work
22.) A Absent/Not In Class T Tardy L Left Class Participated & Completed Class Work for the Day -1,-2,-3,-4 Did not Participate &/Or Did not Complete Class Work for the day * Excessive Talking/Disruptions D Disrespect &/Or Other Inappropriate Classroom Acts # Cell phone &/Or Electronic Device Without Permission Z Sleeping

15 Other Reglas Other Miscellaneous Reglas 23.)
You cannot leave class early. Don’t ask to leave class for another class, library, etc. unless you have a note. (LEAVING CLASS WILL COUNT AS A BATHROOM BREAK!)

16 24. ) Do not ask me, “did we do anything yesterday
24.) Do not ask me, “did we do anything yesterday?” Of course we did something. Go to the Class Website, ask a companion, or look at the side table to know what you missed. ***: If we do activities in class you are responsible for them (in spite of Band, Field Trips, Chorus, Sports, etc.) ~Create your own example ***: Makeup Work/Late Work should be turned into the box on the left side of la clase. IT IS A ZERO UNLESS YOU HAVE AN EXCUSED ABSENCE OR LEGITIMATE EXCUSE FOR ITS LATENESS.

17 Other Reglas 25.) Use the final five minutes of class to handle grades, homework, or other questions. 26.) Graded work will be in the blue chairs, in the chair with your block!

18 Other Reglas Other Miscellaneous Reglas
27.) PENCILS: If you do not bring a pencil to class, an angel loses its wings. Bring a writing utensil to class, I do not have a tree farm and neither does BCHS. If you don’t have one, ask someone or REMEMBER TO BRING ONE. 28.) You must be INSIDE the classroom when the bell rings. 29.) Señor Blanton cannot give you a grade if he doesn’t know who did the work. 30.) WRITE YOUR NAME ON EVERYTHING

19 Más If you miss a day, what are your responsibilities?

20 1 Acted Out Problema de Profesor+Estudiante(s)
Escenarios Pretend eres profesor(a) en B.C.H.S. en What are some problems you may experience as un(a) profesor(a), y how will you fix those problemas? 1 Acted Out Problema de Profesor+Estudiante(s) O Make a list of 3 SPECIFIC things you must personally do to be a successful student in Español 3 (based on what we just discussed).

21 Smart Phones, e.g. Iphones
Beneficios, Desventajes…

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