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Scholastic Theme 9 “Animals and Where They Live” forest bushes vines wool wood hair feet wings claws fish snake dragonfly swan beside below behind teeth.

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Presentación del tema: "Scholastic Theme 9 “Animals and Where They Live” forest bushes vines wool wood hair feet wings claws fish snake dragonfly swan beside below behind teeth."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Scholastic Theme 9 “Animals and Where They Live” forest bushes vines wool wood hair feet wings claws fish snake dragonfly swan beside below behind teeth snuggle leap animals in out inside outside antenna abdomen thorax insect drink alligator fly bite butterfly caterpillar chick turkey farm donkey swim catch rabbits tunnel swamp sheep crab burrow prairie dog turtles shell tail head grasshopper ladybug housefly bumblebee larva chrysalis grow bark goose hog nest beak hatch lamp graph lily pad hive

2 chick turkey farm donkey

3 swim catch rabbits tunnel

4 swamp crab burrow sheep

5 prairie dog turtles shell tail

6 head forest bushes vines

7 wool wood hair feet

8 wings claws fish snake

9 dragonfly swan beside below

10 behind teeth snuggle leap

11 animals in out inside

12 outside antenna abdomen thorax

13 insect drink alligator fly

14 bite butterfly caterpillar grasshopper

15 ladybug housefly bumblebee larva

16 chrysalis grow bark goose

17 hog nest beak hatch

18 lamp graph lily pad hive

19 Scholastic Theme 9 “Animals and Where They Live” bosque matas higueras lana madera cabello pies alas unas pez víbora caballete libélula cisne enseguida debajo atrás dientes acurrucaditos salten animales dentro adentro afuera fuera antena abdomen tórax insecto beber caimán vuelan pican mariposa chapulín pollito pavo granja burro nadar pescar conejos túnel pantano oveja cangrejo madriguera marmota tortugas concha cola cabeza oruga mariquita mosca abejorro larva crisálida crecer ladra ganso puerco nido pico empollar lámpara grafica almohadilla de lirio colmena

20 pollito pavo granja burro

21 nadar pescar conejos túnel

22 pantano oveja cangrejo madriguera

23 marmota tortugas concha cola

24 cabeza bosque matas higueras

25 lana madera cabello pies

26 alas uñas pez víbora

27 caballete libélula cisne enseguida debajo

28 atrás dientes acurrucaditos salten

29 animales dentro adentro afuera

30 fuera antena abdomen tórax

31 insecto beber caimán vuelan

32 pican mariposa oruga chapulín

33 mariquita mosca abejorro larva

34 crisálida crecer ladra ganso

35 puerco nido pico empollar

36 lámpara gráfica almohadilla de lirio colmena

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