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► ► Caminar, correr, vivir (present tense), casa,.

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Presentación del tema: "► ► Caminar, correr, vivir (present tense), casa,."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 ► ► Caminar, correr, vivir (present tense), casa,

2 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. Agenda: 52-48 Objectives/Daily Dictionary 48-47 Quiz Tracker 47-5 Learning Activities 5-0 Exit Quiz Objectives: 1. Write and say that different people live, walk, and run. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Write 2 discussion posts on our class web page (due Friday). Daily Dictionary: yo vivo/corro/camino (I live/run/walk), tú vives/corres/caminas (you live/run/walk), usted vive/corre/camina (you live/run/walk), ella vive/corre/camina (she lives/runs/walks), él vive/corre/camina (he lives/runs/walks), nosotros vivimos/corremos/caminamos (we live/run/walk), ustedes viven/corren/caminan (you all live/run/walk), ellos viven/corren/caminan (they live/run/walk), casa (house), por (for), cada (each, every)

3 Vivir = to live yovivonosotros nosotras vivimos túvives usted ella él vive ustedes ellos ellas viven

4 Yo vivo en una casa blanca.

5 Nosotros vivimos en una casa amarilla.

6 ► ► Tú vives en una casa... ► ► Usted vive en una casa... ► ► Ella vive en una casa... ► ► Él vive un una casa... ► ► Nosotros vivimos... ► ► Ustedes viven... ► ► Ellos viven...

7 La chica corre.

8 Correr = to run yocorronosotros nosotras corremos túcorres usted ella él corre ustedes ellos ellas corren

9 La mujer corre.

10 El chico y el hombre corren.

11 ¿Usted corre mucho? Sí, yo corro mucho.

12 Yo corro. Yo no corro. Yo corro mucho. Yo corro un poco. Yo nunca corro.

13 ¿Tú corres mucho? Sí, yo corro mucho.

14 Yo corro. Yo no corro. Yo corro mucho. Yo corro un poco. Yo nunca corro.

15 ¿Ustedes corren mucho? No, nosotros no corremos mucho.

16 ¿Ustedes caminan mucho? Sí, nosotros caminamos mucho.

17 Caminar = to walk yocaminonosotros nosotras caminamos túcaminas usted ella él camina ustedes ellos ellas caminan

18 ¿Cuándo caminas más? ► ► Yo camino más......por la noche...después de escuela...antes de escuela...en la escuela...los fines de semana...en el verano...

19 Pantomimas: ► ► Act out the passage your partner reads to you.

20 Free Write: Write five sentences in which you use the words we have learned today.

21 Skit: ► Using your House’s writing as inspiration, prepare a skit in which one or more group members narrates while the others act out what is being narrated.

22 Exit Quiz: Recreate the conjugation charts for caminar, correr, and vivir in the present tense.

23 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. Agenda: 55-50 Objectives/Daily Dictionary 50-5 Learning Activities 5-0 Exit Quiz Objectives: 1. Write and say different forms of “talked,” “ate,” and “wrote” in Spanish. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Write 2 discussion posts on our class web page (due Friday). Daily Dictionary: regular past preterite verb endings: -ar verbs (-é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -aron) -er/-ir verbs (-í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -ieron) Anoche (last night), Rico / Rica (rich, tasty) Poesía (poetry), un poema (a poem) Un ensayo (an essay), un cuento (a short story), Una novela (a novel), un reportaje (a report) Un teatro (a play), un guión (a screenplay)

24 En La Fiesta Anoche. (Mad Libs) En la fiesta anoche, muchas personas hablaron. Yo hablé con __________. Mi amiga y yo hablamos con ____________. Pepe habló con _____________. Elena y Pilar hablaron con ___________. ¿Y tú? ¿Hablaste con alguien interesante?

25 Hablar (to talk, to speak) in the Past yohablénosotros nosotras hablamos túhablaste usted ella él habló ustedes ellos ellas hablaron

26 Hot Potato We will begin with a given verb. Say a pronoun from the list and toss the ball to someone at your table. That person should say the correct past preterite conjugation of the verb, then pick a new pronoun and toss the ball. Pronouns: Yo, Tú, Usted, Ella, Él, Nosotros, Nosotras, Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas

27 ¿Hablaste con… anoche? Sí, hablé con… anoche. No, no hablé con… anoche. Ex: ¿Hablaste con Johnny anoche? No, no hablé con Johnny anoche.

28 En La Fiesta Anoche. (Mad Libs) En la fiesta anoche, nosotros comimos todo tipo de comida. Yo comí ___________. Pepe y María comieron _____________. Pilar comió ______________. ¿Y tú? ¿Comiste algo rico anoche?

29 Comer (to eat) in the Past yocomínosotros nosotras comimos túcomiste usted ella él comió ustedes ellos ellas comieron

30 Hot Potato We will begin with a given verb. Say a pronoun from the list and toss the ball to someone at your table. That person should say the correct past preterite conjugation of the verb, then pick a new pronoun and toss the ball. Pronouns: Yo, Tú, Usted, Ella, Él, Nosotros, Nosotras, Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas

31 ¿Qué comiste anoche? Yo comí…

32 Autores famosos John Steinbeck escribió _______________. J.K. Rowling escribió __________________.

33 El año pasado… Yo escribí… Mis amigos y yo escribimos… Mis amigos escribieron… Mi amigo escribió…

34 ¿Qué escribiste el año pasado? Yo escribí… …poesía …un poema …una novela …un ensayo …un reportaje …un teatro …un guión

35 Escribir (to write) in the Past yoescribínosotros nosotrasescribimos túescribiste usted ella él escribió ustedes ellos ellas escribieron

36 Hot Potato We will begin with a given verb. Say a pronoun from the list and toss the ball to someone at your table. That person should say the correct past preterite conjugation of the verb, then pick a new pronoun and toss the ball. Pronouns: Yo, Tú, Usted, Ella, Él, Nosotros, Nosotras, Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas

37 Mad Libs: Write a mad libs story in which you use different forms of wrote, talked, and ate. Leave blanks for someone to fill in with funny responses. Get creative!

38 Exit Quiz: Write a sentence for each. 1. (talked) 2. (ate) 3. (wrote)

39 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. Agenda: 55-48 Objectives/Review 48-0 Weekly Journaling Objectives: 1. Review for the Weekly Quiz. 2. Write Weekly Journal #3. 3. Correct Weekly Journal #2. 4. Begin planning for tomorrow’s film. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: Homework: Check the Class Web Page for Hybrid Day activities. Daily Dictionary: N/A

40 El hombre (corre / corrió) ayer. 30 de agosto31 de agosto (ayer)(hoy)

41 Yo (corro / corrí) todos los días.

42 Beti y Wilma (hablaron / hablan) anoche.

43 ¿ (Hablas / Hablaste) con Juan anoche? Sí, (hablé / hablo) con él.

44 Yo (hablo / hablé) mucho. ¿Tú (hablaste / hablas) mucho? Anoche, yo (escribo / escribí) un reportaje, y después, yo (comí / comiste) un sándwich. ¡Qué (rico / ensayo) el sándwich!

45 ¿Qué comió usted anoche? Yo comí una ensalada.

46 ¿Qué comió tu familia anoche? Mi esposa comió un sándwich. Mis hijos comieron hamburguesas.

47 ¿Ustedes comieron anoche? ¡Claro que sí! Nosotros comimos anoche.

48 Los hombres comieron anoche.

49 Weekly Journal, 8-31-11 Look at your magazine cutout. Imagine there is a story behind the photo. Write the story, using regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs in the past preterite. Your story should be a minimum of 40 words. 10 minutes

50 Journal Corrections: ► Correct this week’s journal until you earn your 10 out of 10. ► Correct last week’s journal until you earn your 10 out of 10. ► Scratch your name off the CP list when you finish. ► When you finish journal corrections, you may begin preparing for tomorrow´s film.

51 Thursday Film: Graded out of 5 points: -Each group member present speaks an equal amount of dialogue by him- or herself. -All Spanish words and phrases from the week are spoken in the film. -All students speak without reading from a script of any kind. -All spoken dialogue is audible and correctly pronounced. -Group name and class period are stated at the beginning of the film.

52 Standards: 1. Communicate in Spanish. 2. Understand other cultures. 4. Compare your culture with others. Agenda: 55-50 Objectives / Hybrid Day Demo 50-0 Film, Correct Weekly Journal. Objectives: 1. Know expectations for Spanish class on Hybrid Day. 2. Finish filming this week’s Friday Film. 3. Correct your Weekly Journal. Materials: Notebook, Folder, Journal, Pen/Pencil 21 st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Initiative, Communication, Info Analysis, Imagination Homework: go to the class web page tomorrow and do activities. Daily Dictionary: N/A

53 Hybrid Day: ► ► Go to the classroom web page for the period you have Spanish. ► Read the directions under “announcements.” ► Complete activities as instructed.

54 Thursday Film: Graded out of 5 points: -Each group member present speaks an equal amount of dialogue by him- or herself. -All Spanish words and phrases from the week are spoken in the film. -All students speak without reading from a script of any kind. -All spoken dialogue is audible and correctly pronounced. -Group name and class period are stated at the beginning of the film.

55 Finished filming? Your options: ► Play Guess Who?, in Spanish. ► Play Scrabble in Spanish. (Keep score) ► Play Charades. ► Spanish Spelling Bee. ► Dictionary War.

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