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Presentación del tema: "¡ESQUEMAS DE LICENCIAMIENTO!"— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 LICENCIAMIENTO   OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Es aquel en el que el fabricante o los canales de distribución, venden Servidores nuevos + la licencia . Es habitualmente la manera más fácil y económica de adquirir el sistema operativo Windows Server: COEM: Son licencias distribuidas por Microsoft para servidores nuevos de todas las marcas. ROK: Reseller Option Kit: Es un esquema de licenciamiento OEM para sistemas operativos de servidor Microsoft, distribuido por HP e IBM en Colombia.  • Licencia para Servidores HP ó IBM con acceso para usuarios incluidos • Soporte de HW y SW dado por el fabricante los primeros 90 días de la compra • Drivers de instalación incluidos

3 Licencias por volumen (Open)
Características / Tipo de Licenciamiento ROK COEM Licencias por volumen (Open) Empresas o Usuarios interesados en adquirir licencias desde una unidad para servidores nuevos. La marca del servidor debe coincidir con la liciencia ROK que se adquiere Empresas o Usuarios interesados en adquirir licencias desde una unidad para servidores nuevos de todas las marcas Empresas interesadas en adquirir licencias para servidores nuevos o usados Licencia Base (producto completo) Disponible SA dentro de los 90 días siguientes a la fecha de compra (A partir de un pedido mínimo de 5 licencias/cliente) Licencia Base (producto completo) Disponible SA dentro de los 90 días siguientes a la fecha de compra (A partir de un pedido mínimo de 5 licencias/cliente) Licencia de actualización. Disponible SA dentro de los 90 días siguientes a la fecha de compra (A partir de un pedido mínimo de 5 licencias/cliente) Incluye Medios, COA y Manuales NO Incluye Medios Incluye COA NO Incluye Medios. Pueden solicitarse via reseller, vía web VLSC o a la línea de atención de Microsoft. NO incluye COA Licencia Transferible si tiene S. A actualizado. Derechos de downgrade hasta 2 versiones anteriores Licencia Transferible si tiene S. A actualizado. Derechos de downgrade hasta 2 versiones anteriores Licencia upgrade o SA Transferible (se otorga a la empresa no a la máquina) Derechos de downgrade disponibles

Usuarios Pequeña empresa Mediana Empresa Negocio Empresarial Consumidor (1 - 3 PCs) Segmento Cliente 3-15 Usuarios 75 Usuarios 300 Usuarios 500+ Usuarios Servidores De uso general Soluciones Integradas

5 Windows Server 2012 - Descripción General
Más allá de la virtualización Cargas de trabajo escalables y seguras, crean una nube privada rentable y se conectan de forma segura a servicios en la nube. El poder de muchos servidores, la simplicidad de uno Administra la infraestructura con eficiencia mientras maximiza la productividad y minimiza las fallas y la inactividad. Todas las aplicaciones en cualquier nube / Construye sobre una plataforma web abierta y con capacidad de expansión que soporta aplicaciones en todas las instalaciones. Facilitando el estilo de trabajo moderno Soporta un estilo de trabajo móvil y flexible.

6 Ediciones de Windows Server 2012
Windows Server Management Marketing 3/29/2017 Ediciones de Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Windows Server 2012 Standard Windows Server 2012 Essentials Windows Server Foundation Alta solidez en virtualización. Instancias virtuales ilimitadas Todas las características Baja solidez o sin virtualización Dos instancias virtuales Todas las características Conectar su primer servidor a la nube Sin derecho a virtualizacion Caractewristicas limitadas Propuesta economica en general Sin derecho a virtualizacion Caracteristicas limitadas Windows Server 2012 Datacenter will continue to be the ideal edition for highly virtualized private and hybrid cloud environments.  It provides customers with unlimited virtualization rights and all of the features of the product.  The licensing for Datacenter will continue to follow a processor plus CAL model, however now, each license will cover up to two physical processors on a server.  Windows Server 2012 Standard is ideal for physical computing or lightly virtualized environments.  It now provides customers with an additional virtual instance for a total of 2 virtual instances and all of the features, just like Datacenter edition.  The licensing for Standard will change and adopt to the same model as Datacenter, of a processor plus CAL, where the license will cover up to two physical processors on a server.     Windows Server 2012 Essentials is a cloud connected first server, ideal for small businesses with up to 25 users.  As I mentioned previously it provides customers with the flexibility to have in the cloud, run line of business applications, or run on premises.  The licensing for Essentials will continue to be a server model with no CAL requirements. And finally Windows Server 2012 Foundation is an economical, general purpose server for physical computing environments only.  It provides customers with a Windows Server experience for up to 15 users.  The licensing for Foundation will continue to be a server model with no CAL requirements. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

7 Introduccion a Windows Server 2012
Windows Server Management Marketing 3/29/2017 Introduccion a Windows Server 2012 Cumplimiento de las necesidades de hoy y en el futuro Simple Económico Nube optimizada We heard the feedback from our customers and partners and looked at how the industry is changing and used this information to determine how to best meet your customers’ future needs in the licensing and packaging of Windows Server 2012.    Here are the three core areas we focused on. We made the licensing simpler.  We consolidated our offering to just four editions.  A customer can now choose the edition that is right for them by taking into consideration their company size and virtualization needs.  We made it economical.  We will continue to offer Datacenter edition with unlimited virtualization rights providing scalability with predictability and lower costs. In addition, Standard edition now offers all of the same premium features as Datacenter and includes an additional virtualization instance for a total of 2 virtual instances with each license. And finally, we help you cloud optimize your business.  We will continue to offer editions that help customers stay virtualized and connect to the cloud.  In addition to the virtualization rights I mentioned for Datacenter and Standard, Essentials edition will provide customers with the flexibility to have in the cloud, run line of business applications, or run on premises, keeping the cloud close to our small business customers. Now that you know a bit about our guidelines in determining the licensing and packaging of Windows Server 2012, let me talk a bit about each of the editions. Cuatro ediciones alineadas con las necesidades del cliente Cuanto más crecen menor es el precio por cada instancia Movilidad de carga de trabajo a través de entornos híbridos © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

8 Windows Server 2012 Juntos, estamos ofreciendo soluciones que facilitan la entrega rápida de servicios de aplicaciones, consolidan y optimizan la infraestructura y administran todo su entorno de TI – con menos tiempo, energía y complejidad. Acelere los servicios de TI para la empresa Haga su empresa más productiva en una fracción del tiempo Vuélvase virtual con facilidad Obtenga el máximo de su inversión en el servidor y reduzca su cuenta de energía Administre toda la TI con menos Elimine el tiempo y la complejidad de la ecuación de TI y aumente la confiabilidad

9 Windows Server 2012 – Descripción General de las Ediciones
Derechos de Virtualización Tipo de Licencia Recursos Foundation Sin virtualización Windows Server 2012 Foundation Por Servidor Limitado a sólo 1 procesador Hasta 15 usuarios Essentials Pequeñas Empresas, Capacidad para Nube Windows Server 2012 Essentials Por Servidor Sólo hasta 2 procesadores Hasta 25 usuarios Sólo Como Sistema Operativo Invitado Standard* Baja densidad o sin virtualización Windows Server 2012 Standard NUEVO Procesador + CALs Características completas del producto (paridad con Datacenter) Dos instancias virtuales Datacenter* Virtualización de alta densidad Windows Server 2012 Datacenter NUEVO Procesador + CALs Sin limite de procesador Ilimitado Notas: Cada licencia cubre hasta Dos procesadores físicos. Windows Server continua a requerir Licencias de Acceso de Cliente (CALs); no se incluyen CALs con Licencias para 2 CPU.

10 Servidor económico de propósito general Windows Server 2012 Foundation
Licencia para Pequeñas Empresas Sin cambio en el modelo de licencia para Foundation Servidor económico de propósito general Licenciamiento por servidor Limitado a 1 procesador Hasta 15 cuentas de usuario Sin derechos de virtualización Un ambiente de SO por licencia (sólo físico) Disponible sólo a través de OEM Windows Server Foundation

11 Windows Server 2012 Essentials
Licencia para Pequeñas Empresas Sin cambio en el modelo de licenciamiento para Essentials Servidor económico de nivel básico, capacidad para la nube, propósito general Licencia por servidor Limitado a 2 procesadores Hasta 25 cuentas de usuario Sólo derechos de virtualización para sistema operativo invitado Primer servidor con conexión en la nube Windows Server 2012 Essentials

12 Windows Server 2012 Ediciones Datacenter y Standard

13 Licenciamiento simplificado para el futuro de TI
NUEVO Dos ediciones diferentes con derecho a virtualización Datacenter ofrece virtualización ilimitada. Standard Ofrece dos instancias virtuales. Una estructura común de licenciamiento Ambas ediciones tendrán un procesador + modelo de licenciamiento de CAL. Cada licencia de software cubrirá hasta dos procesadores físicos en único servidor. Características comunes en las dos ediciones Se incluyen características de alta disponibilidad como failover clustering . Mismas capacidades de memoria y procesador. NUEVO There will be two editions of Windows Server 2012, differentiated only by virtualization rights. Datacenter will provide a customer with unlimited virtualization and Standard will provide a customer with 2 virtual instances with each license. There will be a common licensing structure for both of these editions. They will be licensed based on a processor plus CAL model, where each license will cover up to two physical processors on a single server. As mentioned before, there will be no difference in the available features of these two editions. Standard edition will now have all of the same features that were previously only available in the Datacenter.

14 Consistente con el licenciamiento de nube privada
Ediciones Tipo de licencia Caracteristicas Derechos de virtualizacion La tecnologias de nube pribada se ofrece es dos ediciones (Standard, Datacenter) solo se diferencian por los derechos de virtualizacion Cada licencia incluye hasta dos procesadores fisicos Proporciona capacidades para permitir carga de trabajo de la nube privada Dos instancias virtuales Ilimitadas Windows Server 2012 Standard Standard Baja densidad y sin virtualizacion Microsoft System Center 2012 Standard Enrollment for Core Infrastructure (ECI) Standard Core Infrastructure Suite (CIS) Standard Windows Server 2012 Datacenter You may have noticed that the description of our new licensing model sounds familiar. This is because we have adopted the same model with System Center 2012, creating a consistent licensing experience across our private cloud. Both System Center 2012 and Windows Server 2012 will be available in two editions, Standard for non or lightly virtualized environments and Datacenter for highly virtualized environments. They will both have the same licensing model of a processor license that covers up to two physical processors on a server and both editions of the products will have the same capabilities across the editions. The differentiator between the editions will be the virtualization rights. Standard edition will provide 2 virtual instances with each license and Datacenter will continue to offer unlimited virtualization with each license. As always, the best way to purchase Microsoft’s private cloud is through the Enrollment for Core Infrastructure (ECI) or the Core Infrastructure Suite (CIS). These programs provide customers with an easy and cost efficient way to purchase the private cloud. Datacenter Alta densidad de virtualizacion Microsoft System Center 2012 Datacenter Enrollment for Core Infrastructure (ECI) Datacenter Core Infrastructure Suite (CIS) Datacenter Notes: Windows Server continues to require Client Access Licenses (CALs) Enrollment for Core Infrastructure (ECI) has a 25 license minimum and includes a 20% discount on new purchases Core Infrastructure Suite (CIS) has no minimum purchase and includes a 5% discount on new purchases

15 Windows Server Management Marketing
3/29/2017 Introducción a ECI y CIS Solución completa de nube privada en una oferta rentable Soluciones DOS EDICIONES Caracteristicas Requerimientos Descuento Ambas soluciones incluyen Windows Server y System center 2012 Standard y datacenter diferenciadas por virtualización Mismas capacidades, una licencia por dos procesadores Numero minimo de licencias necesarias para inscribirse Porcentaje de descuento aplicado Enrollment for Core Infrastructure (Inscripción para infraestructura básica) 25 licenses 20% Core Infrastructure Suite Let me speak to a few of the similarities and differences of these two private cloud offerings. As you can see they both offer the same two editions of the product, Standard and Datacenter with the only difference being the virtualization rights. And they both have a consistent single processor licensing model. Where they differ is in the minimum requirements for the program and the associated discounts. ECI has a minimum requirement of 25 licenses and provides a 20% discount and CIS has a 1 licenses minimum and provides a 5% discount. Note: Customers can choose to run Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition or Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition Partner Note: ECI is transacted thru LARs as part of an EA but the CIS offer is something that any partner that transacts Open VL can do 1 license 5% *CIS SKU is also available to Open, Select, and to Enterprise customers as an additional product outside of ECI. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

16 Ediciones actuales de Windows Server
Windows Server Management Marketing 3/29/2017 Ediciones actuales de Windows Server Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2008R2 Standard Precio: $4,809* Contiene Todas las características Instancias virtuales ilimitadas Licenciamiento por procesador Precio: $2,358 Contiene Características avanzadas Cuatro instancias virtuales Licenciamiento por servidor Precio: $726 Contiene Características limitadas Una instancia virtual Licenciamiento por servidor Here is how Windows Server is licensed today. You can see that, as previously mentioned, that this model provides flexibility by offering a variety of editions. There are two edition options depending on the customers virtualization needs and each edition has very different virtualization rights, features and licensing model. Baja solidez o sin virtualización Alta solidez en virtualización All pricing is Open NL ERP license * For minimum 2-processor configuration © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

17 Ediciones de Windows Server 2012
Windows Server Management Marketing 3/29/2017 Ediciones de Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Windows Server 2012 Standard Precio: $4,809 Contiene Todas las características Instancias virtuales ilimitadas Licenciamiento basado en procesador Precio: $882 Contiene Todas las características Dos instancias virtuales Licenciamiento basado en procesador Today, we are continuing to offer flexibility to address the virtualization needs of our customer, but have simplified the model to provide customers with all of the features they need no matter what their virtualization needs and with a licensing model that is consistent across editions, making it easier to purchase and manage their licenses. Alta solidez en virtualización Baja solidez o no sin virtualización All pricing is Open NL ERP license Windows Server 2012 will also include the following small business editions: Essentials Edition and Foundation Edition. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

18 Hasta dos procesadores
Comparacion de precios para Windows Server Caracteristicas adicionales y derechos de virtualizacion Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Windows Server 2012 Standard Precio Precio (Open NL ERP license) $4,809 $726 Caracteristicas Procesadores soportados 64 4 Memoria RAM 2TB 32GB Caracteristicas producto Todas Limitada Instancias virtuales Ilimitada 1 Licenciamiento Modelo de licencia Procesador + CAL Servidor + CAL Cobertura de la licencia Dos Procesadores* Un servidor $4,809 $882 640 4TB Todas Ilimitada 2 Procesador + CAL Hasta dos procesadores With Windows Server 2008 R2 you can see that there are quite a few differentiators between Datacenter and Standard edition. They have very different features, virtualization rights and licensing models, however with Windows Server 2012, they now have the same features. You will notice that Standard now includes a lot of additional value like the high availability features previously only offered in the premium editions and an additional virtual instance. The only different between these two editions are virtualization rights. Standard edition provides 2 virtual instances and Datacenter provides unlimited virtualization. There is also now a consistent processor based licensing model between the two editions making it easier for customers to purchase and manage their licenses. Now lets take a look a the pricing. You will notice that the price to cover two processors for Windows Server Datacenter has not changed. Today customers are required to cover a minimum of two processors through the purchase of two single processor licenses and in the future they will purchase just a single license to cover two processors. In the case of Standard edition, you will notice that the prices has increased by about 22%, however with the change the customer also receives all of the same features as Datacenter edition and receives an additional virtual instance for a total of two. NOTE: Processor Support- 320 logical processors for hyper-v hosts and 640 logical processors for non-hyper- v hosts Feature difference between DC & SE 2008 R2 Active Directory Certificate Services: Limited to creating Certificate Authorities – no other ADCS features (NDES, Online Responder Service). File Services: Limited to 1 standalone DFS root. Network Policy and Access Services: Limited to 250 RRAS connections, 50 IAS connections and 2 IAS Server Groups. Remote Desktop Services: Limited to 250 RRAS connections, 50 IAS connections and 2 IAS Server Groups. Active Directory Federation Services Additional features now available in 2012 are: IP Address Management (IPAM) Windows NIC Teaming DNSSEC User-Device Affinity Cluster-aware Updating DHCP Server Failover Improved File System Availability w/ Online Corruption Repairs High-performance, continuously available file share storage for server applications Storage Spaces Thin Provisioning & Trim Data Deduplication Diskless Network Boot w/ iSCSI Target Resilient File System (ReFS) Rapid and Efficient Data Movement Using Intelligent Storage Arrays Continuously Available Block Storage That Uses iSCSI Target Microsoft Online Backup Service Comprehensive Windows Storage Management Multiserver Management with Server Manager NIC Teaming Windows PowerShell Commands Server Name Indication (SNI) Centralized SSL Certificate Support NUMA-Aware Scalability IIS CPU Throttling Application Initialization Dynamic IP Restrictions FTP Logon Attempt Restrictions Websocket Protocol ASP.NET 3.5/ASP.NET 4.5 Support * License is sold to cover one processor, but license rules require a minimum of two-processor coverage. Additions/Enhancements

19 Software Assurance Ruta de Migracion
Los clientes de Software Assurance recibirán subvenciones al renovar el acuerdo, pero tienen derecho a utilizar el producto concedido bajo su disponibilidad. Grant Ratio Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 2 : 1 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2012 Standard 1 : 1 Ediciones Retiradas Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2012 Standard 1 : 2 Customers that have Software Assurance at general availability of Windows Server 2012 will receive equal or greater value than what they have today. Let me walk through each transition. Customers that have two Datacenter licenses will receive one Windows Server 2012 Datacenter license. Remember that each Datacenter license today covers only one processor and a Datacenter license in the future will cover 2 processors. Customers that have Standard edition today will receive one license of Windows Server 2012 Standard edition for each license, receiving greater value in features and virtualization rights. You will notice that as part of our simplified model, that some editions will be retiring. For every one Enterprise license that a customer has with SA, they will receive two Standard edition licenses, ensuring that they receive the same features and 4 virtualization instances that they have today. For every two licenses of Web Server edition a customer has, they will receive one edition of Windows Server Standard. Since many customers are virtualizing web they will receive the same number of virtual instance, plus have access to all of the product features and the ability to run more than just web workloads. In addition, these customers will be able to run their web server licenses in addition to their granted Standard edition license. For every one Windows HPC Server Suite a customer has, they will receive one edition of Windows Server Standard, providing customers with access to all of the product features, an additional virtual instance and the ability to run more than just HPC workloads. In addition, these customers will be able to run their HPC licenses in addition to their granted Standard edition license. Note: As you may know, Windows HPC Server Suite consists of two HPC products, Windows Server HPC Edition and Microsoft HPC Pack Enterprise, if a customer purchased these individually with SA, they will receive a grant of Windows Server 2012 for every two licenses they have. Windows Web Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 Standard 2 : 1 Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 Suite* Windows Server 2012 Standard 1 : 1 * Go to to learn more about Software Assurance benefits. * Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC Edition and Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2 Enterprise will receive a 2:1 grant of Windows Server 2012 Standard edition.

20 Windows Server Management Marketing
3/29/2017 Ruta de Crecimiento Agregar licencias Standard adicionales permite a los clientes permite agregar capacidad según sea necesario a un precio constante por instancia. Opción 1: Pila de Licencias Standard Los clientes con licencia Standard edition pueden adjuntar varias licencias a un unico servidor para aumentar los derechos de virtualizacion, cada licencia incrementara los derechos de virtualizacion en dos maquinas virtuales. License $882 License $882 License $882 License $882 License $882 License $882 6 VMs 2 VMs 4 VMs Customers that want to grow their virtualization instances will have two options to choice from. For those customers that want to have a lightly virtualized environment, they can choose to assign multiple Standard edition licenses to a single server, often referred to as stacking licenses. With each Standard license they assign to a server a customer will be able to increase their virtualization rights by two. Adicionar 1 licencia servidor para un total de 2 licencias($1,764) Agregar 1 licencia servidor para un total de 3 licencias($2,646) All pricing is Open NL ERP licenses © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

21 Ruta de Crecimiento Opcion 2: Pasar a version Datacenter
Los clientes pueden adquirir Datacenter edition para escalar y disminuir el costo por cada instancia virtual y crecer facilmente. Opcion 2: Pasar a version Datacenter Los clientes con Software Assurance pueden pasar de una version inferior a una version superior pagando la diferencia entre las dos licencias y el SA. Windows Server 2012 Standard Windows Server 2012 Datacenter License $1,103 License $6,013 Step-Up $4,909 Customers that want to move toward a highly virtualized environment and have Software Assurance will want to use their Step-up benefit to move from Standard edition to Datacenter edition, only paying the difference in the cost of the two editions. Customers should remember that they can only Step-up one license for one license, so if they know that they want to eventually have a highly virtualized environment they should consider moving to Datacenter edition instead of stacking Standard licenses in the short term so that they can grow as quickly as they need without having to purchase additional licenses and without having additional Standard licenses remaining when they are ready to Step-up Datacenter. For those customers that have Enterprise edition, and that want to have a highly virtualized environment, they will want to consider using their Step-up benefit prior to GA so that they can take advantage of the price point of moving from a higher priced Enterprise edition to Datacenter edition. Please keep in mind that a customer will need to make sure they purchase a total of two Datacenter 2008 R2 licenses to get the transition grant to Windows Server 2012 Datacenter. Calculation: Open NL (DC L – SE L) + (DC SA – SE SA) ($4,810 - $882.67) + ($1, $220.67) = $4,909.17 Pricing: Open NL ERP L/SA in the final year of an agreement. EA customers with Enterprise edition on their channel price sheet will be able to step-up at any point during their enrollment.

22 Linea de tiempo opciones de compra
Windows Server Management Marketing 3/29/2017 Linea de tiempo opciones de compra Anunciar Disponibilidad General Programas de convenio no empresarial Pasar de Enterprise 2008 R2 a Datacenter 2008 R2 Pasar de Standard 2012 a Datacenter 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 Acuerdo enpresarial Pasar de Enterprise 2008 R2 a Datacenter 2008 R2* For those customers that do not have an EA agreement, they will have until Windows Server 2012 general availability to take advantage of the Step-up benefit for Enterprise edition and to purchase any Windows Server 2008 R2 products. After GA they will only have the option to Step-up from Standard edition to Datacenter edition or to purchase Windows Server 2012 versions. For EA customers they will be able to continue to purchase the products on their CPS until the end of their agreement. If they have Enterprise on their agreement, they will be able to take advantage of the Step-up to Datacenter from that edition through the end of their agreement. Remember that if they use the Enterprise Step-up they will either need to purchase an additional Datacenter 2008 R2 license for a total of two licenses or Step-up a second Enterprise licenses to have total of two Datacenter 2008 R2 licenses with SA to qualify for a Windows Server 2012 Datacenter license. Windows Server 2008 R2* Pasar de Standard 2012 a Datacenter 2012 Windows Server 2012 *The product must be on your channel price sheet © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

23 Migracion con Software Assurance
Los clientes con Software Assurance se les concede renovación del acuerdo de licencia, pero tiene derecho a utilizar el producto concedido bajo su disponibilidad. Windows SBS 2011 Essentials Windows Server 2012 Essentials 1 : 1 Ediciones Retiradas Windows SBS 2011 Standard Windows Server 2012 Standard Exchange Server Standard 1 : 1 Customers that have Software Assurance at general availability of Windows Server 2012 will receive equal or greater value than what they have today. Let me walk through each transition. Customers that a license of Windows SBS 2011 Essentials will receive one license of Windows Server Essentials. You will notice that as part of our simplified model, that some editions will be retiring. Customers that have Windows SBS 2011 Standard today will receive one license of Windows Server Standard edition for each license, and one license of Exchange Server 2010 Standard For every one Windows SBS Premium Add on license that a customer has with SA, they will receive one Windows Server 2012 Standard edition and one SQL Server 2012 Standard. If the questions comes up on CAL transition The CALs will also have a transition period: SBS CAL- gets Windows Server CAL + Exchange Server Standard CAL SBS PAO CAL- Gets SQL Server 2012 CAL only Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-On Windows Server 2012 Standard SQL Server 2012 Standard 1 : 1 Go to to learn more about Software Assurance benefits.

24 Escenario del cliente Implementar sus aplicaciones y servicios en la nube Windows Server 2012 Essentials es la solución ideal para: Los clientes quienes previamente habían adquirido SBS 2011 Essentials y aprovechar los servicios en la nube como mensajería y colaboración. adquirido SBS 2011 Standard Pero ahora están interesados en el aprovechamiento de aplicaciones y servicios basados en la nube Windows SBS 2011 Essentials Windows Server 2012 Essentials Windows SBS Standard Hosted Exchange Online Apps/Services

25 Escenario del cliente Implementación de aplicaciones y servicios en sitio Windows Server 2012 Essentials puede ser empleado en algunos sitios con escenarios de Windows Server 2012 Standard, Exchange Server, y SQL Server 2012 Dos servidores fisicos Un servidor fisico w/ dos maquinas virtuales Un servidor fisico w/ tres maquinas virtuales Host Windows Server 2012 Standard Host Windows Server 2012 Standard Servidor de infraestructura Windows Server 2012 Essentials Servidor de mensajeria Exchange Server Standard Servidor LOB SQL Server 2012 Standard Servidor de infraestructura Windows Server 2012 Essentials Servidor de mensajeria Windows Server Standard y Exchange Server Standard Servidor de infraestructura Windows Server 2012 Essentials Servidor de mensajeria Exchange Server Standard

26 Escenario del cliente Implementación de un escenario Premium
Los clientes que previamente hayan adquirido SBS 2011 Premium Add-on Windows Server 2012 Standard Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-On Standard

27 Derechos de Downgrade Los clientes tiene la posibilidad de hacer downgrade a una versión anterior o una versión inferior. Los términos de la licencia para el downgraded estarán sujetos a los términos de la licencia para Windows Server 2012*. Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Datacenter ANY VERSION Windows Server 2012 Datacenter puede hacer downgrade a cualquier versión anterior como: Datacenter Edition Enterprise Edition Standard Edition Windows Server 2012 Standard puede hacer downgrade a cualquier version como: Los clientes seran autorizados para el acceder a los sitios web de Windows Server 2008 y Windows Server 2008 R2 - Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC). Enterprise ANY VERSION Windows Server 2012 Standard Standard ANY VERSION *The virtualization rights of the purchased edition (2012) still apply (Datacenter – unlimited VMs, Standard – 2 VMs). The license rules of the purchased edition (2012) still apply (license covers 2 VMs). See website for Windows Server 2012 product terms.


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