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Básicos de conjugación

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Presentación del tema: "Básicos de conjugación"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Básicos de conjugación
Señales para personas Básicos de conjugación

2 YO (I)

3 TÚ (YOU)

4 ÉL / ELLA (HE / SHE)



These are the person indicators that we use in a standard conjugation chart. YO NOSOTROS VOSOTROS ÉL / ELLA / USTED ELLOS / ELLAS

8 Conjugación The Spanish language has the ability to drop these indicators when they are already implied by the verb. The following chart shows another quick way to remember conjugation indicators.


10 Conjugación JUGAR is the verb “to play” in its infinitive form. Let’s look at another verb, BAILAR, which means “to dance.” In English, you have to use a person indicator (personal pronoun) to know who the verb goes with, as in I dance, you dance, they dance, etc.

11 Conjugación In English, these indicators change, but the verb remains the same. In Spanish, however, while these indicators are still used, it is more common NOT to use them. Therefore, in Spanish you can just say “dance” with the correct ending and avoid the personal pronoun.

12 Conjugación For example… (yo) bailo I dance (tú) bailas You dance
(él) baila He dances (nosotros) bailamos We dance (ellos) bailan They dance Because of the personalized verb, the pronoun is optional.

13 Conjugación Those verbs were in the present tense. Again, the endings for all three verb types, -AR, -ER, and –IR are…

14 Conjugación NOTICE how the ONLY variance lies in the vowel. -AR verb endings begin with A in all positions except the first. __ __ __ __ __

15 Conjugación -ER verb endings begin with E in all positions except the first. __ __ __ __ __

16 Conjugación -IR verb endings begin with E in all positions except the first and fourth (where I begins the “we” ending.) We will not be learning the fifth VOSOTROS position. __ __ __

17 Conjugación This gets even simpler in the past tense:

18 Conjugación __ __

19 ¡A practicar! In the PRESENT TENSE, let’s conjugate some simple sentences. First, here are the verbs we will be using: Apollar (to back or support) Comer (to eat) Vivir (to live)

20 ¡A practicar! (Yo) apollo (Nosotros) apollamos (Tú) apollas
In the PRESENT TENSE, what would the conjugations be for the verb “apollar”? (Yo) apollo (Nosotros) apollamos (Tú) apollas (Él) apolla (Ellos) apollan

21 REMEMBER The sentence “Apollo a María” can be translated three different ways… I support Maria I am supporting Maria I do support Maria

22 ¡A practicar! (Yo) como (Nosotros) comemos (Tú) comes (Él) come
In the PRESENT TENSE, what would the conjugations be for the verb “comer”? (Yo) como (Nosotros) comemos (Tú) comes (Él) come (Ellos) comen

23 REMEMBER The sentence “Como bananas” can be translated three different ways… I eat bananas I am eating bananas I do eat bananas

24 ¡A practicar! (Yo) vivo (Nosotros) vivimos (Tú) vives (Él) vive
In the PRESENT TENSE, what would the conjugations be for the verb “vivir”? (Yo) vivo (Nosotros) vivimos (Tú) vives (Él) vive (Ellos) viven

25 REMEMBER The sentence “Vivo en Missouri” can be translated three different ways… I live in Missouri I am living in Missouri I do live in Missouri

26 ¡A practicar! In the PAST TENSE, let’s conjugate some simple sentences. First, here are the verbs we will be using: Estudiar (to study) Aprender (to learn) Escribir (to write)

27 ¡A practicar! (Yo) estudié (Nosotros) estudiamos (Tú) estudiaste
In the PAST TENSE, what would the conjugations be for the verb “estudiar”? (Yo) estudié (Nosotros) estudiamos (Tú) estudiaste (Él) estudió (Ellos) estudiaron

28 ¡A practicar! (Yo) aprendí (Nosotros) aprendimos (Tú) aprendiste
In the PAST TENSE, what would the conjugations be for the verb “aprender”? (Yo) aprendí (Nosotros) aprendimos (Tú) aprendiste (Él) aprendió (Ellos) aprendieron

29 ¡A practicar! (Yo) escribí (Nosotros) escribimos (Tú) escribiste
In the PAST TENSE, what would the conjugations be for the verb “escribir”? (Yo) escribí (Nosotros) escribimos (Tú) escribiste (Él) escribió (Ellos) escribieron


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