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Chapter 9 Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. I gave those shoes to him. What is the subject, the verb, the direct.

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Presentación del tema: "Chapter 9 Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. I gave those shoes to him. What is the subject, the verb, the direct."— Transcripción de la presentación:


2 Chapter 9 Indirect Object Pronouns

3 Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. I gave those shoes to him. What is the subject, the verb, the direct object and the indirect object?

4 Indirect Objects I bought that skirt for her. subject verb direct object indirect object

5 Indirect Objects I gave those shoes to him. subject verbdirect object indirect object

6 Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect object pronouns tell to or for whom the action is being done.

7 Indirect Object Pronouns They mean the same thing in English as do the direct object pronouns, only they add the words “to or for”. For example, “to you, for me, etc.”

8 Indirect Object Pronouns (English) (to or for) me (to or for) you (to or for) him, her, it (to or for) us (to or for) them

9 Indirect Object Pronouns (Spanish) me(to or for me) te(to or for you) le(to or for him, her, it) nos (to or for us) les (to or for them, you all)

10 Placement of Indirect Object Pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns, me, te, le, nos, os, and les are placed either before a conjugated verb or attached to the end of an infinitive or a participle. Sometimes you can use a + Ud./él/ella or a noun to clarify to whom the indirect pronouns le and les refer.

11 Before the Conjugated Verb: El médico le da una inyección a ella. ¿Quién les compra las medicinas a ustedes? La enfermera le trae la radiografía al doctor.

12 Before the verb or after the infinitive: Before the verb: Le tienen que hacer una radiografía a mi perro. After the infinitive: Tienen que hacerle una radiografía a mi perro.

13 Before the verb or attached to a participle: Before the verb: Les estoy dando las medicinas. Attached to a participle: Estoy dándoles las medicinas.


15 1.El mesero les trae el menú. 2.Los clientes le hacen preguntas sobre el menú. 3.El mesero les describe los platos. 4.El mesero les preunta qué quieren beber. 5.Los clientes le dicen qué quieren. 6.El mesero les sirve la comida. 7.Los clientes le piden la cuenta. 8.El mesero les trae la cuenta. 9.Los clientes le dan dinero. 10.Los clientes le dan propina

16 me les me les Le nos


18 Indirect Object Pronouns These are the “me, te, le, nos and les that you see before “gustar, interesar, faltar, fascinar, encantar, and doler.” For example:

19 Indirect Object Pronouns Me duele el brazo. A los niños no les gustan las inyecciones.

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