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REFLEXIVE VERBS Los verbos reflexivos. In a reflexive construction…. The subject of the verb both performs and receives the action of the verb. Reflexive.

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Presentación del tema: "REFLEXIVE VERBS Los verbos reflexivos. In a reflexive construction…. The subject of the verb both performs and receives the action of the verb. Reflexive."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 REFLEXIVE VERBS Los verbos reflexivos

2 In a reflexive construction…. The subject of the verb both performs and receives the action of the verb. Reflexive verbs always use reflexive pronouns

3 Reflexive pronouns Me lavo las manos. Te cepillas los dientes. Se seca el pelo con la secadora. Nos vestimos para la escuela. Se ponen pantalones y una camisa verde.

4 Many verbs that describe daily routines and personal care are reflexive.  Acostarse  Afeitarse  Bañarse  Cepillarse  Despertarse  Dormirse  Ducharse  lavarse  To go to bed  To shave  To take a bath  To brush  To wake up  To go to sleep  To shower  To wash (oneself)

5 More…. Levantarse Maquillarse Peinarse Ponerse Secarse Quitarse Vestirse To get up To put on makeup To comb (oneself) To put on (clothing) To dry off To take off (clothing) To get dressed

6 Most transitive verbs can be used as reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject performs the action to or for him/herself Juan se divirtió en la fiesta. Juan had fun at the party. Juan divirtió a sus amigos cuando cantó. Juan entertained/amused his friends when he sang

7 Ana se acostó tarde anoche Ana went to bed late last night. Ana acostó a su hermanito Ana put her little brother to bed.

8 Llevar = to carry Mudar = to change Parecer = to seem Poner = to put Quitar=to take away Llevarse= to carry away Mudarse =to move Parecerse (a) =to look like; to resemble Ponerse = to put on (clothing) Quitarse = to take off (clothing

9 Spanish verbs and expressions that are reflexive even though the English equivalents aren’t. Many are followed by a,de and en. Acercarse (a) Arrepentirse (de) Atreverse (a) Convertirse (en) Darse cuenta (de) Enterarse (de) To approach To regret To dare (to) To become To realize To find out (about)

10 Y más Fijarse (en) Morirse (de) Olvidarse (de) Preocuparse (por) Quejarse (de) Sorprenderse (de) To take notice (of) To die (of) To forget (about) To worry (about) To complain (about) To be surprised (about/by)

11 Ponerse Means to put on (clothing), It also often is used to express  To get  To become

12 For example:  Pilar se pone nerviosa antes de un examen.  Pilar gets nervous before a test.  Si no duermo bien me pongo insorportable.  If I don’t sleep well I become unbearable.

13 Reciprocal reflexive verbs In the plural forms (nosotros, ustedes, ellos & ellas) the verbs can express actions done to one another. Los dos amigos se saludan en la clase. The two friends greet one another in class. Los entrenadores se están peleando otra vez. The coaches are fighting (with each other) again!

14 Reflexive and object pronouns The reflexive pronoun always precedes the direct object pronoun when they are use together in a sentence. ¿Te comiste el paste?  Did you eat the cake? Me lo comí todo.  I ate it all up.

15 Comunicación – Texto p.65 #3 ¿Y tú? With your partner take turns asking and answering the questions. You must answer in complete sentences. You must explain your answers.

16 Modelo 1. ¿A qué hora te despiertas normalmente los sábados por la mañana? Me despierto normalmente a las 7:30 de la mañana porque voy al gimnasio para mi clase de yoga.

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