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Capítulo 1 ¿Cómo te llamas?
Capítulo 1 ¿Cómo te llamas?
Suggestions for use: Have students read through the lists of expressions on page 8 in their textbooks. Then ask pairs of students to provide three different expressions that each person could say in this situation. You may wish to project this image on the board and have volunteers write their ideas in the bubbles. Or, have three pairs of students give oral responses.
Vocabulario: Formal e informal
Spanish has two basic forms of address: tú (informal) and usted (formal). Label each of the following expressions with I (informal) or F (formal). ____ 1. ¿Cómo está? ____ 2. ¿Cómo te va? ____ 3. ¿Y usted? ____ 4. ¿Cómo estás? ____ 5. ¿Cómo les va? Suggestions for use: Have students complete the activity. Then have them state whether they would use each statement with a friend or a professor. Explain to students that they will learn more about formal and informal registers later on in the chapter.
Saludos y respuestas Provide the expression(s) that would elicit each of these responses. Regular, ¿y usted? No mucho. Suggestions for use: Present these items individually; ask students to supply the greeting expressions that would elicit these responses in a conversation. Explain that there are multiple possible expressions for some items. Buenas noches. ¿Cómo les va? Hola. ¿Qué tal?
Por teléfono 1. ¿Dónde vives? a. Hola. ¿Qué estás haciendo?
2. ¿Cuál es su dirección electrónica? b. Es calle Valencia 38. c. Soy Sonia. 3. ¿Aló? d. En el barrio San Telmo. 4. ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? e. De nada. f. Es el 5. ¿Cuál es tu dirección? g. Es 6. ¿Puedo hablar con Diego? h. Lo siento, no está. 7. ¿Cómo se llama? Suggestions for use: Before beginning the activity, have students read through all items. Point out that there is one extra item in the second column.
Vocabulario: encantado(a)
Suggestions for use: Have students read through the vocabulary presentation on page 13 of their textbooks. Project this image on the board and have a volunteer try to write the correct form under each picture. Preview gender by explaining that men say encantado and women use encantada. ______________ ______________
Actividad 8: Quiero presentarte a…
Work in groups of three. For each group in the drawing, write a short conversation in which an introduction is made. Suggestions for use: Have groups pick a conversation to act out for the class, who will guess which group they are representing.
Gramática: Gender of Nouns
MASCULINE nouns end in –o el chico FEMININE nouns end in –a la chica More endings: –ión -dad, -tad, -umbre la televisión la libertad la cumbre Suggestions for use: Explain that while nouns referring to male beings are generally masculine and nouns referring to female beings are generally feminine, grammatical gender is arbitrary. Exceptions: la mano la foto Exceptions: el día el mapa el problema el avión
Cognados A cognate (cognado) is a word that shares similar spelling, meaning, and pronunciation in two different languages. In Spanish, many words that end with –ma, -ta, -ión, -dad, and –tad have English cognates. -ma -ta -ión -dad -tad el diagrama el cometa la acción la comunidad la dificultad el dilema el planeta la visión la nacionalidad la identidad Suggestions for use: Challenge students to name as many additional cognates as they can for each category.
El género Indicate the gender of each word by writing M for masculino or F for femenino. If it can be masculine or feminine, write both letters. 1. _____ capítulo 2. _____ hoja de papel 3. _____ puerta 4. _____ tema 5. _____ conductor 6. _____ estudiante 7. _____ noche 8. _____ camión 9. _____ dirección 10. _____ día 11. _____ barrio 12. _____ mano Suggestions for use: Have volunteers explain the gender rule or exception that applies to each word.
Gramática: Plural noun formation
Suggestions for use: Point out that words like conversación lose the written accent in the plural form in order to keep the stress on the same syllable as in the singular noun. Generally, when a singular noun has an accent mark on the last syllable, the accent is dropped in the plural form. la conversación las conversaciones
El plural If a word is singular, write the plural form. If it is plural, make it singular. 1. _____ la profesora 2. _____ el número 3. _____ un lápiz 4. _____ el problema 5. _____ las lecciones 6. _____ unos lectores de DVD 7. _____ los proyectores 8. _____ unas colonias 9. _____ la deportista 10. _____ los días Suggestions for use: For additional practice, have students generate their own list of singular and plural words. Then have them exchange papers with a classmate and complete the activity.
Gramática: Definite and indefinite articles
Suggestions for use: Have students look around the room and talk about what they see, using indefinite articles: una pizarra, unas ventanas, unos escritorios. When referring to a person’s occupation, the article is used only if the noun is modified: Soy estudiante. Soy una estudiante seria.
Los artículos ¿Un, una, unos o unas? 1. _____ cuartos 2. _____ calle
3. _____ ecosistema 4. _____ teléfonos 5. _____ costumbres 6. _____ tiza
Gramática: Subject pronouns
Suggestions for use: Ask students to identify which subject pronouns refers to the first person, second person, and third person.
Gramática: Subject pronouns
Unlike in English, subject pronouns are not always needed in Spanish. It’s better to eliminate the subject pronoun when speaking or writing, unless the subject is unclear or you want to emphasize it. No soy estudiante, soy profesor. Ustedes son estudiantes.
Formal vs. familiar someone older than you strangers acquaintances
Usted (Ud.) is used in formal contexts. Use usted to address: Tú is used in informal contexts. Use tú to address: someone older than you strangers acquaintances colleagues family members close friends children pets Suggestions for use: Remind students that they will not be responsible for learning the vosotros(as) forms for the purpose of this text, but that they should be able to recognize the forms. Remember that ustedes (Uds.) is used to address more than one person in both formal and informal contexts. In Spain, vosotros(as) is used instead of ustedes in informal contexts.
El sujeto What subject pronouns would you use to (a) talk directly to these people and (b) talk about them? 1. los dos señores del grupo 1 2. las señoras del grupo 4 3. la niña del grupo 3 4. el señor del grupo 2 5. los dos niños del grupo 3 6. las personas del grupo 1 Suggestions for use: 1. Review tú and usted by asking students which they would use in formal and informal situations. 2. For an added challenge, ask students to imagine that this is a party in Spain and have them repeat the activity.
Gramática: Present tense of ser
The verb ser means to be. It is used to identify people and things. Suggestions for use: Tell students that ser is an irregular verb, which means its forms don’t follow the regular patterns that most verbs follow. You will need to memorize the forms.
El verbo ser Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb ser. 1. Tú __________ de Chile, ¿no? 2. La profesora __________ inteligente. 3. Ellos no __________ de Nueva York. 4. Ustedes __________ estudiantes. 5. Yo __________ Gabriel. 6. Nosotras __________ idealistas. Suggestions for use: After completing the activity, have students work in pairs to rewrite the sentences using different subjects.
Gramática: Hay + nouns Hay means there is or there are.
Use no hay to say there isn’t (any) or there aren’t (any). Hay is used with both singular and plural nouns. Hay can be used with numbers and indefinite articles, but not definite articles. Suggestions for use: 1. Remind students not to include an article when using hay + number + noun. 2. Also remind them not to use an article with no hay. 3. Have pairs of students create an example sentence for each of the bullet points.
hay Pronunciación Remember that the h is silent in Spanish.
Therefore, the words hay and ¡Ay! (Oh!, Ow!) are pronounced the same. Context will determine which word is being used. Hay dos chicas. ¡Ay, qué interesante!
El verbo hay 1. Hay unos estudiantes. 2. No hay chicas.
Read these statements and look around your classroom. Indicate whether each statement is cierto (true) or falso (false), based on what you see. If it is false, provide the correct information. 1. Hay unos estudiantes. 2. No hay chicas. 3. Hay dos profesores. 4. Hay cuatro ventanas. 5. Hay unos escritorios. 6. No hay sillas. 7. Hay un mapa. 8. Hay seis puertas. 9. Hay una computadora portátil. 10. No hay hojas de papel en la mesa. Suggestions for use: After completing the activity, have students work in groups of three. Have them take turns making statements using hay about objects that are and are not found in the classroom. Some statements should be true and others should be false. The other group members should respond by saying cierto or falso; if they say falso, they should supply the correct information.
Gramática: Tener, tener que, tener + años
The verb tener means to have.
Gramática: tener to express possession
When you use tener to express possession, the article is usually omitted, unless you want to emphasize a specific object or number. Tengo carro.
El verbo tener Match the columns to form complete sentences. 1. Usted 2. Ellas 3. Yo 4. Tú 5. Marta y yo a. tienen que estudiar. b. tienes veinte años. c. tiene dos mochilas. d. tenemos tarea. e. tengo que irme.
En mi mochila State what you have and what you do not have in your backpack today. Mention at least six items from the drawing. Suggestions for use: Model the activity by stating what you have with you today.
Gramática: tener que To talk about what people have to do, use tener que + infinitive. An infinitive is an unconjugated verb. Ellos tienen que leer el libro. Tengo que estudiar el vocabulario. Suggestions for use: Emphasize that que is required in Spanish when talking about obligations.
Obligaciones Tell what the Robles family has to do today, using tener que and these verbs: entregar la tarea, ir a la oficina, leer la gramática. Then say what you have to do tomorrow. 1. Los señores Robles ___________________________. 2. La niña _____________________________________. 3. Los chicos ___________________________________. 4. Mañana yo ___________________________________. Suggestions for use: Have students circulate around the classroom asking ¿Qué tienes que hacer mañana? They should find someone who has to do the same activity. Have students report back to the class using the nosotros(as) form: Karen y yo tenemos que leer el libro de ciencias.
Gramática: tener + años
To talk about how old someone is, use tener + number + años. This is equivalent to the English expression to be years old. ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo diecinueve años. Suggestions for use: Name famous people and ask people to state their ages (estimates are fine).
Los meses These are the months of the year in Spanish. Note that they are not capitalized. Suggestions for use: Point out the spelling of agosto and diciembre.
Las fechas To talk about dates, use this construction: el + number + de + month. Es el veinte de agosto. To talk about the first day of the month, use primero. Es el primero de diciembre. When writing the date with numbers, the day always precedes the month: 20/8/11 (el veinte de agosto de 2011) To ask when someone’s birthday is, say: ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Suggestions for use: Give dates related to your course or to campus events, and have students name what happens that day. Then reverse the activity. Ex: el 18 de diciembre (el examen final)
Días importantes Write out these dates of these holidays. 1. Halloween
2. el Día de San Valentín 3. Navidad 4. Independencia de los Estados Unidos 5. Año Nuevo
Repaso Give a logical response to each of these questions.
1. ¿Cómo te va? 2. ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en el salón de clase? 3. ¿Dónde viven ustedes? 4. ¿Puedo hablar con Mario? 5. ¿Cuántos años tiene tu compañero(a) de cuarto y cómo se llama? Suggestions for use: After completing this activity, have students create a list of interview questions for a classmate to answer. Tell them to be sure to get all the essential information about their partner. Then have them create a profile of him/her for the student newspaper.
Repaso Suggestions for use: Have students choose one of the pairs from the drawing and write sentences about the people, using ser, tener, and tener que. Encourage them to be creative. Have a few volunteers share their sentences with the class. Ex: Ella es Liliana y él es Felipe. Ellos son estudiantes en la Universidad de Quito. Felipe tiene veinte años…
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