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Hoy es miércoles, el 23 de abril.
La pregunta: Contesten. ¿Qué ves en un zoológico? ¿Qué ves a un teatro? ¿Qué puedes hacer en el mar? La tarea: Completar la hoja de ejercicio sobre la videohistoria Write “la pregunta” on the board. Students should fill in the day/date/question/answer on their daily warm-up sheet (They already have this). Discuss as a class. Please also announce the homework “la tarea”- to complete the worksheet associated with the videohistoria. Warm-up question “la pregunta”: *Students need to answer each of the questions 1.) What do you see in a zoo? (los animales) 2.) What do you see at a theater?. – (la obra de teatro) 3.) What are you able to do in the sea?– (nadar, tomar el sol, pasear en bote, bucear)
Repasar la tarea de anoche Repasar el vocabulario nuevo con fotos
La meta: Students will identify and pronounce vocabulary(nouns and verbs) associated with going on vacation. Students will be able to make connections based on context and previously learned vocabulary and grammar. El plan de hoy Repasar la tarea de anoche Repasar el vocabulario nuevo con fotos La pruebita Mirar la videohistoria Completar la hoja de ejercicio sobre la videohistoria La tarea Explain the plan of the day to the class: 1.) Go over the homework from last night 2.) Review vocab with flash cards 3.) Take 8A vocab quiz 4.) Watch the videohistoria 5) Complete the worksheet associated with the videohistoria
La tarea de anoche: libro de texto p. 377, Actividad 3
Go over/check last night’s homework (Text pg. 377, Activity 3) Make note of any student who does not have it complete.
La videohistoria ¿Qué te pasó?
LIBRO DE TEXTO – p. 377 ¿Comprendes? – parte 1 LIBRO DE TEXTO – p. 377 ¿Comprendes? – parte 2 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f.) g.) h.) Haz una lista de cinco cosas que aprendiste spbre el bosque lluvioso de Sarapiquí A quién refiere cada frase: a Tomás, a Gloria, o a Raúl? Go over last night’s homework. In part 1, they must write 5 things that they learned about the national park Sarapiqui. In part 2, they must write who each of the phrases lettered a – h are referring to. Discuss the responses as a class. (Answers can be found in the side bar of the teacher text on pg. 377)
El vocabulario nuevo: DE VACACIONES
¿Cómo se dice cada palabra asociada con “ir de vacaciones”? Use the flashcards to go over the vocab (translations found on text p. 396) (*These are the words they should know for the quiz today) As a class, have students repeat the Spanish and then give the English translation . Maybe you can choose a student leader to help with this if you are unfamiliar with the words. Mention that I have added some verbs from the section titled “To talk about things to do on vacation” ¡OJO! Hay verbos nuevos también
La pruebita Escriban su nombre en el scantron. La fecha es el 23 de abril Subject = 8A quiz DO NOT WRITE ON THE QUIZ! Students will have 15 minutes to complete their quiz. When they are done they can work on something quietly until the 15 minutes have passed. Hand out the scantron and have them write their name, date, class period. Please tell them to write “8A Quiz” on the subject line of their scantron. Also – THEY MAY NOT WRITE ON THE QUIZ. You need to reuse the quiz in all level 2 classes. They should bubble their responses on the scantron. Collect scantrons. Collect blue test papers to use in the next class. ¡15 minutos! When you are finished, turn the test over on your desk and do something quietly.
La videohistoria ¿Qué te pasó?
LIBRO DE TEXTO – p Miramos la videohistoria ¡Tomás es muy muy patoso! Using the DVD player, show the Videohistoria. (Video Program – Disc 4: From the main menu, choose chapter 8A, videohistoria)
La videohistoria ¿Qué te pasó?
Según la información que aprendieron en la videohistoria, completen la hoja de ejercicio. ACTIVIDAD 2 - ¿Comprendes? ACTIVIDAD 3 - Video ACTIVIAD 4 - ¿qué más? Hand out the videohistoria worksheets. Students must complete all three activities on both sides of the worksheet using information they learned from the videohistoria. If you run out of time, they should complete both sides of the worksheet for homework. If you have time, go over the responses together. (Answer key attached)
La tarea Completar la hoja de ejercicio sobre la videohistoria
To close – remind students of the homework (To finish the worksheet associated with the videohistoria)
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