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The Preterite of Regular Verbs Power 2. To form the preterite of AR class verbs, you add the correct AR preterite ending to the stem of the infinitive.

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Presentación del tema: "The Preterite of Regular Verbs Power 2. To form the preterite of AR class verbs, you add the correct AR preterite ending to the stem of the infinitive."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The Preterite of Regular Verbs Power 2. To form the preterite of AR class verbs, you add the correct AR preterite ending to the stem of the infinitive. Power 1- The Preterite Tense expresses completed actions in the past stem + regular preterite AR ending Power 4- yo- é Power 3 The endings : Power 4--Ud., él, ella- ó Power 4- nosotros- amos Power 4- Uds. ellos,- aron ellas Yo viajé a España el mes pasado. Ellos prepararon los aguacates. Power 4- tú - aste

2 Power 2. Spelling Changes in the AR Preterite Power 3- For AR Class verbs in the preterite there are 3 spelling changes that are made in only in the Yo form of the verb! Power 4 verbs ending in CAR: change the c  qu. Then add the é practicar  practiqué Power 4- verbs ending in GAR: change the g  gu. Then add the é llegar  llegué Practiqué futbol americano después de las clases. Yo llegué de Madrid a las once.

3 Power 4- verbs ending in ZAR: change the z  c. Then add the é lanzar  lancé Yo lancé la pelota de béisbol. Power 4 - Common CAR, GAR, ZAR Verbs Power 5- practicar, sacar, buscar, tocar, significar Power 5- empezar, comenzar, almorzar, lanzar, cruzar Power 5- llegar, pagar, castigar, jugar, negar

4 Power 2-- To form the preterite of this class of verbs, you add the correct ER/IR preterite ending to the stem of the infinitive. stem + regular preterite ER/IR ending Power 4 yo- í Yo recogí mi equipaje en la correa. Comimos en un buen restaurante mexicano. Power 4 nosotros(as)- imos Power 4 tú- iste Power 4 ustedes/ellos/ellas- ieron Power 4 Ud., él, ella- ió

5 Power 3- Spelling changes: Example: creer- to think/believe yo creí nosotros creímos tú creíste ellos creyeron él creyó Power 4- Other verbs like this are: oír (hear), leer (read), caer (fall) Power 4- The “tú” and “nosotros” forms also require a written accent for these 4 verbs. Normally these forms require NO written accent. creísteoísteleístecaíste creímosoímosleímoscaímos Power 4- Spelling changes: for any verb whose stem ends in a vowel, ío and ieron change to “yó” and “yeron.”

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