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T IENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: I can tell a story using places and prepositions. Vocab/Ideas Part 1: Me toca Me parece Alguien Me roba Encuentra Vocab/Ideas.

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Presentación del tema: "T IENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: I can tell a story using places and prepositions. Vocab/Ideas Part 1: Me toca Me parece Alguien Me roba Encuentra Vocab/Ideas."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 T IENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: I can tell a story using places and prepositions. Vocab/Ideas Part 1: Me toca Me parece Alguien Me roba Encuentra Vocab/Ideas Part 2: la tienda el banco el estadio el restaurante el café la iglesia la sinagoga el templo la mezquita el supermercado la panadería el kiosco el museo el vecindario el hospital Vámonos: Translate the following sentences 1. Mi casa está cerca de la ciudad. 2. Tengo un apartamento grande en el centro de la ciudad de México.. 3. My bed is far from the window and the door in my bedroom.

2 A. Mi casa está cerca de la ciudad. B. Tengo un apartamento grande en el centro de la ciudad de México. C. My bed is far from the window and the door in my bedroom. D. Los tíos de mi amiga viven en el campo y tiene una casa muy grande con un patio, tres perros, y siete habitaciones. E. El primer piso de mi colegio siempre está sucio y mis compañeros de clase nunca limpian la basura. My house is near the city. I have a big apartment in the center of Mexico City. The aunts and uncles of my friend live in the countryside and have a big house with a patio, three dogs, and seven bedrooms. The first floor of my school is always dirty and my classmates never clean up the garbage. Mi cama está lejos de la ventana y la puerta en mi habitación.

3 V OCAB /I DEAS P ART 1 Our new vocabulary words will be on the top of the slide. If you think you know what the word means, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the definition. For each new word, we will need an action. After we have the definition, if you can ACT OUT the word, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the action with the class. Everyone will do the new action.

4 Me Toca It’s my turn

5 Me Parece It seems to me

6 Alguien Someone, anyone

7 Me roba He/she steals from me

8 Encuentra Finds

9 G ROUP G AME : M ATAMOSCAS I will divide the classroom into 2 teams. Each team will line up in front of the board. When I say the word in English, the first person will “swat” the word on the board. They will then tell me the word/phrase in Spanish. For the team to get the point, everyone in line must be doing the action to go along with the word.

10 Puedo Tengo que Me robo Encuentra Alguien Voy a Me toca Tengo ganas de Me parece

11 C UENTO N UEVO Voy a contarles un cuento! La primera vez, SOLAMENTE ESCUCHA.

12 FIST OF FIVE: Using your mano and dedos, show me how well you understood what you just heard… 5—Perfectly! I could summarize it right now! 4—I understood the general idea of the story, and could pull out key points. 3—I understood most of the words we’ve learned. 2—I understood some of the words we’ve learned. 1—I understood a couple of words we’ve learned. 0—What’s going on?!

13 OTRA VEZ: E L C UENTO N UEVO Por favor escuchen y miren a las fotos.




17 Z.Z.Z.Z.Z… 1 34 2 ¡Alguien me roba!

18 Z.Z.Z.Z.Z… 1 34 2 ¡Alguien me roba! No me parece que es un accidente. No me toca limpiar la casa!

19 NO DUERMO! 1 34 2 ¡AY! ¡NO ME ROBES!

20 ¡Lo siento! ¡Voy a limpiar la casa!


22 FIST OF FIVE: Using your mano and dedos, show me how well you understood what you just heard… 5—Perfectly! I could summarize it right now! 4—I understood the general idea of the story, and could pull out key points. 3—I understood most of the words we’ve learned. 2—I understood some of the words we’ve learned. 1—I understood a couple of words we’ve learned. 0—What’s going on?!

23 OTRA VEZ: E L C UENTO N UEVO Por favor escuchen, miren, y participen! When you hear one of our vocabulary words, do the action!




27 Z.Z.Z.Z.Z… 1 34 2 ¡Alguien me roba!

28 Z.Z.Z.Z.Z… 1 34 2 ¡Alguien me roba! No me parece que es un accidente. No me toca limpiar la casa!

29 NO DUERMO! 1 34 2 ¡AY! ¡NO ME ROBES!

30 ¡Lo siento! ¡Voy a limpiar la casa!


32 FIST OF FIVE: Using your mano and dedos, show me how well you understood what you just heard… 5—Perfectly! I could summarize it right now! 4—I understood the general idea of the story, and could pull out key points. 3—I understood most of the words we’ve learned. 2—I understood some of the words we’ve learned. 1—I understood a couple of words we’ve learned. 0—What’s going on?!

33 I NDIVIDUAL P RACTICE : W RITING You will write a story using the new vocab/ideas Part 1 we learned today. Your story MUST include all of the vocab/ideas.

34 T AREA Make flashcards (paper or quizlet- quizlet is my preference!) for the Vocab/Ideas Part 2 You will need to look up the English definitions to make the flashcards You will need to show me the flashcards at the beginning of next class la tienda el banco el estadio el restaurante el café la iglesia la sinagoga el templo la mezquita el supermercado la panadería el kiosco el museo el vecindario el hospital

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