“Formula de Gusta” Infinitivo (énfasis)(pronombre)(verbo) NO Practicar: 1.I like to learn Spanish. 2. She likes to talk on the phone. 3.You (familiar)


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 The Spanish verb gustar expresses to like in English.
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El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
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Gustar “to like”.
¡ GUSTAR! Gustar With Infinitive Verbs © 2011 The Enlightened Elephant.
More Verb Notes An infinitive is the basic form of a verb, a word that expresses action or a state of being. In English, most infinitives include the word.
Gustar+ infinitive.
GUSTAR w/ verbs!. The Verb GUSTAR Gustar = to like Les gusta Le gusta A Te gusta Nos gusta Me gusta A mí A ti A él A ella A usted A
El Verbo “GUSTAR + Infinitive” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
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Gustar + Infinitive.
El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike an.
DO NOW: Directions: Copy these Infinitve verbs/ activities in your notes for future reference! 1. Nadar =To swim 2. Tocar la guitarra = To play the guitar.
El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike an.
U1L1 GUSTAR. GUSTAR (TO LIKE) GUSTAR is the verb TO LIKE in Spanish It literally translates to “to be pleasing,” but we use it to mean “to like” in English.
Los Infinitivos (Vocabulario). alquilar (un DVD) To rent (a DVD)
Gustar… Cómo se lo conjuga y usa. Gustar—to be pleasing, to like Gustar is somewhat of an irregular verb because you will only use the 3 rd person forms.
El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike to.
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
Gustar with an infinitive ¡Avancemos! p.42. An infinitive is the basic form of a verb. In English, most infinitives include the word “to” Ex: to eat In.
Me gusta el helado.I like ice cream. You like ice cream. Te gusta el helado.
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EL VERBO GUSTAR 9/9/2013 SPANISH 1 SRA. BALDWIN. GUSTAR Gustar is a Spanish verb that means “to be pleasing to”. In English, it’s kind of like saying.
$10 $20 $30 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $40 $50.
Gustar = to like. Me gusta la playa. I like the beach I like the beach. Me gusta la playa. I like the beach I like the beach.
Quiz yourself on the following verb slides. How many can you remember?
Check for understanding ANSWER KEY. Check for understanding: GUSTAR I like = ME GUSTAWe like = NOS GUSTA You like = TE GUSTAY’all like = OS GUSTA He/she/
EL VERBO GUSTAR. Singular 1. (A mí) me gusta – I like 2. (A ti) te gusta – You (fam.) like 3. (A él, ella, ud.) le gusta – he,she, you(formal) like Plural.
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El Verbo “GUSTA” En español gusta means“is pleasing” when you want to talk about Use gusta when you want to talk about whether you like or dislike an.
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T HE VERB GUSTAR, ¿ POR QUÉ ? AND PORQUE. T HE VERB GUSTAR Use the verb gustar to say what people like. Use the form gusta if the thing they like is singular.
El Verbo “GUSTAR” En español gustar significa “to be pleasing” In English, the equivalent is “to like”
AVANCEMOS Gustar with an infinitive. GUSTAR WITH AN INFINITIVE We use the verb GUSTAR to talk about what people like to do in Spanish. This verb.
I really like to listen to music. A mí me gusta mucho escuchar música.
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Gustar = to like When do we use the verb gustar? We use the verb “gustar” to talk about what a person likes to do. How do I express what activities people.
Instrucciones: USING YOUR VOCAB 3-1/4-2, complete the chart below. Foods/Drinks in Singular Form (en español)Foods/ Drinks in Plural Form (en español)
Instrucciones: In Spanish, and in English, there are some words that we usually use JUST in the singular or plural form. USING YOUR VOCAB 3-1, complete.
Repaso para el examen Unidad 1.1. “gusta” verb A Julia le gusta.
Pronouns y pronombres st Person Singular 4. 1 st Person Plural 2. 2 nd Person Singular 5. 2 nd Person Plural 3. 3 rd person Singular 6. 3 rd Person.
Transcripción de la presentación:

“Formula de Gusta” Infinitivo (énfasis)(pronombre)(verbo) NO Practicar: 1.I like to learn Spanish. 2. She likes to talk on the phone. 3.You (familiar) don’t like to skateboard.

“Formula de Gusta” Infinitivo (énfasis) (pronombre) (verbo) NO A mí A ti A usted A él A ella A nombre me te le gusta 1. A mí me gusta aprender el español. 2. A ella le gusta hablar por teléfono. 3. A ti no te gusta andar en patineta. le

“Formula de Gusta” Infinitivo (énfasis) (pronombre) (verbo) NO A mí A ti A usted A él A ella A nombre A vosotros A ustedes A ellos A ellas A nombres me te le nos os les gusta 1. A mí me gusta aprender el español. 2. A ella le gusta hablar por teléfono. 3. A ti no te gusta andar en patineta. A nombre y a mí le les A vosotras A nosotros A nosotras

Practicar: 1.We like to practice sports. 2. “yous” (familiar, plural - España ONLY) like to rest. 3.“Yous” (familiar, plural, Latinoamérica) like to eat. 4.“YOUS” (formal, plural) like to study. 5.They (group of girls) like to run. 6.They (group of boys) don’t like to run. 7.They (group of boys and girls) don’t like to run.