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Bell Ringer- Spanish II List the five names of food that you know in Spanish on the Post it note. Place the Post it note in the box on the board when you.

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Presentación del tema: "Bell Ringer- Spanish II List the five names of food that you know in Spanish on the Post it note. Place the Post it note in the box on the board when you."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Bell Ringer- Spanish II List the five names of food that you know in Spanish on the Post it note. Place the Post it note in the box on the board when you are done

2 Name five hispanic foods you know on a scrap sheet of paper 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 What are some misconceptions about the foods you wrote on the paper: –Taco-Pollo loco –Rice-Quesadilla – Chimichangas –Flan –Churro –Nacho –Salsa

4 Homework/Tarea: Bring in an item from your kitchen that has Spanish and English on it.

5 LA COMIDA Food Vocabulary

6 la manzana

7 la alcachofa

8 Los plátanos

9 una torta

10 las fresas

11 el pan

12 El pan dulce

13 Espinacas

14 el brocolí

15 las zanahorias

16 el queso

17 el helado

18 el café

19 una galleta

20 el maíz

21 el pavo

22 el cangrejo

23 los huevos

24 el pescado

25 las frutas y vegetales

26 el ajo

27 la toronja

28 el limón

29 los hongos

30 la cebolla

31 los guisantes

32 una pera

33 la sandía

34 el tomate

35 el té

36 la piña

37 un refresco

38 el té helado

39 el bistec

40 el azúcar

41 una hamburguesa

42 el jamón

43 una gamba

44 la langosta

45 el pollo

46 la salchicha

47 la mostaza

48 la crema de cacahuete/ mantequilla de maní

49 las uvas

50 Papas fritas French fries

51 Las papas Potatoes

52 Leche milk

53 Chile -pepper

54 Naranja orange

55 Jugo de naranja Orange Juice

56 Jugo de manzana Apple juice

57 Calabaza pumpkin

58 Chocolate

59 Lechuga lettuce

60 Frijoles Beans

61 Tocino Bacon

62 ¡EL FIN!


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