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El pretérito. Definición del pretérito The preterite tense is used to express actions that began and ended at a definite time in the past.

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Presentación del tema: "El pretérito. Definición del pretérito The preterite tense is used to express actions that began and ended at a definite time in the past."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 El pretérito

2 Definición del pretérito The preterite tense is used to express actions that began and ended at a definite time in the past.

3 Preterite Tense -AR endings SUBJECT Preterite Tense SUBJECT Preterite Tense yo -é nosotros nosotras -amos* *Same as present* tú -aste vosotros vosotras -asteis (3rd person singular) él ella usted -ó (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes -aron

4 -AR ending comparison SUBJECT PRESENT TENSE SUBJECT Preterite Tense Meaning yohabloyohablé I spoke, did speak túhablastúhablaste You spoke, did speak (3rd person sing.) él ella usted habla (3rd person sing.) él ella Usted habló He spoke, did speak She spoke, did speak You (formal) spoke, did speak nosotros nosotras hablamos nosotros nosotras hablamos* We spoke, did speak vosotros vosotras habláis vosotros vosotras hablasteis Ya´ll/ You guys spoke, did speak (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes hablan (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes hablaron They spoke, did speak They(f) spoke, did speak You all (formal, plural) spoke, did speak

5 práctica (-ar pretérito) 1. yo (to dance) _______________ 2. tú y yo (to arrive) _______________ 3. usted (to recommend) _______________ 4. nosotros (to take) _______________ 5. María y tú (to call) _______________ 6. tú y yo (to give) _______________ 7. el viajero (to pay) _______________

6 IRREGULAR YO In order to preserve the sound of the infinitive, a number of verbs change orthographically (spelling) in the preterite tense. The following changes occur in the "yo" form only:: Verbs that end in -gar change g to gu Verbs that end in -car change c to qu Verbs that end in -zar change z to c yo jugué (jugar) yo busqué (buscar) yo almorcé (almorzar)

7 Práctica yo (jugar) _____________/ Meaning: ____________ yo (buscar) ____________/ Meaning: ____________ yo (almorzar) ___________/ Meaning: ___________ yo (llegar) ____________/ Meaning: ____________ yo (tocar) _____________/ Meaning: ____________ yo (practicar) ____________/ Meaning: __________ yo (empezar) __________/ Meaning: ____________ yo (organizar) __________/ Meaning: ____________

8 Preterite Tense -ER endings SUBJECT Preterite Tense SUBJECT Preterite Tense yo -í nosotros nosotras -imos tú -iste vosotros vosotras -isteis (3rd person singular) él ella usted -ió (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes -ieron

9 -ER ending comparison SUBJECT PRESENT TENSE SUBJECT Preterite Tense Meaning yocomoyocomí I ate túcomestúcomiste You ate (3rd person sing.) él ella usted come (3rd person sing.) él ella Usted comió He ate She ate You (formal) ate nosotros nosotras comemos nosotros nosotras comimos* We ate vosotros vosotras comeís vosotros vosotras comisteis Ya´ll/ You guys ate (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes comen (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes comieron They ate They(f) ate You all (formal, plural) ate

10 práctica (-er pretérito) 1. ustedes. (to eat) _______________ 1. los turistas (to see) _______________ 1. tú y yo (to do, to make) _______________ 1. tú (to read) _______________ 1. el viajero (to lose) _______________ 1. ellas (to bring) _______________ 1. vosotros (to put) _______________

11 Preterite Tense -IR endings SUBJECT Preterite Tense SUBJECT Preterite Tense yo -í nosotros nosotras -imos* tú -iste vosotros vosotras -isteis (3rd person singular) él ella usted -ió (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes -ieron

12 -IR ending comparison SUBJECT PRESENT TENSE SUBJECT Preterite Tense Meaning yovivoyoviví I lived túvivestúviviste You lived (3rd person sing.) él ella usted vive (3rd person sing.) él ella Usted vivió He lived She lived You (formal) lived nosotros nosotras vivimos nosotros nosotras vivimos* We lived vosotros vosotras vivís vosotros vosotras vivisteis Ya´ll/ You lived (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes viven (3rd person plural) ellos ellas ustedes vivieron They lived They(f) lived You all (formal, plural) lived

13 Práctica: -IR endings I ate. Yo comí. We lived. Nosotros vivimos Ya´ll said. Vosotros dijisteis. She ran. Ella corrió. They left. Ellos salieron. You took. Tú tomaste. You all lived. Ustedes vivieron.

14 práctica (-ir pretérito) 1. tú (to write) _______________ 1. ellas (to leave) _______________ 1. alguien (to hear) _______________ 1. Manolo (to sleep) _______________ 1. yo (to ask for) _______________ 1. Ud. (to repeat) _______________ 1. Uds. (to say, to tell) _______________ 1. el viajero (to go to bed) _______________ 1. nosotros (to come) _______________ 1. la niña (to go out) _______________ 1. ellos (to live) _______________ 1. ellos (to feel) _______________

15 SUMMARY: Regular endings

16 Irregulares…

17 Quise, Hice, Vine Yo. (to the tune of the Military Cadence) Quise, Hice, Vine Yo. Puse, Pude, Supe Yo. Dije, Traje, Conduje. Tuve, Estuve, Anduve. Pretérito Irregular Ya yo sé los verbos.

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