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Healthy Living-Spanish II

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Presentación del tema: "Healthy Living-Spanish II"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Healthy Living-Spanish II
Reflexive Verbs Healthy Living-Spanish II

2 Healthy Living Unit BIG IDEAS Targets:
What are your daily routines and eating habits? How do you evaluate healthy and unhealthy lifestyles? Compare and contrast your lifestyle habits to those of Spanish speaking countries. Targets: Reflexive Verbs Daily Routines Exercise Healthy Habits Maintaining Health Nutrition/Food Pyramid

3 What is a reflexive verb?
The person who is doing the action is also receiving the action of the verb. Example: I brush my hair. I’m the one doing the brushing and it’s my hair that I’m brushing.

4 Despertarse (e-ie)

5 Levantarse

6 Cepillarse los dientes

7 Ducharse

8 Bañarse

9 Afeitarse

10 Lavarse las manos

11 Lavarse la cara

12 Secarse

13 Secarse el pelo

14 Cepillarse

15 Peinarse

16 Vestirse (e-i) Ponerse la ropa

17 Pintarse las uñas

18 Maquillarse

19 Irse

20 Acostarse (o-ue)

21 Dormirse (o-ue)

22 Cortarse el pelo

23 A la(s)= At (a certain time)
Otro vocabulario Primero= First Segundo= Second Luego= Later Después= After Entonces= Then Último= Last A la(s)= At (a certain time)

24 How to conjugate a reflexive verb
Drop the “se” Add the appropriate “reflexive pronoun” Check to see if the verb is ar, er or ir and conjugate according to the subject like normal. Cepillarse Me Nos Te Se Me cepillo Nos cepillamos Te cepillas Se cepilla Se cepillan

25 Reflexive vs. Non-Reflexive
Ella se cepilla el pelo. Ella cepilla el perro.

26 Reflexive or Non-Reflexive?

27 Reflexive or Non-Reflexive?

28 Reflexive or Non-Reflexive?

29 Reflexive or Non-Reflexive?

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