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CAPÍTULO 5A Y 5B The Perfect Tenses, Adjetivos Apocopados, and -ísimo.

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Presentación del tema: "CAPÍTULO 5A Y 5B The Perfect Tenses, Adjetivos Apocopados, and -ísimo."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 CAPÍTULO 5A Y 5B The Perfect Tenses, Adjetivos Apocopados, and -ísimo

2 Which of the perfect tenses should be used? I have attended the meeting every month.

3 Respuesta: I have attended the meeting every month. Present Perfect

4 Which of the perfect tenses should be used? They would have called you, but they were working.

5 Respuesta: They would have called you, but they were working. Conditional Perfect

6 Which of the perfect tenses should be used? If you had told me before now, I could have helped.

7 Respuesta: If you had told me before now, I could have helped. Pluperfect

8 Which of the perfect tenses should be used? Felicia will have eaten by the time you arrive.

9 Respuesta: Felicia will have eaten by the time you arrive. Future Perfect

10 Which form of the adjective should be used? Yo quiero visitar la ciudad de ____________ Domingo. San, Santo, Santa, Santos, Santas

11 Respuesta: Yo quiero visitar la ciudad de Santo Domingo. Rule/La Regla: Before names beginning in –to or –do, always use Santo.

12 ¿Buen, Bueno, Buena, Buenos, Buenas? María es una ___________ amiga.

13 ¿Buen, Bueno, Buena, Buenos, Buenas? María es una ___________ amiga. buena

14 ¿Gran, Grande, Grandes? Ellos tienen dos perros ______________. Ellos tienen dos perros grandes.

15 ¿Gran, Grande, Grandes? Mi tía era una mujer muy inteligente y simpática. Era una gran mujer. gran

16 ¿-Isimo, ísima, ísimos, ísimas? Ese perro es ____________. (feo) feísimo Los exámenes de química eran __________. (difícil) dificilísimos Reglas/Rules: If the adjective ends in a vowel, remove the last vowel, and then add –ísimo. If the adjective ends in a consonant, simply add – ísimo.

17 Repaso para el examen -Know how to form ALL perfect tenses. Know the key phrases (how they translate) so that when you see an English sentence, you know which tense to use. Know how to apply the rules for adjectives that are shortened. There are a couple that werent mentioned on the power point (cien, for example.) Know how to form and use the suffix -ísimo. ***Im not going to put much vocab., if any, on the test. Happy Studying!

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