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Verbos Reflexivos Preterite.

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Presentación del tema: "Verbos Reflexivos Preterite."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Verbos Reflexivos Preterite

2 Video

3 What is a reflexive verb?
Think about your daily routine. You wake up, you bathe, you brush your teeth, you brush your hair, you lay down etc…. It roughly translates to: - self -selves For example: he dresses himself We wake ourselves up.

4 Common Reflexive Verbs
despertarse - to wake up arreglarse - to get ready levantarse - to get up vestirse - to get dressed (e>i) lavarse - to wash (some part of your body) ponerse - to put on quitarse - to take off cepillarse - to brush acostarse - to go to bed peinarse - to comb llamarse - to be called bañarse - to take a bath enojarse - to get angry ducharse - to take shower enfermarse - to get sick maquillarse - to put on makeup casarse - to get married afeitarse - to shave

5 Chapter 4 Reflexive verbs
Stem changing in the él/ellos form (preterite) Sentirse- to feel (e>i) Reirse- to laugh (ei>i/ie)******* Dormirse- To sleep (o>u) Morirse- to die (o>u) ponerse - to put on (irregular)

6 How to conjugate 1. Separate the verb from the se
Llamarse > llamar se 2. Conjugate the ar, er, ir verb 3. Move the se to the front of the verb and modify it according to the pronoun Yo me conjugated verb Tú te c verb Él se c verb Nosotros nos c verb Ellos se c verb

7 How do you conjugate? All reflexive verbs have the se ending
Enfermar se Vestir se Yo me Enferm é Vest í Tú te Enferm aste Vest íste Él/ ella/ usted se Enferm ó Vist ió nos Enferm amos Vest imos Ustedes se Enferm aron Vist ieron

8 Reflexive- foldable Every group must have a minimum of 8 different color markers, pens, highlighters, color pencils etc. Grab a color chart of your choice. Fill in the chart as the maestra gives directions. When finished, put materials away, do not leave materials on desk or floor. We will play vocabulary game.

9 Ponerse Ponerse + infinitive = an expression of a reaction
Example: Yo me puse a llorar. (I started to cry) Yo me puse a gritar. (I started to yell) Yo me puse a saltar. (I started to jump) Yo empecé a llorar

10 Ch. 4 reflexives Quedarse Resfriarse Lavarse Quebrarse Torcerse
Lastimarse Caerse Cortarse Romperse Golpearse Vendarse Tomarse Calentarse Maquillarse Tienen 5 minutos para escribir el significado de los reflexivos. Enfermarse

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