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Bienvenidos Padres y Estudiantes Welcome Parents and Students

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Presentación del tema: "Bienvenidos Padres y Estudiantes Welcome Parents and Students"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Bienvenidos Padres y Estudiantes Welcome Parents and Students
Please sign in and verify your contact information Favor de firmar la lista de asistencia y corrija su información personal

2 Attendance Improvement Program
Programa Para El Mejoramiento de Asistencia Grade 9 Mid Year Parent Meeting junta de Padres de 9° grado de medio año <<School Name>> <<AIC Name>> <<Date>>

3 Welcome Agenda Agenda de Bienvenida
Metas Datos de la Escuela Asistencia y Logros Académicos Programas de Incentivos Que Pueden Hacer Los Padres Recursos Goals School Data Attendance and Achievement School Incentive Programs What Parents Can Do Resources

GOAL: 76% of all 9th grade students will attend 96% of the time or better

5 Attendance Improvement Program Goals
Metas del Programa Para el Mejoramiento de Asistencia Increase the percentage of students achieving Proficient or Advanced Attendance (7 or less absences) in Grade 9 Increase the number of students promoting to Grade 10 Increase student, parent, school staff, and community commitment to excellent attendance Aumentar el porcentaje de estudiantes en noveno grado alcanzando asistencia de Proficiente o Avanzado (7 o menos ausencias) Incrementar el numero de estudiantes que promueven al 10° grado Incrementar el compromiso hacia asistencia excelente de estudiantes, padres, y miembros de la comunidad. In order for students to pass their classes, they first have to attend. The ultimate goal is for all students to graduate. The program focuses on 9th grade because we want to prevent students from developing poor attendance habits and falling behind in their classes.

6 MAINTAINING 96% ATTENDANCE RATE Proficient/Advanced Attendance MANTENIENDO UN INDICE DE 96% EN ASISTENCIA Proficiente/Avanzado SCHOOL DAYS MAXIMUM DAYS ABSENT 25 1 50 2 75 3 100 4 125 5 150 6 175 7 Explain that in order to maintain at least 96% attendance, a student can miss a maximum of 1 day per 25 days enrolled. By the end of the year he/she can only have a maximum of 7 days absent to be able to have Proficient Attendance.

SCHOOL GOAL: 76% of students must be attending 96% of the time or better. META ESCOLAR: 76% de los estudiantes asistirán el 96% de los días o mejor At __Insert School>>__ Senior High Currently, _____% of Grade 9 students are attending 96% of the time or better As of today, 96% attendance means having ______ or fewer absences En La Escuela Preparatoria __Insert School>>__ Actualmente, un___##__% de los estudiantes en 9° grado asisten el 96% del tiempo o mejor A partir del día de hoy, el venir a la escuela un 96%, quiere decir __##__ ausencias o menos

8 WHAT BAND ARE YOU IN? En que nivel de asistencia se encuentran?
Maintain contact with the school: Attendance Office Attendance Improvement Counselor Academic Counselor Mantener contacto con la escuela: Oficina de Asistencia Consejero Para el Mejoramiento de Asistencia Consejero Académico Notes: You can breakdown the bands in relation to the time the presentation will take place so that you can tell each parent where their child stands.

¿ Por Que es Importante la Asistencia?

10 IT’S THE LAW! The Compulsory Education Law (EC 48200) in the state of California says that it is the responsibility of every parent to assure that every child between the ages of attends school every day and on-time. El Código Educativo (EC 48200) en el estado de California indica que es la responsabilidad de cada padre/tutor asegurar que su hijo/a, dentro de las edades de 6-18, asista a la escuela cada día a tiempo.

11 Why Does This Law Exist? ¿Por que existe esta ley?
Attendance + Grades = Success Asistencia + Grados= Éxito

Estudiantes que faltan a la escuela pierden instrucción valiosa Estudiantes que faltan a la escuela están en peligro de fracaso escolar y tienen mas probabilidad de abandonar la escuela La asistencia escolar es el mejor indice de graduación de la preparatoria Students who miss school lose out on valuable instructional time Students who miss school are at-risk for school failure and are more likely to eventually drop out School attendance is the strongest predictor of high school graduation


14 Education Pays Updated May 11, 2011. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey

15 CREDITS/CRÉDITOS Earn 50 credits to promote to 10th grade
You will get 5 credits for each class you pass Passing grades are: A, B, & C Credits are granted only for passing final semester grades Adquirir 50 créditos para promover al 10° grado Recibirán 5 créditos por cada clase que pasen Calificaciones aprobadas: A, B, & C Créditos son concedidos solamente para grados finales de semestre -Provide parents with a package of handouts specifically addressing each of the outlined areas in greater detail as well as contact information and should be instructed to refer to then throughout the presentation) Elementary and middle school aged students are often moved on to the next grade despite poor academic achievement a practice known as “social promotion”. Once in high school, however, a student needs a specific number of credits to be promoted to the next grade: -Explain that high school students do not socially promote- they have to acquire a certain number of units to promote to the next grade, and eventually graduate.

2 semesters per academic year _ classes each semester so . . . Fall semester: _ classes x 5 credits = _ Spring semester: 2 semestres por año escolar _ clases cada semestre Semestre de Otoño: _ clases x 5 créditos = _ Semestre de Primavera: -Provide parents with a package of handouts specifically addressing each of the outlined areas in greater detail as well as contact information and should be instructed to refer to then throughout the presentation) Elementary and middle school aged students are often moved on to the next grade despite poor academic achievement a practice known as “social promotion”. Once in high school, however, a student needs a specific number of credits to be promoted to the next grade: -Explain that high school students do not socially promote- they have to acquire a certain number of units to promote to the next grade, and eventually graduate.

Earn 210 credits Earn 230 credits (Classes prior to 2016) Pass required classes Pass both parts of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Obtener 210 Créditos Obtener 230 Créditos (Clases antes del 2016) Pasar todas las Clases Requeridas Pasar las dos secciones del CAHSEE (Examen Estatal de Salida de Preparatoria) -Explain to parents that there are 3 three areas relating to a student earning a high school diploma. -Credits of specific subjects need to be completed…not just any classes that add up to 210/230 credits -Service Learning – this requirement is usually fulfilled in the students Govt/Econ/History class as a project -Computer Lit. – this requirement is fulfilled once the student completes a computer class

18 Credits you need to Promote:
Créditos Necesarios para Promover: CLASS OF 2017 50 credits = Grade 10 105 credits = Grade 11 160 credits = Grade 12 210 credits to be eligible for graduation/high school diploma CLASE DE 2017 50 créditos = ° grado 105 créditos = ° grado 160 créditos = ° grado 210 créditos para ser elegible para la graduación y recibir un diploma de la preparatoria CLASSES PRIOR TO 2016 55 credits = Grade 10 110 credits = Grade 11 170 credits = Grade 12 230 credits to be eligible for graduation/high school diploma -Elementary and middle school aged students are often moved on to the next grade despite poor academic achievement a practice known as “social promotion”. Once in high school, however, a student needs a specific number of credits to be promoted to the next grade: -Explain that high school students do not socially promote- they have to acquire a certain number of units to promote to the next grade, and eventually graduate. CLASES ANTES DEL 2016 55 créditos = ° grado 110 créditos = ° grado 170 créditos = ° grado 230 créditos para ser elegible para la graduación y recibir un diploma de la preparatoria

19 Your Child’s Report Card
Grades Tardies Absences

20 Boleta de Calificaciones
Retrasos Ausencias

21 CREDITS TO PROMOTION/Créditos para Promoción
To monitor your child’s progress, review the report cards that are mailed every 5 weeks If your child fails any classes, please contact their counselor immediately Para monitorear el progreso de su estudiante, asegúrese de repasar la boleta de calificaciones que se le envia cada 5 semanas Si su estudiante ha reprobado cualquier materia, por favor comuniquese con su consejero -Provide parents with a package of handouts specifically addressing each of the outlined areas in greater detail as well as contact information and should be instructed to refer to then throughout the presentation) Elementary and middle school aged students are often moved on to the next grade despite poor academic achievement a practice known as “social promotion”. Once in high school, however, a student needs a specific number of credits to be promoted to the next grade: -Explain that high school students do not socially promote- they have to acquire a certain number of units to promote to the next grade, and eventually graduate.

22 CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam)
Students MUST pass the CAHSEE in order to receive a high school diploma. 2 sections: Math and English Passing score on each exam is 350 Students will be allowed continued opportunities to take the CAHSEE until both sections are passed. First opportunity will be in March of their 10th grade year Los estudiantes DEBEN pasar el examen CAHSEE para poder recibir un diploma de la preparatoria. 2 secciones: Matemáticas e Ingles Tener una calificacion de 350 para abrobar Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de tomar el examen CAHSEE hasta que el estudiante pase las dos secciones. La primera oportunidad será en marzo del 10° grado -The third requirement towards a high school diploma is receiving passing scores on both the English and Math sections of the CAHSEE. -The exit exam was developed as an additional measure to assess a student’s high school proficiency in the areas of English and Math and is currently another essential step in the graduation process. -Students have multiple chances to take and pass the test throughout high school as well as access to classes that will assist them to pass the test.

CREDIT RECOVERY RECUPERACION DE CREDITOS Students can take extra classes to make up failed or missed classes to meet the 210 credits required for graduation. ROP (Regional Occupational Program) classes College classes (off-campus) Summer school Adult school classes Los estudiantes pueden tomar cursos adicionales para recuperar clases que han reprobado o perdido para acumular los 210 créditos requeridos para graduación. Cursos en ROP Clases de colegio en otro local Clases de verano Clases en la escuela de Adultos -Please Refer to worksheet on Credit Recovery

24 Incentive Programs <<Insert your schools current incentive program(s) here>>> English Spanish

25 How Can You Help Your Child Succeed In School?
¿Cómo puede usted ayudar a su hijo/a tener éxito en la escuela?

26 PROMOTING GOOD ATTENDANCE Promoviendo Buena Asistencia
Talk to your child about the importance of school attendance Schedule all vacations and appointments during non-school hours/days Monitor your child’s attendance by contacting the school and checking their report card Hable con su hijo/a sobre la importancia de asistencia escolar Programe toda las vacaciones y citas cuando la escuela no este en sesión Monitoreé la asistencia de su hijo/a contactando la escuela y repasando su boleta de calificaciones

Responsabilidades de Los Padres y Los Estudiantes It is the student’s responsibility to attend school and every class period on-time EVERY DAY. Parents/Guardians are legally responsible for ensuring that students between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school every day. Es la responsabilidad del estudiante de asistir a sus clases y llegar a tiempo TODOS LOS DIAS. Los padres o tutores son legalmente responsables de asegurarse que los estudiantes de las edades de 6 a 18 años asistan a la escuela diariamente. -Explain that the student and parents/guardians are responsible for making sure that each student attends school on a daily basis. -The law states that every person has to be in school full-time. -If students are absent from school frequently without a valid excuse, steps will be taken by the school district to prosecute parents and students (PSA Counselor) Get your child’s attendance record from the school’s attendance office Venga a la oficina de asistencia y pregunte por el expediente de asistencia de su hijo/a

28 STAY IN CONTACT WITH THE SCHOOL Mantenga Comunicacion con la Escuela
Asegúrese que la escuela tenga su información actual (números de Tel., domicilio, etc.) Asista a los talleres de padres, Noche de Regreso a la Escuela, y Conferencias de Padres Manténgase en contacto con los maestros y el consejero académico de su hijo/a Ensure that the school has your current contact information (phone numbers, address, etc.) Attend Parent workshops, Back- to-School Night, Open House, and Parent Conferences Stay in contact with your child’s teachers and academic counselor

Monitor your child’s study habits/ homework load Create a homework space that is quiet Know when report cards are sent home Speak with your child about school on a regular basis Monitorear los hábitos de trabajo y tarea de su hijo/a Crear un lugar silencioso para hacer la tarea Sepa cuando las boletas de calificaciones se envían a casa Hable regularmente con su hijo/a sobre la escuela

e.g. Education 20/20 (credit recovery program) Children Youth and Families (after-school program) T.H.E. Clinic Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic (individual Counseling) Anger Management Counseling Teen Parent Group Healthy Start


32 El exito es la suma de esfuerzos pequeños repetidos cada dia
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. -Robert Collier El exito es la suma de esfuerzos pequeños repetidos cada dia -Robert Collier

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