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Global Warming how to help slow it down Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering CLiMMATe Lab Director (Cloud Microwave Measurements.

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Presentación del tema: "Global Warming how to help slow it down Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering CLiMMATe Lab Director (Cloud Microwave Measurements."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Global Warming how to help slow it down Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering CLiMMATe Lab Director (Cloud Microwave Measurements of ATmospheric Events) UPRM-PI for the Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) UPRM Campus Verde UPRM Campus Verde 2008

2 This presentation can be found at: ______________________________ Materials for Teachers: *Please give proper credit.

3 Documentales recomendados: 1.The Story of Stuff : 20 mins, free @ 2.Too Hot not to Handle: 50min 3.Who Killed the Electric Car?- 4.An Inconvenient Truth- 5.Renewable Energy 6.Human Footprint- National Geographic, YouTube

4 Global warming... 1.Is not a Theory; is a Fact.* 2.Is happening right now* 3.Scientific consensus: is caused mainly beause of human activity, like emissions of CO 2.* 4.Some of its consequences are ir reversibles!* * According to the most recent report of the UN-IPCC 4 th 2007.

5 Coasts of Puerto Rico If we continue with business as usual

6 Human Activities For example: CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere: cars, electricity, water Deforestation – construction Contamination other emitted gases like Methane

7 Global Warming

8 Lake Chad Was the 6 th largest lake in the World! A study by U. Wisconsin-Madison and NASA's EOS, the lake is now 1/20th of the size it was 35 years ago. W. Africa (Chad, Niger, Nigeria, & Cameroon), the region has suffered from an increasingly dry climate, experiencing decline in rain since early 1960s. We are causing Extreme poverty in Africa due to our emissions which accounts for 25% of all world emissions compared to Africa’s 3%.

9 The Ethical Dimension of Climate Change "If sea levels rise at the rates they are predicting, we may see hundreds of millions of refugees" "Where will they go? Who will take them in? What does it mean about immigration regulations?" "The future will be catastrophic for all communities, for all countries, but particularly for those who have already been identified as particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change," Specially small island states which might disappear entirely under the rising ocean. "It is a moral obligation, beyond political obligation or economic obligation, to help countries like Tuvalu and small island developing states, and of course the least developed countries," "We have to do something urgently."

10 Social impacts Sub-Saharan Africa produces about 3% of the world’s greenhouse gases, yet… Its climate and ecological systems have already been altered by global warming and will undergo further damage in the years ahead. Demonstrators in Nairobi, Kenya, protest failure of developed countries to curb emissions of greenhouse gases.

11 A 2006 report by economist Sir Nicholas Stern suggests that global warming could shrink the global economy by 20%!


13 CO 2 in the atmosphere Years: 1960-2000

14 CO 2 in Atmosphere Years: 1000 -2100

15 ICE AGE, T was only 6 o C



18 Global average temperature Years: 1860-2000 Cold due to sulfuric emissions: (1940-1970) which caused lung cancer, asthma & acid rain Clean Air Act }

19 Several scenarios

20 En estas gráficas se compara los modelos naturales y antropogénicos con las medidas reales.

21 /spl/hi/sci_nat/04/climate_ch ange/html/climate.stm

22 Adverse Consequences of global warming: Polar caps melt –Sea level rise Extreme temperatures Cyclones/tornadoes Drought / floods Disease Agriculture losses Water (potable) scarcity Extinction of animal species, corals, vegetation Worst case scenario: stop ocean conveyor belt

23 Worst Case Scenario: abrupt change IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Due to change in salinity, if Artic keeps melting, this current could stop, creating a small ice age in Europe and North America.

24 Worst case scenario: Ocean conveyor belt stops Due to change in salinity, if Artic keeps melting, this current could stop, creating a small ice age in Europe and North America. [IPCC]

25 Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, Africa) 30 years later…

26 Patagonia (Argentina) Longest Glacier in S.A. 1928 2004

27 Costa Rica First official lost species due to Global warming: golden toad FemaleMale

28 Hurricanes 11 hottest years ever, occurred in the last 14 yrs. Hottest of all time at NH, 2006. 2004 1 st hurricane ever in the S. Altantic Ocean 2005 highest # of hurricanes, –most intense, 6 Greek letters 2005 Wilma strongest hurricane ever recorded AO Then… 2006 Monica strongest hurricane ever recorded Luckily, 2006, El Niño decreases # hurricanes 2007: La Niña! But Sahara winds …


30 Rincón Puerto Rico Erosión de las playas antes Créditos: Prof. Aurelio Mercado, Ciencias Marinas

31 después Rincón Créditos: Prof. Aurelio Mercado, Ciencias Marinas

32 Luquillo Créditos: Prof. Aurelio Mercado, Ciencias Marinas

33 Icebergs with caves = broken food chain 60% of krill population killed because of this. Krill are small shrimp-like crustaceans zooplankton, food for baleen whales, mantas, whale sharks, seals, and a few seabird species

34 Asuntos Políticos Oil Industry : lobbyist Gobiernos alterando evidencia científica –(e.g. NASA climatólogo, Jim Hansen) Costo real de energía Nuclear –versus costo de energía limpia como solar o viento –Riesgos de salud, desperdicios radioactivos Carro Eléctrico tecnología desde 1995, destruido en 2003.

35 On top of this… New blooming economies want to live their own version of the “American Dream”. Example: in China, the traditional bicycle lane was closed to lay way to an extra automobile lane. India is now also flourishing economically and greatly increasing their CO2 emissions.

36 It took all human history to reach 1 billion in 1800. World Population Growth 2000 1987 1975 1960 1930 1800 65432106543210 10,000 BC 5,000 BC Year 0 1000 2000 billions

37 The Good News is that… we can make a difference … While saving $$$

38 Ahorra $$$, …Salva el planeta Everytime we use: electricy gasoline products water We send emissions to the atmosphere that warms it more.

39 Water

40 Puerto Rico Dry Season Puerto Rico Wet Season In PR global warming is expected to decrease rain by 10-20%!

41 Water When we save water, we save $ and CO 2 emissions Buy shower head of 1.6gpm

42 Paper use Print on both sides, minimize color. Use recycle paper, 100% post-consumer Cancel Catalogs Subscribe to online magazines, Pay online Avoid millions of tree from being chop down


44 Reforestation Plant trees –Lower your home temperature up to 10F!, –Increase value of your property! –Reduce CO 2 emissions *El Fideicomiso te regala 200 árboles gratis!

45 Small changes, make a big difference:

46 Products

47 Buy Less! Consumerism is affecting the environment immensely. Save Money! Products generate emissions when manufactured. –Generate trash, toxics. –Many can’t be recycled –Are designed to last little to make you buy more. If DEMAND goes down, PRODUCTIÓN goes down This is why REDUCE is sooo important.

48 Rechargable Batteries (4 AA + 4 AAA ) Saves $100+ for each one! * *Las recargables de pueden usar entre 100 a 1000 veces dependiendo del tipo, y cuesta sólo par de centavos recargarlas. Nunca eches ningún tipo de batería al zafacón, tienen muchos tóxicos que dañan el ambiente. Recíclalas en OfficeMax, RUM, y otros centros de acopio.

49 No tires baterías al zafacón! Tienen muchos tóxicos, metales pesados como mercurio que envenenan los cuerpos de agua, cuando llueve en el vertedero. Recíclalas. Usa baterías recargables. Ahorras $100 por cada una. Busca la lista de centros de acopio de baterías en

50 Styrofoam Generate many toxic gases & CO 2 during their production. Are NOT biodegradable, are prohibited in many cities in the U.S.

51 Evita uso platos, cubiertos y servilletas sanitarios (Styrofoam®, Plásticos o Papel) *Vajilla = $7,000 ahorro mensual en el RUM según un análisis de costo reciente. Styrofoam cuesta $$$…

52 Eat less Meat Methane gas is 20x stronger than CO 2 Could be captured and used as fuel. Landfields produce it. Cattle farms produce it.

53 According to a 2006 study by U. of Chicago; Eating a vegan diet prevents the equivalent of 1.5 tons of CO 2 emissions every year, more than the 1 ton of CO 2 emissions prevented by switching from a typical large sedan to a Toyota Prius. So why does meat cause so much global warming? Growing feed for farmed animals requires intense use of synthetic fertilizer, which releases N 2 O– a far stronger greenhouse gas than even CO 2. The tens of billions of farmed animals of the world produce massive amounts of flatulence and liquid manure, which release large amounts of methane into the atmosphere as well as forming nitrous oxide, both of which are powerful green house gases. Heating buildings that house farm animals – emission of green house gases "Rearing Cattle Produces More Greenhouse Gases Than Driving Cars, UN Report Warns," UN News Centre, 29 Nov. 2006. “…raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined”. 2006 U.N. report


55 The Water link… To produce 1 lb of MEAT –You need 1,000-12,000 lbs of Water! To produce 1 lb of potatoes, wheat, corn and rice –You need 60, 108, 168, 229 pounds of water, respectively

56 La simple verdad Según un estudio en 2006 por la U. de Chicago; Cambiar a vegetariano ahorra más emisiones de invernadero (1.5 tons CO 2 annual) que cambiar de usar un auto grande a un auto híbrido como Toyota Prius! (ahorro 1 ton de CO 2 anual)

57 Sell your “Trash” Recycla, Reuse, Reduce: cardboardcardboard PlasticPlastic Aluminum cansAluminum cans GlassGlass BateriesBateries WaterWater Cooking oilCooking oil leavesleaves MethaneMethane MBytesMBytes Centro de reciclaje en Cabo Rojo: WR Recycling Inc. Carr103 Km 2.3 Bajura Cabo Rojo 538-1486, 255-4772 Compra Aluminio, vidrio y cartón No acepta plásticos. Oil Energy 832-5757 Recicla aceite usado Ponce Resources en Mayaguez 824-3503 CC Reciclaje del Norte, Hatillo Carr2 Km 88.1, 262-0305

58 What should I buy? Reduced packaging Concentrated Products *All packages need large amounts of energy to be produces, and many emit tons of CO 2 in the atmosphere annually. X3 x1

59 Compost Recycle leaves, and other waste It’s better for your health and the environment. Organic food (better health, less Br)

60 What should I buy? A fiberglass pool employs 1/3 of the energy than a concrete pool.

61 Save Mbytes! Saves materials & energy OR> Right-click on figure, press Format Figure, Compress, All, or change with Paste Special to Jpeg or gif Format. Save a lot of space on your USB memory sticks! Up to 20x!! How? Cut each Picture, then Paste Special in JPG or GIF Format.

62 Gasoline

63 Increase your MPG [MPG = miles per gallon] Don’t press gas pedar too much. Learn to drive at optimum accelaration. optimum MPG Car Accelaration Pression on pedal smaller MPG

64 Mejora tu MPG 1.Usa aceleración mínima 2.Guía menos, combina viajes 3.No dejes auto prendido > 1min 4.Remueve exceso de equipaje 5.Estaciona en la sombra 6.Mantén auto tune-up & gomas infladas 7.Considera un auto Híbrido 8.Apaga A/C cuesta arriba & cuando está fresco 9.Evita hoyos y muertos 10.Usa cambios Overdrive * my/practical-driving-tips.html Cada milla ahorra 20 libras de CO2 de ser emitidas! Optimum Speed

65 ¿a qué velocidad guío? Respeta máximo de velocidad, y ahorrarás $ Velocidad óptima 55

66 Save $6,000 in 5 years* Hybrids Cars Takes into account initial costs and gas cost at $0.65 per gasoline liter.

67 Electricity

68 DMSP Puerto Rico used 6 times more electricity per person than in Spain! Yet, quality of life is not better.

69 Electric appliances use electricity even when turned off. They’re called Phamton Loads!

70 Some examples Sum of the phantom loads is 55W, which is 40 kWh/mo!


72 Save $5 - $50 a month when: unplug appliances when not using them. Use a power strip to connect several appliances then you can turn them off all at the same time.

73 Turn off printer & speakers when not in use. Unplugged them every night.

74 Computers Turn off PC if you will not use it in 1hr or more. ¡Don’t let the adaptor plugged in!!!

75 Cellphone chargers Don’t leave the charger connected! Uses 70-95% of the energy as if charging.

76 Dentro de un adaptador

77 Mito vs. Realidad: el prender y apagar enseres, los daña. FALSO! Eso ocurría hace 2 décadas. Desconecta y Ahorra!

78 What should I buy? a laptop uses 1/3 of the electricity of a desktop! versus And it doesn’t need a UPS.

79 What should I buy? LCD uses 1/3 less energy than a Plasma TV! LCD Plasma

80 Compact fluorescent Lights (CFL) Save $150 per lightbulb during its life Use 1/4 electricity. Last 10 times more.

81 A/C If you use air conditioner, set the temperature 1-2 degrees less cold, this will save $ and many emissions. A window fan brings in fresh air from outside. Save $25 /month for each A/C unit!

82 What should I buy? It’s worth buy appliances that are energy efficient. ¡Compare! Saves $10-60/ mo. each!!

83 What should I buy? A solar water heater Saves $40-$100/mo. Lasts 30+ years!

84 What should I buy? GAS appliances save $25-$50/month! Using a clothlines, saves even more.

85 Electric Bill: AEE…(house of 4)  Average Consumption: $260 1390 kWh

86 Electric Bill: : After eliminationg Electric phamtons & changing some CFL $195 (1160 kWh)

87 Electric Bill: $113 (690 kWh) After using 3 fans instead of 3 A/C

88 Factura de AEE: After installing a solar water heater $74 (400 kWh) Electric Bill:

89 Many solutions

90 Renewable Energy [No-renewables: coal, oil, gas] Renewable; Solar wind Thermal-oceanic Bio-diesel Ethanol - sugar What is our government doing to increase renewable energy?

91 Aceite de auto y de cocinar Biodiesel Bioetanol de caña Usaremos la grasa de la cafetería como combustible!

92 Cargador Solar de teléfono

93 Eco Urbana – Renewable Solutions On the 2 nd floor there’s a water filtration system and solar system. >Independent of AEE & AAA.

94 Viajes en Avión Los viajes en avión emiten muchos gases pero su efecto conjunto es enfriar la atmósfera debido a emisiones de sulfuro.

95 Más Cosas que Hacer : y ahorra $$ Limpia filtros de A/C Coge pon, camina, usa bicicleta Come: Productos locales

96 baja T de calentador agua –Usa sábanas no frisas Usa agua fría para lavar ropa Tiende ropa si puedes Usa lavadora platos sólo si llena Friega a mano si puedes

97 Para hacer cada día Usa transportación pública Moldes de silicón u oscuros : Hornea T-25 o F Filtro de café de tela o plástico re-usable Transportation accounts for 67% of oil used! Green means it’s also good for your HEALTH.

98 Compra productos con Menos Empaque Paquetes Familiares: NO individuales Usa bolsas de regalo no papel de regalo Reusa Botellas de agua!  *Los empaques necesitan grandes cantidades de energía para producirse y muchos liberan toneladas de CO 2 in la atmósfera anualmente.

99 Exprésate: email al gobierno: Firma petición en

100 Living Green haz la diferencia deja tu huella is about changing our patterns of consumption and seeking out greener, natural and ethical alternatives to every conceivable type of product and service. It’s about buying more wisely, consuming less, wasting less, thinking through the consequences of our purchases. It’s about reducing our impact on the planet and our fellows by making choices that are better for us, better for the environment, and better for other people. It doesn’t preach, but it does show that there is a way forward to one-planet, sustainable living, a means to combat climate change and a way to protect the world’s scarce resources.

101 Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere

102 It’s our moral responsability… Let’s use its resources efficiently so that we can all benefit from it. We only have ONE planet. We only have ONE planet.

103 ¡No comas pesticidas! …ni hierbicidas, fertilizantes químicos o insecticidas. Estos químicos dañan la capa de ozono y emiten gases de invernadero.

104 ¿Por qué Orgánico? Son productos sembrados sin fertilizantes químicos, plaguicidas, herbicidas ni insecticidas. –Sólo composta e insecticidas naturales. Los pesticidas artificiales contienen Bromuro: –el cual daña la capa de ozono y empeora el Calentamiento Global. Los fertilizantes artificiales contienen Nitrógeno: – el cual es un gas de invernadero y empeora el Calentamiento Global.

105 Productos de Limpieza Usa productos de limpieza que no dañen el entorno natural. Evita usar cloro, y otros productos que dañan el ambiente y a la larga nos envenenan nuestra salud y el entorno natural (fauna, flora, cuerpos de agua), causando asma, y otras enfermedades. Ahorras$$ usando: vinagre, polvo de soda, borax, limón para limpiar.

106 Evita bolsas plásticas! Las bolsas plásticas están hechas de petróleo, y tardan más de 100 años en biodegradarse. Las prohibieron en Uganda, China e Irlanda. En China se ahorrarán anualmente 37 millones de barriles de petróleo debido a prohibición de las bolsas plásticas. Evita también las bolsas de papel, contribuyen a la desforestación Ambas afectan mucho al ambiente y muy pocas se reciclan. Muchas tortugas mueren al comerse las bolsas Además son un gasto innecesario para los comercios. Utiliza bolsas de tela, cáñamo u otro material que se pueda usar muchas veces e incluso lavar fuera necesario.

107 Usa bolsas re-usables Las bolsas plásticas están hechas de petróleo, y tardan más de 100 años en biodegradarse. Las prohibieron en Uganda, China e Irlanda. En China se ahorrarán anualmente 37 millones de barriles de petróleo debido a la prohibición de las bolsas plásticas. En algunas tiendas si usas su bolsa de tela te devuelven dinero. (ej. Vitamin World te devuelve $1 cada vez que usas su bolsa de canvas en compras de $10 o más). Anualmente, miles de tortugas, anguilas y otros animales mueren debido a que se comen las bolsas plásticas y vasos plásticos creyendo que son agua viva.

108 DRY Cleaning Dile NO al: Utiliza muchos químicos (percloroetileno) que dañan el sistema nervioso, afectando al trabajador de la lavandería y a tu salud. Además contaminan el ambiente. Se ha relacionado a incidencia de cáncer

109 Anti-bacterial Dile NO a lo: Contribuye a que las bacterias creen resistencia a antibióticos (“super bugs”) Antibacterial soaps are helping to promote growth of resistant bacteria, according to a 2000 World Health Organization report.

110 Desechable Dile NO a lo: Aumenta los desperdicios en el vertedero, por lo tanto a más gas metano! El metano atrapa 20 veces más calor en la atmósfera que el CO 2

111 RECICLA BIEN: NO sorbetos NO vasos Sólo plástico #1 y #2

112 We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children. - Native-american Proverb

113 Book References: The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs Weather Makers by Tim Flannery An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman Global Warming by Chris Spence Pathologies of Power, Paul Farmer Mini Atlas of Global Development, The World Bank Economics of Climate Change, Sir Nick Stern

114 Web References… FUN!! (PC games)

115 Más información en


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