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Student Comprehensive

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Presentación del tema: "Student Comprehensive"— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Student Comprehensive
UNIVERSITY OF ALMERÍA ARATIES Student Comprehensive Care Area

2 Welcome week International students
ARATIES UNIVERSITY OF ALMERÍA Welcome week International students Este Esta presentación, que se recomienda ver en modo de presentación, muestra las nuevas funciones de PowerPoint. Estas diapositivas están diseñadas para ofrecerle excelentes ideas para las presentaciones que creará en PowerPoint 2010. Para obtener más plantillas de muestra, haga clic en la pestaña Archivo y después, en la ficha Nuevo, haga clic en Plantillas de muestra. Student Comprehensive Care Area

3 1 ¿Cómo pueden ayudarme? How can they help me? 3 What about my rights? 2 Support for my studies I had prepared a good speech... but I wondered (yesterday at midnight) what I would like to know if I were sitting in your place. La conversación deberíais dirigirla vosotros You ought to climb up here and ask us

4 How can they help me? 1 Online Help Campus Virtual Mi

5 How can they help me? 1 You can visit us!

6 Organization Structure
ARATIES Student Comprehensive Care Area Information and Registration Service Students Administrative Management Service Students Academic Management Service

7 What do we really do? A specialized information center for higher education. We answer questions about the Spanish university system. We also provide administrative information and advice to any interested customer about any topic related to college. We belong to the network of Youth Information Centers in Spain, so we provide youth information to anyone who requests it. We provide information about cultural and social events taking place at the university or at other cultural and scientific institutions of the city. We serve the needs of students through social programs and student support, sometimes directly and sometimes in collaboration with other university departments or other government institutions.

8 What do we really do? A specialized information center for higher education. We answer questions about the Spanish university system. We also provide administrative information and advice to any interested customer about any topic related to college. We belong to the network of Youth Information Centers in Spain, so we provide youth information to anyone who requests it. We provide information about cultural and social events taking place at the university or at other cultural and scientific institutions of the city. We serve the needs of students through social programs and student support, sometimes directly and sometimes in collaboration with other university departments or other government institutions.

9 Times they are a changing
Each year about 20,000 people come to our offices to ask something. We answer about s per year. In the last two years our website has received almost hits. We publish magazines and other informational materials aimed at different groups of students or prospective students. Even publish specific material for the families of our students.

10 Times they are a changing
Each year about 20,000 people come to our offices to ask something. We answer about s per year. In the last two years our website has received almost hits. We publish magazines and other informational materials aimed at different groups of students or prospective students. Even publish specific material for the families of our students.

11 Who are our customers? Students of our university.
Students from other universities. Both Spanish and abroad. People over 25 years who want to join the university to follow some academic degrees. Prospective students both high school and job training. High school students from other countries who want to follow university studies in Spain. Parents of high school and college students. Student organizations or NGOs that need help to start a project. Students with disabilities who require some support.

12 Who are our customers? Students of our university.
Students from other universities. Both Spanish and abroad. People over 25 years who want to join the university to follow some academic degrees. Prospective students both high school and job training. High school students from other countries who want to follow university studies in Spain. Parents of high school and college students. Student organizations or NGOs that need help to start a project. Students with disabilities who require some support.

13 Support for my studies 2 Aula Virtual. Your home university professor.

14 relating to university life
What about my rights? 3 relating to university life .

15 DERECHOS de los estudiantes universitarios
Real Decreto 1791/2010, de 30 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba el estatuto del estudiante universitario Igualdad de oportunidades Asesoramiento vocacional, académico y profesional Programas de Información y Orientación Trato no sexista. Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres Asesoramiento y asistencia Conocer y participar en programas de incorporación laboral Información sobre prevención de riesgos Conciliación estudios con vida laboral y familiar Privacidad de datos Educación de calidad Validación experiencia laboral Reconocimiento académico por participación social Información sobre evaluaciones y calificaciones Evaluación objetiva y continua Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Empleo & Araties © Rocío Felices Cañabate Metodologías activas Incorporación al voluntariado y a la participación social Participación en programas de movilidad Uso y acceso a instalaciones adecuadas Ayudas y becas nacionales y propias de la UAL Participación en establecimiento y funcionamiento de normas de permanencia Participación política universitaria Representación activa en órganos de gobierno Libertad de expresión, reunión y asociación Reconocimiento de autoría y propiedad intelectual de trabajos elaborados durante los estudios Participación en las elecciones de gobierno

16 suggestions and complaints.
What about my rights? 3 suggestions and complaints. Please, your complains help us to improve our job.

17 What about my rights? 3 Ombudsman.

18 I have a strategic plan. It's called “doing things right”

19 Hemos llegado al final (suspiros de alivio)
We have reached the end (At last!) (suspiros de alivio) (sighs of relief) Gracias por vuestra atención. Thank you for your attention A cambio os doy mi dirección de correo para cualquier duda o pregunta. También se admiten sugerencias y cualquier aportación que creáis conveniente.

20 Muchas Gracias Para cualquier consulta podeis contar conmigo… ARATIES
Muchas Gracias Para cualquier consulta podeis contar conmigo… ARATIES

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