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Los pronombres de complementos directos
Unidad 3 Etapa 3 Español I
What are direct objects?
Direct object receive the action of the verb. They answer the question What? or Whom? after the verb. Direct objects are what is being “verbed”. John has the book. What does John have? What is being verbed? The book is the direct object. John sees Mary. Whom does John see. Whom is being verbed? Mary is the direct object.
In the sentences… “John has the book” “John sees Mary”
The book can be replaced by a direct object pronoun “it”. “John sees Mary” Mary can be replaced by the direct object pronoun “her”.
Direct Object Pronouns
SINGULAR PLURAL me (me) nos (us) te (you) os lo (it / him / you formal) la (it / her / you formal) los (them / you all) las (them / you all)
Affirmative Sentences
In affirmative sentences with ONE VERB, the direct object pronouns will go BEFORE the conjugated verb. Yo te conozco. I know you. Ella los compró. She bought them. Ustedes lo quieren. You all want it. Lo vemos. We see it.
Vamos a practicar! Juan tiene el libro. Yo conozco a Juan y a Felipe.
Miramos la television. Ustedes beben la leche. Ellos ven a María.
Las repuestas La miramos. Juan lo tiene. Yo los conozco.
Ustedes la beben. Ellos la ven.
*Or other words of negation*
Negative Sentences In a negative sentence with ONE VERB, the direct object pronoun is placed BETWEEN the word no* and the conjugated verb. Yo no lo sé. I don’t know it. No los conocemos. We don’t know them. Él no nos ve. He doesn’t see us. Nunca lo estudiamos. We never study it. *Or other words of negation*
Practicamos una vez mas!
We see her. We don’t see her. The boys eat it. (F) The boys don’t eat it. (F) I want them. (M) I don’t want them. (M) She washes it. She never washes it. (F)
Respuestas una vez mas No los quiero. La vemos. No la vemos.
Los chicos la comen. Los chicos no la comen. Los quiero. No los quiero. Ella la lava. Ella nunca la lava.
Affirmative Sentences with TWO VERBS
In a sentence with TWO VERBS, you have TWO options: Place the direct object pronoun immediately BEFORE the FIRST conjugated verb. Lo puedes beber. You are able to drink it. ATTACH the direct object pronoun directly to the SECOND verb (the INFINITIVE). Puedes beberlo. You are able to drink it. *Both options are used, however the 2nd is more common.*
Negative Sentences with TWO VERBS
In a sentence with TWO VERBS, you have TWO options: The direct object pronoun can be placed BETWEEN the no and conjugated verb. No lo tengo que leer. I don’t have to read it. ATTACH the direct object pronoun directly to the INFINITIVE. No tengo que leerlo. I don’t have to read it.
La última práctica Yo necesito lavar la ropa. Yo necesito _______.
Ellos pueden bailar el tango. Ellos pueden _______. Debemos limpiar la casa. Debemos _______. No quieren visitar el museo. No quieren _______. El gato no puede ver el ratón. El gato no _______.
Las últimas repuestas Yo necesito lavarla. Ellos pueden bailarlo.
Debemos limpiarla. No quieren visitarlo. El gato no puede verlo.
Conjugate, then re-write
Tú /no / nos / entender. Nosotros / te / invitar. Yo / te / mirar. Tú / nos / poder ayudar.
No nos entiendes. You don’t understand us.
Nosotros te invitamos. We invite you. Yo te miro. I see you. Tú nos puedes ayudar. You are able to help us. Tu puedes ayudarnos.
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