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November 18th & 19th (SPAN 2) Ducharse – to take a shower

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Presentación del tema: "November 18th & 19th (SPAN 2) Ducharse – to take a shower"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 November 18th & 19th (SPAN 2) Ducharse – to take a shower
Bell ringer: Verb of the day: Ducharse – to take a shower On the top of the index card, write today’s date. Then write today’s verb and draw a picture to help you remember the meaning of the verb. On the back side of the same index card, write the meaning of the verb in English. Write a sentence in Spanish saying….. “I take a shower in the morning/at night.”

2 Padre Nuestro En el nombre del padre, el hijo, y el Espíritu Santo, Amen. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amen.

3 QUIZ TIME: Vocab. Quiz # 7: Ch. 7 Sections 4 & 6
Take out a sheet of paper and number from 1 to 10. Don’t forget to write your heading! Flip your paper over when you finish and then SIT QUIETLY! You can put your head down on your desk, draw a picture, or write me a note while you wait for your classmates to finish testing! 

4 Ch. 7 Goals “La rutina diaria”
Learn vocabulary to talk about daily routines and personal hygiene Describe daily routines using reflexive verbs and adverbs of time (before, after, then, later, etc.) Use positive and negative expressions (always/ never, someone / no one, etc.) Using the words pero & sino in context The conjugations of the verbs SER & IR in the past tense preterite Using verbs like gustar (fascinar, encantar, etc.)

5 LAVAR – to wash Before we talk about a special group of verbs known as reflexives, let’s start out by using the verb LAVAR. What are some things that you wash? Yo lavo mi ropa. Yo lavo las ventanas. Yo lavo el automóvil.

6 LAVARSE – to wash So, what’s the difference between the verbs: LAVAR & LAVARSE? I wash things that are NOT part of me, that is, not attached to my body. (Example: my clothes, the car, etc.) I also wash things that ARE attached to my body – hands, face, hair (unless you wear a wig!). Examples: Me lavo la cara. Me lavo las manos. Me lavo el pelo.

7 And your point is?... There are two ways to talk about washing in Spanish: LAVAR = to wash (something else) LAVARSE = to wash oneself (part of one’s own body). If you are washing something that is attached to your body, you have to add the word “me.” (Example: Me lavo el pelo.) This is called using a reflexive verb – to show that the subject of the sentence both performs AND receives the action of the verb. Thus, the action is “reflected” back to the subject.

8 How do you conjugate a reflexive verb?
STEP 1: Conjugate the verb like a regular –AR, -ER, or –IR verb in the tense that you need (present, past, etc.). STEP 2: Then, use a reflexive pronoun to show who is doing the action to themselves! (NOTE: The reflexive pronoun is usually placed before the conjugated verb, but it can also stay attached to the infinitive or to the present participle (-ando/-iendo). What are the reflexive pronouns? Yo = Me Nosotros/ Nosotras = Nos Tú = Te x Él, Ella, Usted = Se Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes = Se

9 Reflexive versus Non-reflexive
Rapunzel brushes her hair. She is brushing her own hair, so it is a reflexive action! VERSUS Jane brushes her daughter’s hair. She is NOT brushing her own hair. She is brushing her daughter’s hair, so it is NOT a reflexive action!

10 *NOTE: Parts of the body & clothing items are generally
NOT referred to with possessives (my, your, his/her, etc). Instead, use a definite article because the reflexive pronoun already tells us whose part of the body or clothing it is! Examples: *Don’t say: La niña se quitó sus zapatos. Instead say: La niña se quitó los zapatos. *Don’t say: Yo necesito cepillarme mis dientes. Instead say: Yo necesito cepillarme los dientes.

11 Let’s conjugate a reflexive verb together in the present tense!
PONERSE (-go) = to put on an article of clothing Yo ____ _______ el abrigo. Tú ____ _______ el abrigo. Él ____ _______ el abrigo. Nosotros ______ __________ el abrigo. Ellos _____ _________ el abrigo.

12 Let’s conjugate a reflexive verb together in the present tense!
DORMIRSE (o:ue) = to fall asleep Yo ____ _______ a las once de la noche. Tú ____ _______ a las once de la noche. Ella ____ _______ a las once de la noche. Nosotros ______ ________ a las once de la noche. Ellos _____ _________ a las once de la noche.

13 Review: Reflexive Verbs
What does a reflexive verb look like? ALL reflexive verbs in Spanish have “SE” attached to them in the infinitive form. This helps you identify if the verb is reflexive or not! [Examples: dormirse, llamarse, vestirse ] How do you know when to make a verb reflexive? You simply have to determine if the subject is doing the action to himself or herself. If they are, then you need a reflexive verb! If not, then a regular verb will do. [Example: What’s the difference between the verbs Lavar and Lavarse? Both verbs mean “to wash”.]

14 Other things to remember:
If you use certain two-part verb combinations, the reflexive verb can either go before the first verb or it can be attached to the second verb. Example: Querer + levantarse Yo quiero levantarme Yo me quiero levantar Tú quieres levantarte Tú te quieres levantar *Make sure that the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject! or or

15 What about the present progressive (“-ing”) tense?
Remember that progressives are also two-part verb combinations: Estoy comiendo. Estamos hablando. Reflexive pronouns can go before the 1st verb or attached to the “-ing”: Estoy lavándome el pelo Me estoy lavando el pelo Estamos lavándonos el pelo Nos estamos lavando el pelo Be careful…When a reflexive pronoun is attached to the “ –ing” ending, an accent mark has to be added to maintain the original stress. Examples: (Reflexive pronoun is before the 1st verb) OR (It’s attached to the “-ing”) Ella se está bañando Ella está bañándose. Ella se está durmiendo Ella está durmiéndose. FORM OF ESTAR + VERB (-ING) or or

16 The Reflexive Verbs Songs:
Reflexive verbs Justin Bieber song “Reflex your verby” Justin Timberlake song

17 Homework (La tarea): Do WB pg. 73 in your cuaderno de práctica.
ALL of the reflexive verbs in these exercises will be conjugated using the present tense! NOTE: Activity 3 continues on WB pg. 74, so don’t forget to do those! See chart on TB pg. 237 for help with the meanings of the verbs. DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD!

WHICH WILL BE NEXT CLASS PERIOD OVER ANY BELL RINGER VERBS (since August), ANY CH. 6 VOCAB. & CH. 7 Sections 4 (including the added words) & 6 only)!

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