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State the following in Spanish 1. Juan is as tall as José 2. Angel studies as much as Aura. 3. Paco has as many toys (juguetes – masc) as his sister. 4.

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Presentación del tema: "State the following in Spanish 1. Juan is as tall as José 2. Angel studies as much as Aura. 3. Paco has as many toys (juguetes – masc) as his sister. 4."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 State the following in Spanish 1. Juan is as tall as José 2. Angel studies as much as Aura. 3. Paco has as many toys (juguetes – masc) as his sister. 4. I sleep as much as you. 5. You eat more than me. 6. Josh is shorter than Eryk. 7. I run more/less than three times a week

2 La semana del 5 de diciembre Lunes 5  Floor plan (5-28) & Vocabulary organizer (due Thurs)  Libro 5-23, 26, 28 Martes 6  MSL  Libro 5-31  Pre-write 174 Miércoles 7  Libro 5:32-34 Sentences Jueves 8  MSL 5:35-5:40/5:42-44  Read captions on 178  Libro 5:36, 5:39 Viernes 9  Libro 5:37, 5:40-41  MSL  Review sheet 1. Juan is as tall as José 2. Angel studies as much as Aura. 3. Paco has as many toys (juguetes – masc) as his sister. 4. I sleep as much as you. 5. You eat more than me. 6. Josh is shorter than Eryk. 7. I run more/less than three times a week

3 State the following in Spanish 1. Juan is as tall as José 1. Juan es tan alto como José 2. Angel studies as much as Aura. 1. Angel estudia tanto como Aura. 3. Paco has as many toys (juguetes – masc) as his sister. 1. Paco tiene tantos juguetes como su hermana. 4. I sleep as much as you. 1. Yo duermo tanto como tú.

4 State the following in Spanish 1. You eat more than me. 1. Tú comes más que yo. 2. Josh is shorter than Eryk. 1. Josh es menos alto/más bajo que Eryk. 3. I run more/less than three times a week 1. Yo corro más de/menos de tres veces a la semana.

5 Procedures Read 168 and list all unknown words  Highlight words listed on 169 Copy vocabulary from 169 into your notes. Complete Libro 5-23, 5-26, 5-28 For 5-28 fill out the blank floor plan

6 Draw a floor plan of your house  Include all the parts of the house from the vocab on 169 Draw, Label & color each object from pg 169 in the appropriate room Label each room and draw an object in that room to identify List the chores on the back of the page add a column w/ rooms where you do them & another w/ what you need to do them  Hacer la cama: El dormitorio: La cama,  Aspirar: La sala, el dormitorio, el pasillo: La aspiradora  sacudir los muebles La Tarea La Sala La cocina El comedor La habitación La puerta La ventana El baño El sofá La cama

7 Algunas ayudas cuarto addicional  Additional room dormitorio de los niños  Children’s room dormitorio de mis padres  Parents room dormitorio principal  main bedroom Mi dormitorio El dormitorio de mi hermano/a El dormitorio de Juan La despensa  The pantry The family room/den  La sala de estar La oficina  the office La entrada  The entrance/foyer El cuarto de entretenimiento  Entertainment room Las escaleras  The stairs La biblioteca  The library El lavandero  Laundry room Completar 5-19 y 5- 20 en el libro




11 Calentamiento Escribe cuatro oraciones (sentences) en español sobre (about) tu casa.  Mi casa es…  Mi casa tiene …  Mi casa está…

12 Mi casa es pequeña Mi casa tiene dos dormitorios. Mi casa tiene un baño Mi casa está en Houston. Mi casa está cerca de Reliant Stadium.

13 La casa de mis padres es grande. La casa de mis padres es azul. La casa de mis padres tiene dos pisos. La casa de mis padres tiene un patio.

14 El Alhambra es un palacio en España El Alhambra es bonita. El Alhambra es amarilla. El Alhambra tiene ocho baños. El Alhambra tiene diez habitaciones.

15 Capítulo 5 La casa y los quehaceres domésticos

16 Objetivos Describe your home Tell which household chores are done in each room

17 Para limpiar (to clean) La aspiradora  the vacuum cleaner La escoba  The broom Los quehaceres  The chores

18 La casa el apartamento  The apartment La casa  the house La casa movil  Mobile home la casa de un piso/dos pisos  The one/two-story house Vivir : to live ¿Dónde vives?  Where do you live?  Vivo en…(un apartamento, Manvel, una casa de dos pisos)

19 la cocina  The kitchen el comedor  The dining room (comer)

20 Los quehaceres de la cocina Barrer el piso  To sweep the floor Cocinar  To cook Lavar los platos  To wash the dishes Poner la mesa  To set the table Quitar la mesa  To clear the table Sacar la basura  To take out the garbage/trash

21 El cuarto/el dormitorio (the room or bedroom/the bedroom) La cama  The bed La cómoda  The dresser El closet  The closet El cuadro  The painting  The framed art El escritorio  The desk El estante  The bookcase La lámpara  The lamp La mesa de noche  The night stand

22 Los quehaceres del dormitorio Hacer la cama  To make the bed Limpiar/ordenar  To clean/to straighten Pasar la aspiradora  To vacuum Sacudir el polvo  To dust

23 la sala: The living room El sillón  The armchair El sofá  The couch La ventana  The window La puerta  The door

24 Los quehaceres de la sala Pasar la aspiradora  To vacuum Sacudir el polvo (de los muebles)  To dust (the furniture)

25 Más de la casa el baño  The bathroom El basurero  The garbage can Limpiar el baño To clean the bathroom

26 el lavadero (the laundry room) La lavadora  The washing machine La secadora  The dryer Lavar la ropa  To wash (the) clothes La plancha (the iron) Planchar  To iron

27 el pasillo  the hallway el césped  The lawn el garaje  The garage

28 El jardín  the garden Las plantas  The plants El patio  the porch La terraza  The terrace

29 Draw a floor plan of your house Label each room and draw an object in that room to identify List the rooms on the back of the page & what chores are done  El dormitorio: hacer la cama, aspirar, sacudir los muebles La Tarea La Sala La cocina El comedor La habitación La puerta La ventana El baño El sofá La cama

30 Turn it in!! Please remember to turn in your floor plans

31 Lavar: to wash (yo) lavo (tu) lavas lavar la ropa  To wash the clothes lavar los platos  To wash the plates (dishes)

32 hacer: to make/to do (yo) hago  I make/I do (tú) haces  you make/do hacer la cama  To make the bed hacer los quehaceres  to do the chores

33 PONER : to put/set  Yo pongo I put/set  Tú pones You put/set  Poner la mesa To set the table  Quitar la mesa To clear the table

34 Mas quehaceres Barrer  To sweep Alimentar al perro/gato.  Feed the dog/cat. Regar las plantas.  Water the plants. Pasear al perro.  To take the dog for a walk.

35 La tarea Using page 223, list ALL the rooms/areas (there are 8)  Add the lawn (césped)  Add the laundry room Under each room/area, list ALL (minimum 2) the chores that need to be done (from 223)  La cocina Lavar los platos Limpiar el piso Toilet (poceta/inodoro)

36 Por el mundo… The bedroom  El dormitorio  El cuarto  La alcoba  La recámara  La pieza El departamento  Apartment in Mexico

37 Los quehaceres List 5 chores you have to do at home  If you don’t HAVE to do any, list 5 that you COULD do. In English, write 3 sentences telling what you think about having to do chores.

38 How often? Siempre  Always Nunca  never A menudo  Often A veces  At times/sometimes EN CLASE:  204-205

Descargar ppt "State the following in Spanish 1. Juan is as tall as José 2. Angel studies as much as Aura. 3. Paco has as many toys (juguetes – masc) as his sister. 4."

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