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Please retake sections of test that have low scores.

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Presentación del tema: "Please retake sections of test that have low scores."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Please retake sections of test that have low scores.
Look up your grades. Look at which section you scored below 85%. Come in before school, mustang room time or after school. Must be completed before Dec 13.

2 ALC 35 Hoy es jueves el 5 de diciembre.
Identifica los quehaceres. B D C E EE F

3 Respuesta para la ALC 35 Hoy es jueves el 5 de diciembre.
Cortar el césped (pasto, zecate, yerba). Pasar la aspiradora Hacer la cama Sacar la basura Lavar los platos (trastes) Poner la mesa

4 Hoy es jueves el 5 de diciembre.
Content objective What I will do. I will be able to write commands in Spanish Language objective How I will do it. I will take Cornell notes on familiar and formal commands in Spanish. I will create a list of chores that need to be done and assign them. I will read a short story out loud and answer comprehension questions.

5 ALC turn in Each square that is completed = 10 points.
Partially finished (50%) = 5 for the square. Not completed or less than 50 % completed = 0 pts. Stamp is = to 1 EC point. Please add up the points and write your score in the first square of your ALC. Turn your ALC in to the table and in order as you move to sit with your barrer partner. Start the bienvenida quickly.

6 La bienvenida Hoy es jueves el 5 de diciembre.
Pasen con su compañero de barrer . Usen las tarjetas de memoria para la bienvenida. ¿Cómo se dice to sweep en Spanish? Escribe el tiempo en el cuadro barrer y márcalo con un marcador.

7 Presentación de la Bienvenida Hoy es jueves el 5 de diciembre.
Audience expectations: Watch presenters. Do not talk. Do not fidget. Applaud after presentation. Presenter expectations. Speak loudly. Answer the questions in a full sentence. Speak clearly. ¿Cómo se dice to sweep en español?

8 Cornell notes Topic: mandatos
EQ How do you write a command in Spanish?

9 Chunk 1 A command is an order to do something.

10 Write three things you are told to do at home
Write three things you are told to do at home. Write them as they are said to you.

11 Write three things you are told to do at school
Write three things you are told to do at school. Write them as they are said to you.

12 30 second discussion. How can you make a command sound less harsh and get a better response when something needs to be done?

13 Spanish commands. Lavar los trates ¡Lava los trastes!
Por favor, ¡lava los trastes! ¡Lava los trastes! por favor.

14 Spanish commands. Lavar los trates ¡Lava los trastes!
Por favor, ¡lava los trastes! ¡Lava los trastes! por favor. What happened to the verb Lavar when it went from the infinitive form to the familiar command form? (this would be tú)

15 Write the following as familiar commands.
Lavar los platos Cocinar la cena Pasar la aspiradora en el dormitorio Barrer el suelo/piso

16 Spanish commands. Lavar los trates ¡Lave los trastes!
Por favor, ¡lave los trastes! ¡Lave los trastes! por favor.

17 Spanish commands. Lavar los trates ¡Lave los trastes!
Por favor, ¡lave los trastes! ¡Lave los trastes! por favor. What happened to the verb Lavar when it went from the infinitive form to the formal command form? (this would be usted)

18 Write the following as formal commands.
Lavar los platos Cocinar la cena Pasar la aspiradora en el dormitorio Barrer el suelo/piso

19 La asignación Necesitan una hoja de papel.

20 Saquen una hoja de papel y escribe la información abajo.
# nombre/apellido jueves el 5 de diciembre español pd. Los mandatos

21 Chore assignments. You have been asked to assign 7 chores that need to be done right away to members of your family. Do so in a polite way.

22 Partner clock turn in. Please highlight the English translations on your partner clock. Entrega el reloj de compañero en orden a la mesa. Vas a pasar con su compañero de sacudir. Al estar con su compañero, escoge uno para pasar por la ventana para recoger la lectura. Asignan las personajes y lean el cuento en voz alta con su compañero.

23 Por favor, respondan a las preguntas en el papel.

24 Answer your 8 questions in complete sentences.
Hay #

25 Entregar la asignación
Escribe un total de 20 puntos en el papel arriba del titulo, por favor.

26 El adorno You will be creating an ornament today.
You will need a green paper. Trace your hand. Get scissors from the box in the back of the room and cut the hand out. Return the scissors to the box. Hay que crear un adorno hoy. Necesitas una hoja verde. Hay que trazar la mano. Recoge tijeras de la caja y recorte la mano. Devuelve las tijeras a la caja.

27 Place the hand as shown. Draw and color an ornament in the palm. Pon la mano como está demonstrado. Dibuja y colorea un adorno en la palma.

28 When you finish, roll each finger around a pencil.
Write your name and number on the back. Turn the adorno into the table. Al terminar, envuelve los dedos alrededor de un lápiz. Escribe el nombre y número atrás. Entrega el adorno a la mesa.

29 Clean, caring and cooperative.
Clean up any paper off the floor and throw it away. Use the spray bottle and rags on the table to clean the desks. Carefully organize the desks. One block/square between each desk. Thank you for cooperating.

30 Clean, caring and cooperative.
Clean up any paper off the floor and throw it away. Use the spray bottle and rags on the table to clean the desks. Carefully put up the desks and chairs. Move the desks 5 squares from the walls. When the sweeper is done carefully move the desks back against the wall. Thank you for being cooperative.

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