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L/O/G/O Elaborado por: Ing Edson Rodriguez Ingles o Idioma Extranjero I

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Presentación del tema: "L/O/G/O Elaborado por: Ing Edson Rodriguez Ingles o Idioma Extranjero I"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 L/O/G/O Elaborado por: Ing Edson Rodriguez Ingles o Idioma Extranjero I

2 Contenidos Adjectives, adverbs, nounsAdjectives Verbos Auxiliares –Be –Do –Have Articles Signos de puntuacion

3 Diagnostico Elige la forma correcta del verbo auxiliar –We ____ done it yet don't didn't hasn't haven't

4 ____ you going this evening? –Are –Have –Do ____ you see them yesterday? –Do –Did –Have –Has

5 Encuentre verbos y demas A theodolite is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes. Theodolites are mainly used for surveying applications, and have been adapted for specialized purposes in fields like meteorology and rocket launch technology. A modern theodolite consists of a movable telescope mounted within two perpendicular axes the horizontal, and the vertical axisangles surveying meteorologyrocket launch technology

6 Verbos auxiliares TO HAVE: Se usa para la formación de los tiempos compuestos de pasado. TO BE: Se usa para la forma progresiva o contínua y la voz pasiva: I am eating apples, estoy comiendo manzanas; Hamlet was written by Shakespeare, Hamlet fue escrito por Shakespeare. DO - DID: Son auxiliares para las formas interrogativas y negativas de Presente Simple y Pasado Simple.

7 Articles Indefinite –A/An (un o uno) Definite –The (el, la, los, las)

8 Definite Article Articles in English are invariable. That is, they do not change according to the gender or number of the noun they refer to, e.g. the boy, the woman, the children 1. to refer to something which has already been mentioned. An elephant and a mouse fell in love

9 . with names of geographical areas and oceans with decades, or groups of years: to refer to objects we regard as unique before superlatives and ordinal numbers

10 . in sentences or clauses where we define or identify a particular person or object: –The man who wrote this book is famous. 'Which car did you scratch?' 'The red one. My house is the one with a blue door.'

11 Indefinite article A, an some A pencil An Eraser

12 Signos de Puntuacion Home work –Period –Comma –Question mark –Hyphen –Colon semicolon –Exclamation mark –Slash –Brackets –Etc..


14 L/O/G/O Thank You!

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