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Agenda Warm-up: Wk 5 Day 3 –Have your homework out for a check grade (map side). Grade Question side of the South America Maps Africa: Physical Geography.

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1 Agenda Warm-up: Wk 5 Day 3 –Have your homework out for a check grade (map side). Grade Question side of the South America Maps Africa: Physical Geography Notes Remember World Map Activity parts 1-4 due tomorrow in class as a test grade!



4 Sub Friday If you are on the list of students who behaved badly for the sub you can expect: – A referral with suggested punishment of ISS for a day at least. – A parent conference/call/email – 5 days of detention where you will write a letter apologizing to the sub and then paragraphs about how your behavior was unacceptable and will improve.


6 A Satellite View

7 General Facts: 2 nd largest continent in land area 3 X size of the U.S. Separated from Europe by Mediterranean Sea in the N.; on the E. by the Red Sea & Indian Ocean; on the W. by the Atlantic Ocean

8 Africas Size # Second largest continent 11,700,000 sq. mi. # 10% of the worlds population. # 2 ½ times the size of the U. S. 5000MILES5000MILES 4 6 0 0 M I L E S

9 Bodies of Water: Nile River- worlds longest at 4,150 miles, flows from C. Africa to Mediterranean Sea. –Creates rich farmland after annual floods Others: Congo, Zambezi, & Niger Major lakes: Victoria, Taganyika, Nyasa – East Africa

10 Bodies Of Water Nile River Congo River Zambezi River Niger River Orange River Limpopo River Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Red Sea L. Victoria L. Albert--> L. Chad--> L. Tanganyika-> <--Gulf of Aden

11 The Mighty Nile River: Longest River in the World

12 The Congo River Basin # Covers 12% of the continent. # Extends over 9 countries. # 2,720 miles long. # 99% of the country of Zaire is in the Congo River basin.

13 The Niger River Basin # Covers 7.5% of the continent. # Extends over 10 countries. # 2,600 miles long.

14 Hydroelectric Power

15 Mountains & Valleys: Atlas Mountains – N.-W. Africa Great Rift Valley – highlands in East Africa = can be seen from space.

16 Drajensburg Mts. Ruwenzori Mts. Δ Mt. Kenya Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro Mountains & Peaks Atlas Mts.

17 Valleys & Plains Great Rift Valley

18 3,000 miles long

19 Seismic Activity in Africa

20 Deserts: Sahara- most of North Africa = worlds largest –Separates Africa N. & S. because it is difficult to cross! Isolated sub-Sahara (s. of desert) from rest of the world. Kalahari Desert – in far S. Africa

21 Deserts Sahara Desert Sahel Kalahari Desert Namib Desert Libyan Desert

22 The Sahara Desert

23 Desertification

24 The Sahel

25 Africa: The Tropical Continent Tropic of Cancer 20° N Tropic of Capricorn 20° S Equator 0°

26 Tropical Rainforests: In C. and W. Africa = hot, humid with 60- 100 inches of rain a year. –Thick forest & Jungle areas = hard to travel More plant & animal species than anywhere else on Earth

27 African Rain Forest # Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft. # Rapid decomposition (very humid). # Covers 37 countries. # 15% of the land surface of Africa.

28 African Trade Winds

29 West Africa: Home of our Hurricanes

30 Savannas: Covers much of Africa= tall, wild grass with some trees (plains) –Best area for growing crops, raising livestock, & for wild animals. –Most Africans live in the Savannas or along the coast.

31 Vegetation Zones

32 The African Savannah: 13 million sq. mi.

33 Mt. Kilimanjaro: Snow on the Equator?

34 The Complete Topography Of AFRICA Nile River Congo River Zambezi River Niger River Orange River Limpopo River Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Red Sea L. Victoria L. Albert--> L. Chad--> L. Tanganyika-> <--Gulf of Aden Drajensburg Mts. Ruwenzori Mts. Δ Mt. Kenya Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro Sahara Desert Sahel Kalahari Desert Namib Desert Libyan Desert Great Rift Valley Atlas Mts. Tropic of Cancer 20° N Tropic of Capricorn 20° S Equator 0°

35 Climate: Much is warm with hot summers and mild winters. Rain varies from desert to tropical rainforest.

36 Vegetation Zones


38 Notas de África Datos generales: 2 º continente más grande en extensión territorial 3 veces el tamaño de los EE.UU. Separado de Europa por mar Mediterráneo en el norte, por el este con el Mar Rojo y el Océano Índico, al oeste con el Océano Atlántico.

39 Desiertos: Sahara más de los más grandes del norte de África = mundo –Se separa África del Norte y del Sur, ya que es difícil de cruzar! Aislado sub-Sahara (al sur de desierto) del resto de la el mundo. Kalahari Desert - en el extremo sur de África

40 Sabanas: Cubre gran parte de África = hierba alta, con algunos árboles silvestres (llanuras) –Lo mejor zona para el cultivo, la cría de animales, y los animales salvajes. –La mayoría de los africanos viven en las sabanas o en la costa.

41 Selvas tropicales: En África Central y Occidental = caliente, húmedo, con 60-100 pulgadas de lluvia al año. –Áreas forestales gruesos y Selva = difícil viajar –Más de plantas y especies animales que cualquier otro lugar en la Tierra

42 Montañas y Valles: Atlas Mountains - Norte de África Occidental Gran Valle del Rift - tierras altas en el este de = puede ser vista desde el espacio.

43 Cuerpos de agua: Nile River-más largo del mundo en 4.150 millas, los flujos procedentes de África central a Mar Mediterráneo. –Crea ricas tierras de cultivo después de las inundaciones anuales Otros: Congo, Zambezi, Níger y Los lagos importantes: Victoria, Taganyika, Nyasa - África Oriental

44 Clima: Mucho es cálido, con veranos calurosos e inviernos suaves. Lluvia varía desde el desierto hasta la selva tropical.

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