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Spanish 2 3 rd person Direct Object Pronouns. What are these things you call Direct object pronouns? The object that directly receives the action of the.

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Presentación del tema: "Spanish 2 3 rd person Direct Object Pronouns. What are these things you call Direct object pronouns? The object that directly receives the action of the."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Spanish 2 3 rd person Direct Object Pronouns

2 What are these things you call Direct object pronouns? The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object. The direct object answers the question "what?" or "whom?“ “We see the statue.” answers the question, “What do you see?”. Object pronouns are great because they save us time. They are the replacement words we use to shorten our sentences when we are referring to something we have previously mentioned.

3 “We see the statue.” can be shortened to “We see it.” after it has been established what you are looking at, so you don’t have to keep saying, “the statue”. We see the statue. We like the statue. Compare: We see it. We like it. vs.

4 Where do direct object pronouns go in the sentence? In English, pronouns come after the verb : I’m reading a text message.  I’m reading it. Pronouns go before the verb, so… La rana mira el perro  La rana lo mira


6 Direct Object Pronouns Me ( me ) Nos ( us ) Te ( you ) Lo ( male object, him ) Los ( male objects, male them) La ( female object, her ) Las ( female objects, female them)

7 3rd person direct object pronouns are “lo”, “la”, “los” and “las” If a noun is masculine, singular (preceded by “el”, or “un”), replace the noun with “lo”. If a noun is masculine, plural (preceded by “los”, or “unos”), replace the noun with “los”. Singular noun Object pronoun el = thelo = it un = alo = it Plural noun Object pronoun los = thelos = them unos = somelos = them

8 3rd person direct object pronouns are “lo”, “la”, “los” and “las” If a noun is feminine, singular (preceded by “la”, or “una”), replace the noun with “la”. If a noun is feminine, plural (preceded by “las”, or “unas”), replace the noun with “las”. Singular noun Object pronoun la = thela = it una = ala = it Plural noun Object pronoun las = thelas = them unas = somelas = them

9 Replace the underlined word(s) with the correct object pronoun: lo, la, los, or las : 1. Yo visito el museo.Yo _____ visito. ( Nosotros ) ___ sacamos. 3. Ella mira las fotos.Ella _____ mira. 5. Tú tomas el autobus.Tú ___ tomas. 4. Uds. compran unos churros.Uds. _____ compran. 2. Sacamos una buena foto. lo La las los lo

10 NEGATION In negative sentences the following word order is used: subject + no + object pronoun + verb + (rest of sentence)

11 Yo no busco el sombrero negro. buscoloYono Rearrange the red words to create a grammatically correct negative sentence using the object pronoun. Yobuscoolono

12 Yo no compro una falda larga. compro laYo no Rearrange the red words to create a grammatically correct negative sentence using the object pronoun. noYocomprola

13 Yo no quiero los zapatos rojos. quiero los Yono Rearrange the red words to create a grammatically correct negative sentence using the object pronoun. Yoquieronolos

14 Yo no veo las camisetas. veolas Yono Rearrange the red words to create a grammatically correct negative sentence using the object pronoun. lasveo noYo

15 ¡Hola estudiantes! Yo soy Juanes. ¿Están ustedes listos para una prueba de los complementos directos?

16 LO


18 LO

19 la

20 los

21 LO

22 La

23 LO

24 Las

25 la

26 LO


28 la

29 LO

30 Las

31 LOS

32 LAS

33 La

34 la

35 los

36 la

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