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UN POSTRE NUTRITIVO Libro p. 120 AVENA CON FRESAS INGREDIENTES: 1 litro de leche sabor a fresa Azúcar al gusto Una raja de canela Una taza de avena Una.

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Presentación del tema: "UN POSTRE NUTRITIVO Libro p. 120 AVENA CON FRESAS INGREDIENTES: 1 litro de leche sabor a fresa Azúcar al gusto Una raja de canela Una taza de avena Una."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 UN POSTRE NUTRITIVO Libro p. 120 AVENA CON FRESAS INGREDIENTES: 1 litro de leche sabor a fresa Azúcar al gusto Una raja de canela Una taza de avena Una cucharada de vainilla 10 fresas cortadas a mitad Caliente la leche… Añada la avena y mueva… Quítela del fuego… añada la vainilla y… déjela en la olla… Sírvala con fresas AHORA TÚ ESCRIBE UNA RECETA QUE CONOCES USA LOS MANDATOS CON USTED (10 verbos como mínimo) MIRA EL EJEMPLO

2 *ALGUNOS UTENSILIOS EspañolInglés CortarTo cut CalentarTo heat up FreirTo fry PelarTo peel LavarTo wash AñadirTo add Remover (o  ue) To stir Poner…enTo place…in MezclarTo mix EcharTo pour Cortar en rodajasTo slice Servir (e  i) To serve Hervir (e  ie) To boil Tazón, bowl Licuadora, blender Plato, plate Bandeja, tray Colador, strainer

3 RUBRICScore 1Score 3Score 5 Completion of task Your work is incomplete. Little to no vocabulary is used from chapter 3. Your work is complete, but some parts still need work. Limited vocabulary is used from chapter 3. Your work is complete, carefully revised, and completed by the end of the period and uses Chapter 3 vocabulary. Accuracy Student gives limited or no details of professional advice. Final work is messy. Student gives adequate details, but ideas need development. Some requirements were not followed. Student gives consistent details, and final work is presented as required. Verbs Choice of verbs are not correct nor formal commands Good choice of verbs, but some of the formal commands are incorrect. Your verbs are carefully chosen and the formal commands are correct. GrammarGrammar has more than 4 errors which includes sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization. Grammar has 2-4 errors which includes sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization. All grammar is correct including sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization.

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