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La comida. Print slides 4-13 to refer to when playing the game. Divide class into 2 teams / families. Have a group of 5 for each team. I usually have.

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Presentación del tema: "La comida. Print slides 4-13 to refer to when playing the game. Divide class into 2 teams / families. Have a group of 5 for each team. I usually have."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 La comida

2 Print slides 4-13 to refer to when playing the game. Divide class into 2 teams / families. Have a group of 5 for each team. I usually have 5 new players rotate in at the end of each round. Use a bell, clicker or raise hand to decide who gets the first chance to answer. If it is not the highest scoring answer, the other team gets a chance to answer. The team with the highest scoring answer decides whether to play or pass the question. When a player guesses one of the answers on the sheet, click on the point value in order to reveal the answer.

3 If a guess is wrong, click anywhere else and an X will appear. If a team uncovers all of the answers, they win the accumulated points (100 per round). Once a team has 3 Xs, the other team may consult each other to come up with an answer. If the answer is on the sheet, that team wins the accumulated points for the round. If the answer is not there, the original team wins the accumulated points. The last slide is for keeping track of score.

4 5 points score Next category La fresa Las uvas La pera La naranja El plátano La piña La manzana La sandía

5 5 points score Next category El brócoli La papa La ensalada La cebolla La lechuga La zanahoria El maíz El aguacate

6 5 points score Next category El agua El café El té La limonada La leche El jugo La gaseosa El batido

7 5 points score Next category El pato El cerdo Las salchichas El cangrejo El jámon El perro caliente El pollo Las camarones

8 5 points score Next category Frío Tostado Caliente Frito Asado Mezclado Revueltos Picante

9 5 points score Next category Almorzar Cenar Desayunar Revolver Merendar Mezclar Picar Añadir

10 5 points score Next category Pásame Qué sabroso Estoy lleno Qué asco Qué rico Tengo sed Tengo hambre Buen provecho

11 5 points score El flan El arroz con leche El helado La galleta El bizcocho Un pastel

12 5 points score La cuchara El vaso El tenedor El cuchillo El plato hondo La servilleta


Descargar ppt "La comida. Print slides 4-13 to refer to when playing the game. Divide class into 2 teams / families. Have a group of 5 for each team. I usually have."

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