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Amendment – Change to the constitution Civil war – A war between opposing groups within a country Confederacy – The government of the Confederate States.

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Presentación del tema: "Amendment – Change to the constitution Civil war – A war between opposing groups within a country Confederacy – The government of the Confederate States."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Amendment – Change to the constitution Civil war – A war between opposing groups within a country Confederacy – The government of the Confederate States of America Free Enterprise System – A type of economy in which people own and run their own businesses VOCABULARY

2 Juneteenth– A Texas holiday that commemorates the date slaves were freed in Texas, June 19, 1865. Reconstruction – The period after the Civil War in which Southerners had to reorganize their state governments in order to rejoin the Union. Secede– to leave. States’ Rights – The idea that state government have the right to make decisions VOCABULARY

3 Enmienda- Cambio o incorporacion que se le hace a la constitucion. Guerra Civil – Guerra entre los habitantes de un mismo país. Confederación – Nombre con el que se conocia a los Estados Confederados de América, los 11 estados del Sur que se separaron de la Unión despues de que Abraham Lincoln fue elegido presidente. Libre empresa–Sistema económico que da a las personas libertad de empezar sus propios negocios y de ser dueñas de sus propiedades, con un control limitado del gobierno. VOCABULARIO

4 Juneteenth – un dia festivo en Texas que conmemora los esclavos que fueron liberados en Texas, 19 de junio 1865 Reconstrucción – Periodo de recuperacion posterior a la Guerra Civil, durante el cual los estados del sur se volvieron a juntar con la Unión. Separarse – Apartarse de un grupo, como cuando los estados del Sur se apartaron de los Estados Unidos en 1861. Derechos de los Estados– Idea de que los estados tienen derecho a decidir sobre los asuntos que los afectan. VOCABULARIO


6 Political Texas secedes from the Union and joins the Confederacy Economic Weakened Texas economy because of Texas association with the South Social 60,000 – 70,000 Texas men joined the Confederacy IMPACT OF CIVIL WAR ON TEXAS

7 Political Constitution of 1876 was written and it is the constitution still in use today Economic Shortage of labor on plantations and farms, which led to sharecropping Social Slaves freed Black codes – keeping people in separate groups (segregation) Texas rejoined Union IMPACT OF RECONSTRUCTION ON TEXAS


9 As long as Texas was part of a democratic country with a market economy, the government has always allowed Texans to create any business they choose and grow it to any size they want. People have an idea to sell or a product or service to develop. They provide that service or product in a business they invest in. It continues to grow and prosper if the business earns a profit and there continues to be a supply and demand for it. HOW PEOPLE EARN THEIR LIVING – THROUGH A SUBSISTENCE ECONOMY AND PROVIDING GOODS AND SERVICES

10 Business Examples of Benefits Choice to own a business Feeling of independence and self-worth Profit from well-managed business High demand – increases prices Consumer Examples of Benefits Competition lowers price Opportunity to choose different types of the same product BENEFITS OF THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM: CHOICE AND OPPORTUNITY


12 Juneteenth – The day when slaves found out they were free in Texas. General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston and announced that slaves were free and the war was over. STATE CELEBRATIONS

13 SIMLARITIES AMONG RACIAL, ETHNIC, AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN TEXAS Similarities Maintained culture through celebrations, food, music, and language Came to Texas for economic opportunities and freedom Differences How and why they came to Texas Came from Europe, Mexico, Asia, and the United States

14 FAMOUS INVENTORS AND SCIENTIST Gail Borden Surveyor Designed the cities of Galveston and Houston Improved the meat biscuit Invented a process for condensing milk Joseph Glidden Invented the most successful form of barbed wire

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