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CapitalCapital: Provincia de San JoséProvincia de San José CurrencyCurrency: Colón PresidentPresident: Laura ChinchillaLaura Chinchilla InhabitantsInhabitants:

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Presentación del tema: "CapitalCapital: Provincia de San JoséProvincia de San José CurrencyCurrency: Colón PresidentPresident: Laura ChinchillaLaura Chinchilla InhabitantsInhabitants:"— Transcripción de la presentación:



3 CapitalCapital: Provincia de San JoséProvincia de San José CurrencyCurrency: Colón PresidentPresident: Laura ChinchillaLaura Chinchilla InhabitantsInhabitants: 4,805 millions (2012)4,805 millions (2012) IMPORTANT FACTS

4 Costa Rica’s national flower, the guaria morada, is an exquisite orchid

5 Blue : the sky. White ; Peace. Red : daily work

6 The two branches of myrtle symbolize peace and the seven stars above the volcanoes represent the seven provinces of Costa Rica. The volcanoes stand for the three mountain ranges of Costa Rica. The rising sun on the National shield symbolizes the prosperity of the nation.

7 Its name comes from its short white tail. The White-Tailed Deer is medium, thin and with long legs. Its color is brown White-Tailed Deer


9 One of Costa Rica's most notable natural features is the Arenal Volcano.





14 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS When the Subject and the Object in a sentence refer to the same person or thing we use a Reflexive Pronnoun Examples : My daughter likes to dress herself without my help. I taught myself to play the guitar. My cat always licks itself. oun.

15 Subject Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns IMyself YouYourself HeHimself SheHerself ItItself WeOurselves You (pl)Yourselves TheyThemselves

16 Page 20 vocabulary Bird watching : watch birds Borrow: take something and then return it( pedir prestado ) Lay :the birth of an egg ( poner huevos ) Nest : the house of the bird Hatch : birth of a bird ( salir del cascarón)

17 Ambas expresiones se utilizan generalmente para describir a personas, ya sea física y mentalmente. Be like es para descripción de personalidad, look like es para descripción física. Ejemplos con be like: -What is Peter like? ¿Cómo es Pedro? -He is very friendly and generous. He is a nice guy. -She is like her mother. Ella se parece a su madre (en la forma de ser, no físicamente). Pero también se utiliza para describir cosas abstractas, como el tiempo. Ejemplo: -What is the weather like in your city? ¿Cómo está el tiempo en tu ciudad? -It’s cloudy and windy. Está nublado y ventoso. -What is the new hotel like? ¿Qué tal el nuevo hotel? It’s very big and luxurious. Es muy grande y lujoso.

18 Ejemplo con look like: (sólo para descripción de personas). -What does Mariah look like? ¿Cómo es María (físicamente) ? -She is short and pale. She has brown eyes and black hair. Look like también se utiliza en expresiones y significa parecerse (a alguien). Ejemplo: -I don’t look like my mom. No me parezco a mi mamá. (físicamente)

19 Physical appearance What does it look like ? she he What do you look like ? they we I

20 Describing personality I am clever and lovely You are We are They are He is She is It is

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