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CONCEPTOS DE LITERACIA Preparado por: Prof. Nelliud D. Torres Curso: GEIC-1000 Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto de Bayamón Chapter 1: An Introduction to Information Systems This chapter presents basic concepts necessary to understand systems and business information systems.

Contenido Definición Computadora Ciclo Básico de Procesamiento de Datos Elementos de un sistema de información Conceptos de Hardware Conceptos de Software An information system is a collection of related things that work together to achieve a common goal. The components collect, process or transform, and distribute data and information. Common examples of information systems include: ATMs, point of sale (POS) systems used by grocery checkout clerks; information systems used by airlines to make reservations or schedule flights; and the system you use at your university to register for classes.


¿QUÉ ES UNA COMPUTADORA? La computadora es un aparato (device) que procesa datos usando unas instrucciones que tiene almacenadas en su memoria. También posee la capacidad de aceptar datos de entrada (Input), procesar esos datos (Processing) convirtiéndolos en información y producir un resultado o producto (Output). Usa operaciones aritméticas y lógicas para poder procesar los datos. Finalmente, posee la capacidad de almacenar los datos y los resultados producidos para un uso futuro. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

COMPUTADORA ANÁLOGA VS DIGITAL Computadora Análoga (equipo médico) CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE COMPUTADORA ANÁLOGA VS DIGITAL Existen dos tipos de computadoras: las análogas y las digitales. Las computadoras análogas usan generalmente de entrada (Input) señales análogas como por ejemplo, luz, sonido y movimiento. Las computadoras que monitorean en un hospital el corazón de un paciente son un ejemplo de una computadora análoga. Por otro lado, las computadoras digitales reciben su entrada (Input) del teclado, mouse, módem y otros periferales (devices) que transmiten señales digitales a la computadora. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Computadora Análoga (equipo médico)

Data Representation How do computers represent data? Most computers are digital Recognize only two discrete states: on or off Use a binary system to recognize two states Use Number system with two unique digits: 0 and 1, called bits (short for binary digits)

Data Representation What is a byte? Eight bits grouped together as a unit Provides enough different combinations of 0s and 1s to represent 256 individual characters Numbers Uppercase and lowercase letters Punctuation marks

Data Representation What are three popular coding systems to represent data? ASCII—American Standard Code for Information Interchange EBCDIC—Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code Unicode—coding scheme capable of representing all world’s languages ASCII Symbol EBCDIC 00110000 0 11110000 00110001 1 11110001 00110010 2 11110010 00110011 3 11110011

Data Representation How is a letter converted to binary form and back? Step 1. The user presses the capital letter D (shift+D key) on the keyboard. Step 2. An electronic signal for the capital letter D is sent to the system unit. Step 4. After processing, the binary code for the capital letter D is converted to an image, and displayed on the output device. Step 3. The signal for the capital letter D is converted to its ASCII binary code (01000100) and is stored in memory for processing.


CICLO BÁSICO DE PROCESAMIENTO DE DATOS Un ciclo de procesamiento de datos se compone de entrada (input), un procesamiento (processing) y un producto (output). También se debe incluir el almacenamiento, lo cual es importante para la continuidad de la información. En la página anterior vimos un diagrama que muestra cómo la computadora cubre todos los componentes del ciclo de procesamiento. No importa el sistema para el cual el usuario esté trabajando, usa siempre este ciclo. Primero, se entra (input) los datos en la computadora, luego ésta procesa (processing) esos datos de acuerdo a unas instrucciones que tiene almacenada en su memoria y provee finalmente un producto (output), ya sea en la pantalla o en papel, donde el usuario puede ver el resultado (información) de los datos que ya entró.


ELEMENTOS DE UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN Un sistema de información se refiere a una colección de elementos que proveen información precisa, útil y a tiempo a los usuarios. Un usuario es una persona que usa directa o indirectamente una computadora y se beneficia de los resultados que obtiene. El sistema de información se desglosa básicamente en: programas (software), equipo (hardware), datos (data), procedimientos, usuarios y personal técnico.

EQUIPO En un ambiente de sistemas de información el equipo juega un papel vital, ya que ayuda al usuario a procesar los datos de una forma mucho más rápida y precisa de lo que haría manualmente. Sin este componente el volumen de trabajo sería demasiado grande para poder ser procesado manualmente.  

SOFTWARE El software es un conjunto de programas que tiene la computadora para poder procesar datos. Existen programas que controlan los componentes de la computadora llamados sistemas operativos. También existen programas de aplicaciones que usan los usuarios para facilitar el manejo de la información. En ciertas compañías se elaboran localmente (in house) programas para procesar datos como lo son las nóminas de los empleados, sistemas financieros, etc. Sin este componente la computadora no puede hacer nada, ya que no tendría instrucciones para ejecutar. 

USUARIOS Un elemento central en este ciclo son los usuarios. Sin este elemento el sistema no puede trabajar efectivamente. El elemento humano es y será uno bien importante. Aunque la computadora trabaje más rápido que el usuario, es éste el que tiene la capacidad de entrar los datos, de verificar que los resultados sean correctos, de tomar una determinación cuando ocurre un evento imprevisto, etc. El éxito de un sistema mecanizado depende un 90 por ciento de la disposición del usuario para trabajar y desempeñarse en el mismo.  

PROCEDIMIENTOS Los procedimientos, reglas y manuales le indican al usuario y al resto del personal cómo se ejecutan las distintas operaciones administrativas y mecanizadas. Sin este manual de procedimientos el usuario podría llegar a un punto de no saber qué decisión tomar o peor aún, de tomar una decisión incorrecta. 

PERSONAL TÉCNICO Un elemento importante en un sistema mecanizado es el personal técnico que trabaja directamente con el equipo de computadoras. Este personal tiene la capacidad de resolver problemas al usuario, tanto de software como de hardware, da mantenimiento preventivo al equipo y es un enlace entre la computadora y los departamentos de la compañía. Su principal razón es dar servicio a los demás departamentos y ser el eje principal para que el sistema funcione adecuadamente. 


CATEGORÍAS DE COMPUTADORAS CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE CATEGORÍAS DE COMPUTADORAS Las computadoras se clasifican de acuerdo a su tamaño, velocidad, precio y capacidad de ejecutar cálculos. Sin embargo, los cambios rápidos en tecnología hacen que estas clasificaciones cambien de parámetros y sean difíciles de aplicar. Aunque los parámetros puedan variar rápidamente, es importante entender estas clasificaciones. Las computadoras personales, también conocidas como microcomputadoras son las más usadas tanto en el ámbito personal como en el de pequeñas y medianas empresas. Existen varias clasificaciones, las cuales varían en cuanto a capacidad y precio se refiere. Aquí mencionaremos las más importantes y comunes de menor a mayor, las cuales son: Palmtop, Subnotebook, Notebook, Laptop, Desktop, Tower y Workstations. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Palmtop Diseñadas para llevarse en un bolsillo y posible sustituto de las agendas. Muchas están diseñadas para tener calendario, poner agendas, dar seguimiento a reuniones, almacenar teléfonos y direcciones. Los últimos modelos permiten funciones más complejas como de procesamiento de palabras y aplicaciones comerciales. Están diseñadas para que sean compatibles con las computadoras personales de escritorio y puedan transferir los datos de un equipo a otro. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Notebook Laptop Subnotebook Su peso es entre 4 a 8 libras. Son de uso general y corren la mayoría de las aplicaciones. Usan disco duro, teclado, CD/DVD y otros componentes comunes en las computadoras personales. Son ideales para los usuarios que están constantemente fuera de sus oficinas y necesitan una computadora personal a su lado. Es la versión más grande dentro de las computadoras portátiles. Pesan entre 8 a 15 libras. Tienen mayor capacidad de disco duro y pantallas más anchas que las otras versiones. Es la versión más liviana dentro de las computadoras portátiles. Pesan menos de 4 libras. Para economizar peso y espacio, muchas no usan el disco duro convencional, sino una tarjeta que almacena electrónicamente la información. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Tower Desktop Son las computadoras más comunes en las oficinas y en muchos hogares. Su diseño horizontal se pone debajo del monitor y al lado del teclado del usuario. Tanto el teclado como el mouse y el monitor vienen por separado. Similares a las desktop pero con la diferencia de que la caja se coloca verticalmente. Se puede poner al lado del monitor o en el piso, lo cual economiza espacio. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Servidor Workstation Computadoras sumamente poderosas que se encargan de manejar las comunicaciones en una red local. Una red se compone de un servidor y varias computadoras conectadas entre sí. El servidor dirige el tráfico de la red y permite compartir programas, equipo (impresora) y archivos, economizando, ya que minimiza la duplicidad de archivos y equipo, y aumenta la productividad y la precisión de los datos. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Workstation Computadoras con capacidades poderosas de ejecutar cálculos y gráficas. Se usan frecuentemente para procesos que demandan muchos recursos de la computadora tales como diseño de planos (AutoCad ®), bases de datos complejas, etc.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Mini computadora Computadoras más poderosas que los servidores. Su costo comienza aproximadamente en los $15,000. Tienen la capacidad de trabajar simultáneamente con varios usuarios. Sus capacidades son ideales para tareas que demandan muchos recursos de computación. Se usa mayormente en compañías de mediano crecimiento. Mini computadora The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Mainframe Sistemas grandes y complejos que pueden trabajar simultáneamente con cientos de usuarios. Su costo varía de varios miles a millones. Requieren condiciones especiales como aire acondicionado, demanda mucho voltaje y se instalan en pisos falsos. Lo usan mayormente compañías grandes como los bancos y el Departamento de Hacienda. Mainframe The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE HARDWARE Super computadora Son las más poderosas y por consiguiente las más caras. Procesan cientos de millones de instrucciones por segundo. Se usan principalmente para búsqueda y estudio de la energía y armas nucleares, búsqueda de yacimientos petroleros con grandes bases de datos sísmicos, estudio y predicción de tornados, estudio y predicción del clima de cualquier parte del mundo, elaboración de maquetas y proyectos de la creación de aviones, simuladores de vuelo y otras tareas que demandan grandes cantidades de cálculos que sólo pueden realizarse con una supercomputadora. Super computadora The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Cámara Digital Bocinas Cámara Web

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA LASER INK-JET Dot matrix The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Joystick (control) Disco Duro Impresora

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Micrófono Memoria Flash

Memory RAM/ROM Where does memory reside? dual inline memory module Resides on small circuit board called memory module Memory slots on motherboard hold memory modules memory chip memory slot

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA Externo The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Monitor Flat Modem Monitor

Motherboard Main circuit board in system unit processor chip adapter cards memory chips memory slots motherboard Expansion slots for adapter cards Main circuit board in system unit Contains adapter cards, processor chips, and memory chips Also called system board

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Mouse Power Supply

Ports What are ports and connectors? Port connects external devices to system unit Connector joins cable to peripheral Available in one of two genders: male and female

Ports What are different types of connectors?

Ports What is a serial port? Transmits one bit of data at a time Connects slow-speed devices, such as mouse, keyboard, modem

Ports What is a parallel port? Connects devices that can transfer more than one bit at a time, such as a printer

Ports What are special-purpose ports? FireWire port Allow users to attach specialized peripherals (digital video cameras, color printers, scanners, and disk drives) or transmit data to wireless devices FireWire port MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) port SCSI (small computer system interface) port IrDA (Infrared Data Association) port BluetoothTM port

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Tarjeta de LAN Scanner

Central Processing Unit What is the central processing unit (CPU)? Interprets and carries out basic instructions that operate a computer Processor Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Control unit directs and coordinates operations in computer Information Data Information Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations Memory Input Devices Data Information Output Devices Information Data Information Also called the processor Storage Devices

Central Processing Unit How do personal computer processors compare? Comparison of Widely Used Personal Computer Processors Name Date Clock Introduced Speed Itanium 2 2002 1 GHZ and up Xeon 2001 1.4–2.4 GHZ Itanium 2001 733–800 MHZ Pentium 4 2000 1.4–2.53 GHZ Pentium III Xeon 1999 500–900 MHZ Pentium III 1999 400 MHZ–1.2 GHZ Celeron 1998 266 MHZ–1.8 GHZ Operon 2003 To come Athlon MP 2002 1.53–1.6 GHZ Athlon XP 2001 1.33–1.73 GHZ Athlon 1999 500 MHZ–1.4 GHZ ® ™

Central Processing Unit What is a coprocessor? Chip that assists processor in performing specific tasks One type is a floating-point coprocessor, also known as a math or numeric coprocessor

The System Unit What is the system unit? Case that contains electronic components of the computer used to process data Sometimes called the chassis

The System Unit What are common components inside the system unit? power supply ports drive bays processor memory sound card video card modem card network card Processor Memory Adapter cards Sound card Modem card Video card Network card Ports Drive bays Power supply

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA Function keys Status lights Numeric keypad Cursor control keys Escape key Prt Scrn Scroll Lock Pause/Break The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. TECLADO

COMPONENTES DE UNA COMPUTADORA The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information. Jump Drive Unidad de CD Unidad de DVD


CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE El software es el conjunto de instrucciones que las computadoras emplean para manipular datos. Sin el software la computadora no puede operar ni ejecutar ninguna tarea. El software es el que le dice cómo controlar sus periferales y cómo correr las aplicaciones del usuario. Se divide en cuatro áreas importantes, las cuales son: sistema operativo, aplicaciones, programas enlatados y lenguajes de programación. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

Se divide en cuatro partes: CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE Se divide en cuatro partes: System Software Application Software Software Packages Programming Languages Virus (aparte) The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE -System Software El sistema operativo es el gestor y organizador de todas las actividades que realiza la computadora. Marca las pautas según las cuales se intercambia información entre la memoria principal y secundaria, y determina las operaciones elementales que puede realizar el procesador. Sus dos prioridades más importantes son: eficiencia y facilidad de uso, las cuales pueden variar dependiendo del sistema operativo. Ejemplos de sistemas operativos son: DOS, UNIX, LINUX, WINDOWS 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, OS/2. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE -Application Software Las aplicaciones son programas que realizan una tarea en específico. Por ejemplo, WORD es una aplicación que se usa para crear cartas y documentos similares. EXCEL es una aplicación que permite crear hojas de cálculo electrónicas, etc. El usuario usa mayormente estas aplicaciones y no el sistema operativo. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE -SOFTWARE PACKAGES Los programas enlatados tienen dos vertientes: los que se crean in house y los que se compran a compañías externas. Los programas in house se crean con el personal de la misma compañía (programadores). Tienen la ventaja de que pueden ser fácilmente modificados y ajustados a las necesidades de la empresa. Por otro lado, el costo de producción puede ser en extremo alto, ya que hay que pagar un personal que lo crea y mantiene. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE -PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Cuando una compañía tiene un equipo de programadores para que le desarrolle sus sistemas, éstos necesitan un lenguaje de programación para poder desarrollar esos sistemas. El lenguaje de programación es una serie de instrucciones que el programador escribe. Este lenguaje se compone de palabras en inglés que son fáciles de entender por parte del programador, pero no así de la computadora. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE -VIRUS Aunque no se consideran un componente del software, es importante mencionarlo y entender como trabaja. Son programas diseñados para multiplicarse y propagarse sin dar indicios de su existencia. Los virus electrónicos pueden producir una variedad de síntomas en las computadoras. Pueden producir ruidos extraños o presentar mensajes de mal gusto en la pantalla. En el peor de los casos pueden borrar archivos o el disco duro por completo. The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.

CONCEPTOS DE SOFTWARE -Diagrama de las diferentes categorias The terms data & information are often used interchangeably. However, there is an important distinction: information is value-added data. Data is processed, organized or transformed to become information. Data are raw facts. For example, if you write down your age & grade on an English test & hand it to me, I see 2 numbers – raw data. However, if you include the average age and average test score for your class, the data would have some meaning to me as a teacher… it would become information. Interestingly, your name and grade – data to me- could very well be information to you. In the context of your life or experiences, those 2 numbers alone would most likely have meaning. Similarly, a grocery store manager would most likely find a list of every item sold today to be of little use – it is data. However, the amount that the store’s total sales are over or under planned sales would be information.