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This volume comprises of 4 activities developed to test the listening and writing skills students. For more activities you can visit our website at.

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3 This volume comprises of 4 activities developed to test the listening and writing skills students. For more activities you can visit our website at

4 Elsa is a Spanish exchange student who is attending your school for the entire year. During the day she goes to classes with the host family’s daughter here in the US. One night a week, the Spanish teacher has suggested that Elsa spend a few hours in the home of a student in the Spanish class. In the students’ home Elsa is requested to speak Spanish only to aid the English speakers with their Spanish. Tonight is your night for Elsa to be a guest in your home! To impress Elsa with your knowledge of your family, you pull out the group picture that you received at the last family reunion. Rather than frustrate her by telling her about everyone pictured, identify at least 2 members of your immediate family including yourself, as well as 2 members of your extended family with different relationships (i.e., aunt, or male cousin). 3 4 2 1

5 1. Ella es mi mama. Se Llama Isabel. Tiene vientecuatro anos. Vive en la ciudad.Es cantante.

6 2. El es mi hermano.Se Llama Leuis.Le gusta futbol. Tiene trece anos.

7 3. El es ti abuelo Pablo.Tiene setenta y ocho anos.Parace muy joven.

8 4. El es mi primo juanCarlos.Va para la escuela primaria.Tiene once anos. Un nino bonito.

9 Each group of student is given a group picture that represents a photo taken at a family gathering. Students will identify each member providing the necessary information. Group Assignment

10 PenPal Wanted! Activity 2 How old is Graciela? How many siblings does Graciela have? What is the name of her oldest brother? Does she have any sisters? What does Ramón like to do? Where does Graciela live? How many pets does she have? What does her sister like to do? What are the ages of her younger siblings? Graciela Hernández vive en Taxco, México.Tiene 13 años le encanta escuchar música Su hermano mayor, Pedro tiene 16 años. Sus hermanos menores se llaman Lola y Ramón. Son simpáticos y son deportistas. A Ramón le gusta jugar al básquetboly a Lola le gusta el fútbol. Graciela no tiene ni perros ni gatos. Tiene tres hermanos: un hermano mayor y dos hermanos menores. Ellos tienen once y ocho años.

11 Activity 3 Are You Paying Attention? As a class assignment, Lisa brought in a poster of her family tree. She then tells the class about her family. However, because Lisa is one who sometimes checks to see if you are listening to her, she makes some statements that are not true. Based on Lisa's family tree, write down in your book if the statements below are true or false. Listen to Lisa Statements

12 Just What Family Is It? Activity 4 For each number below, you will see two pictures. You will hear a passage that will describe one of the pictures. Listen, and then circle the letter of the picture you hear described. A. B. La abuela está muy contenta porque es un momento especial para su familia. Hay otras personas en las foto con ella. En esta foto, la abuela está con una señorita y tres señores. 2. 1. 3. 4.5. El hijo está con su mamá. Esta familia está muy contenta y hay siete personas. La madre y el padre están al frente. La famila Smith está de vacaciones. En la foto se ve el padre, la madre, el hijo y la hija. Toda la familia está en casa—el padre, la mamá y el hijo.




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