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SPN III Jan 19. Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns have almost the same forms as indirect object pronouns except se is used in place of le and les.

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1 SPN III Jan 19

2 Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive pronouns have almost the same forms as indirect object pronouns except se is used in place of le and les for the third person. The reflexive pronoun will always be the same person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (singular, plural) as the subject of the sentence. Reflexive Pronoun Forms Singular Plural 1st person me nos (to, for, from, or off myself) (to, for, from, or off ourselves) 2nd person te os (to, for, from, or off yourself) (to, for, from, or off yourselves) 3rd personse se (to, for, from, or off himself, (to, for, from, or herself, itself, yourself) off themselves, yourselves) Reflexive Pronoun Uses Reflexive verbs will require the use of reflexive pronouns to indicate that the direct object of the verb is also the subject, that the subject is performing the action on him- or her-self. Notice that the reflexive pronoun has the same person as the verb ending. Reflexive pronouns can sometimes be added to verbs not regularly reflexive verbs in order to make them reflexive. Can be used to indicate an emotional response to something. When a person becomes angry, sad, happy, etc., you can express this by using reflexive verbs. Reflexive pronouns can also be used to add emphasis to a seemingly regular situation. The pronouns are not normally translated directly into English, but the sense of something extra is there in Spanish.  Comí el pastel. (I ate the cake.)  Me comí el pastel. (I ate up the cake/I ate the whole cake.)  Estúdialo. (Study it.)  Estúdiatelo. (Really study it./Study it thoroughly.) Reflexive Pronoun Placement Reflexive pronouns are placed immediately before simple conjugated verbs and negative commands Reflexive Pronouns are attached to affirmative commands and in the case of compound verbs (present progressive, ir+a+infinitive, etc.) the pronoun can either be attached to the infinitive or present participle or go before the conjugated verb. ducharhse - Estoy duchándome. / Me estoy duchando. (I am showering (myself).)  quitarse - Quítate el sombrero. (Take off your hat.)  sentarse - Voy a sentarme. / Me voy a sentar. (I am going to sit (myself) down.)

3 Reflexive Reflexive Verbs and Reflexive Pronouns P. 74-75, 77, 80, 294, 305 Yo me peino Nosotro/as nos peinamos Tu te peinas Vosotro/as os peináis Él se peinaEllos se peinan Ella se peina Ellas se peinan Usted se peina Ustedes se peinan Me peino todos los días. Me hagoNos hacemos Te hacesOs haceís Se haceSe hacen Peinarse Hacerse Me hago un arquitecto Vestirse Me vistoNos vestimos Te vistesOs vestís Se visteSe visten Nos vestimos elegantemente para el Prom

4 aburrirse (de) (to get bored with)despertarse (to wake up) acordarse (de) (to remember)destaparse (to uncover) acostarse (to go to bed)desvestirse (to get undressed) afeitarse (to shave) disgustarse (de) (to become upset about) alegrarse (de) (to be glad about)distraerse (to distract oneself) bañarse (to bathe) divertirse (con) (to enjoy oneself with) cepillarse (to brush)dormirse (to go to sleep) convertirse (en) (to become)ducharse (to shower) desayunarse (to eat breakfast)enfermarse (to become ill) despedirse (to say good-bye)enloquecerse (to go crazy) enojarse (con) (to get mad about)quitarse (to take off) irse (to leave)reponerse (to get better) limarse (las uñas) (to file)secarse (to dry off) maquillarse (to put on makeup)sentarse (to sit down) mirarse (to look at oneself)sostenerse (to support) olvidarse (de) (to forget about)subirse (to get up) peinarse (to comb one's hair)taparse (to cover up oneself) pintarse (los labios) (to put on lipstick)torcerse (to twist) probarse (to try on)vestirse (to get dressed) ponerse (to put on)volverse (to become)

5 Nocturno a Rosario de Manuel Acuña 1849-1873 Martes enero 19 del dos mil dieciséis ¡Pues bien!, yo necesito decirte que te adoro, decirte que te quiero con todo el corazón; que es mucho lo que sufro, que es mucho lo que lloro, que ya no puedo tanto, y al grito en que te imploro, te imploro y te hablo en nombre de mi última ilusión. Yo quiero que tú sepas que ya hace muchos días estoy enfermo y pálido de tanto no dormir; que están mis noches negras, tan negras y sombrías, que ya se han muerto todas las esperanzas mías, que ya no sé ni dónde se alza el porvenir.

6 WKB Ch. 4 p. 49

7 Arte pre- Colombino Arte Hispano- Americano

8 Students write a proposal in English of their art project + sketch Materials Colors Size Theme, about? Time period Geography?

9 Reflexive verbs in present tense 1.aburrirse (de) (to get bored with) 2.despertarse (to wake up) 3.acordarse (de) (to remember) 4.destaparse (to uncover) 5.acostarse (to go to bed) 6.desvestirse (to get undressed) 7.afeitarse (to shave) 8.disgustarse (de) (to become upset about) 9.alegrarse (de) (to be glad about) 10.distraerse (to distract oneself) 11.bañarse (to bathe) 12.divertirse (con) (to enjoy oneself with) 13.cepillarse (to brush) 14.dormirse (to go to sleep) 15.convertirse (en) (to become) 16.ducharse (to shower) 17.desayunarse (to eat breakfast) 18.enfermarse (to become ill) 19.despedirse (to say good-bye) 20.enloquecerse (to go crazy) Write 10 sentences in Spanish with reflexive verbs about your friends Ejemplo: Mis amigos y yo nos distraemos y no estamos nerviosos los fines de semana cuando vamos al cine juntos. cualidades artístico, -anervioso, -a atlético, -areservado, -a bien educado, -aserio, -a cortéssimpático, -a divertido, -asociable elegantetalentoso, -a estudioso, -atranquilo, -a gracioso, -a inteligente

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