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Reflexive Verbs In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to himself or herself are called reflexive...

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Presentación del tema: "Reflexive Verbs In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to himself or herself are called reflexive..."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Reflexive Verbs In English, pronouns that indicated that the subject of the sentence does something to himself or herself are called reflexive...

2 In English reflexive pronouns end in - self (-selves)... I cut myself shaving. She looked at herself in the mirror. We embarrassed ourselves. The small children dressed themselves.

3 Spanish has reflexive pronouns and often uses them in phrases where English does not. The reflexive pronoun still refers back to the subject of the sentence. Me levanto a las seis. I get up at six. Se lava los dientes. He brushes his teeth. Nos vamos. Let’s go.

4 Reflexive verbs have reflexive pronouns: Infinitive: Unchanged form of the verb: bañarse *ducharse *peinarse *quitarse When conjugating a reflexive verb, put the appropriate pronoun IN FRONT of the conjugated verb. (Yo) (Tú) Me Then Conjugate the verb. baño. Teduchas. I bathe. You shower.

5 ---- Levantarse temprano. *(Yo) _______ levanto temprano. (Tú) ______ levantas temprano. Pablo ________ levanta temprano.( (Nosotros) _________ levantamos temprano. Ustedes _______ levantan temprano. Ana y Lupe _______ levantan temprano. Me Te se Nos se ¿Te acuerdas? take off AR & add: o, as, a, amos, áis, an

6 ---- acostarse tarde. (Yo) _______ acuesto tarde. (Tú) ______ acuestas tarde. Pablo ________ acuesta tarde. (Nosotros) _________ acostamos tarde. Ustedes _______ acuestan tarde. Ana y Lupe _______ acuestan tarde. Me Te se Nos se ¿Te acuerdas? take off AR & add: o, as, a, amos, áis, an

7 Reflexive pronouns normally are placed directly before the conjugated verb. In the case of a sentence using Ir + a + infinitive, the reflexive pronoun my be attached to the end of the infinitive. (Yo) Voy a duchar___. ___ voy a duchar. Vas a vestir__. ___ vas a vestir. me te Me Te

8 With prepositions, reflexive verbs normally are not conjugated but the reflexive pronoun has to agree with the subject. Prepositions: antes de- before después de – after para – for or in order to ALSO: When used with the verb acabar + de – to have just done something

9 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: (Yo) _________ levanto a las seis. Me

10 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: (Nosotros) _________ acostamos a las diez y media. nos

11 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Rogelio _________ lava los dientes. se

12 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Las chicas __ maquillan por la mañana. se

13 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: (Tú) _________ maquillas en el baño. te

14 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: (Nosotros) _________ entrenamos a las siete y diez. nos

15 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: ______ ducho después del partido de básquetbol. Me

16 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Mi papá _________ afeita por la mañana. se

17 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Mi mamá _________ pone el perfume antes de ir al restaurante. se

18 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: _________ pongo a ropa después de levantarme. Me

19 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: _________ quito la ropa antes de ducharme. Me

20 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Beto _________ lava los dientes después de comer. se

21 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: _________ lavas las manos antes de comer. Te

22 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Mi hermana_________ lava el pelo y después _______ seca el pelo con un secador de pelo. se

23 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Por la mañana, siempre _________ levanto temprano, _______ quito las pijamas, y _______ pongo la ropa. me

24 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Los chicos _________ acuestan temprano hoy porque están cansados. se

25 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: (Nosotros) _________ afeitamos antes de ducharnos. nos

26 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: ¿Cuándo _________ levantaste hoy? te

27 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: ¿Cuándo _________ acostaste ayer? te

28 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: ______ acuesto y ________ duermo inmediatemente. Me me

29 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: (Nosotros) _________ despertamos y ________ levantamos en seguida. nos

30 Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun: Antes de comer, mi famila y yo siempre _______ lavamos las manos y ________ sentamos en la mesa. nos


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