#20- Descriptive Adjectives, cont.

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1 #20- Descriptive Adjectives, cont.

2 El Estandard Comparisons 4.1- Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the language studied and their own Essential Question- How are descriptive adjectives used differently in Spanish compared to how they are used in English?

3 In Spanish… Country names are capitalized México, Guatemala
Nationalities are NOT capitalized mexicano, guatemalteco

that end in a consonant form the feminine by adding –a español española NOTE: Adjectives with an accent on the last syllable drop the accent in the feminine and plural forms inglés inglesa alemán alemanes

5 Unlike Descriptive Adjectives, adjectives of quantity appear before the noun they modify
Hay muchos libros en la biblioteca. Yo hablo con dos muchachas en la escuela.

6 Bueno/a and malo/a can appear before or after a noun
When placed before a masculine singular noun, the forms are shortened: bueno buen malo mal *Francisco es buen amigo.* Francisco es un amigo bueno.

7 When grande appears before a singular noun…
It is shortened to gran, and the meaning of the word changes: gran= great Rafael es un gran hombre. Rafael is a great man grande= big, large La familia de Cynthia es grande. Cynthia’s family is large.

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