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Presentación del tema: "HUMAN WATER CYCLE."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Introduction Our group is called “The Human Water Cycle” and we are going to talk about what are the urban water cycle phases and how it is different in undeveloped countries. For the project we have planned to make a miniature showing the urban water cycle phases in a developed country and also a match about the differences of these phases in an undeveloped country. We are going to explain the differences in the match using images that have a relationship. For example in an undeveloped country the water is transported by people but in our country it is transported by pipes thanks to the bomb station.

3 Phases of the urban water cycle
The phases of the human water cycle are: 1. Uptake (Captación) 2. Purification (Potabilización) 3.Transport and Storage (Transporte y Almacenamiento) 4.Distribution (Distribución) 5. Intake (Consumo) 6.Sewerage (Alcantarillado) 7.Scrubbing (Depuración) 8.Recycling of treated water (Reutilización del agua depurada) 9.Restitution (Restitución)

4 Urban water cycle Transport and Uptake Storage Distribution
Purification Recycling Intake Sewerage Scrubbing Restitution

5 UPTAKE The water is collected from the environment. It can be collected from groundwater or from surface water. PURIFICATION The water arrives at the water treatment plant, where it suffers phisics, quimics and microbiological treatments. TRANSPORT AND STORAGE The water is conducted to the intake place.It is stored in big deposits. DISTRIBUTION AND INTAKE Now, the water is conducted to the city to be useful for people. SEWERAGE When the water has been used, it turns into residual water and it is collected in the cities sewerage. SCRUBBING It consists on removing the impurities of the used water. This water can be used also for secundary work. RECYCLING OF TREATED WATER The scrubbing water is not usually drinkable so it is used for other activities like the agriculture. RESTITUTION The scrubbing water that is not used returns to the river or the sea in the best possible conditions.

6 Uptake in Africa

7 Potabilización en Africa
En África, la etapa de la potabilización no se lleva a cabo, y el agua es consumida, sin saber si es potable o no. Los problemas derivados de la gestión del agua son particularmente agudos en el continente africano. La carencia de agua potable es responsable de graves problemas de salud en la población general y principal causa directa de la elevada mortalidad infantil en la región. La falta de infraestructuras, la dispersión de los recursos y el hecho de que la mayor parte de la población se asiente en pequeños núcleos rurales sobre una gran extensión territorial, dificulta de forma extrema la solución al problema de falta de agua potable. Las deficiente gestión de las aguas residuales, la utilización de aguas subterráneas de baja calidad o la contaminación favorecida por el escaso control administrativo, son dificultades añadidas y a veces importadas. Los conflictos políticos son causa y consecuencia de todo lo anterior y contribuyen a enquistar el problema y a perpetuar el subdesarrollo.

8 Transport in Africa

9 Storage in Africa

10 Intake of water in Africa

11 Sewerage in Africa

12 Scrubbing of urban water

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