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Welcome Bienvenidos. Welcome Back! Daily Schedule Class Rules/Homework Policy Appointments Projects Miscellaneous Online books/ websites Parent Volunteers.

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Presentación del tema: "Welcome Bienvenidos. Welcome Back! Daily Schedule Class Rules/Homework Policy Appointments Projects Miscellaneous Online books/ websites Parent Volunteers."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Welcome Bienvenidos

2 Welcome Back! Daily Schedule Class Rules/Homework Policy Appointments Projects Miscellaneous Online books/ websites Parent Volunteers Field Trips/ P.T.A. Uniforms/ Dress Code Recommended List Contact Information Bienvendia Reglamento del Salón Tareas Padres Voluntarios Paseo Escolares/PTA Uniforme y Vestido

3 9:25 Second Bell Rings/ Attendance Flag Salute 9:25—9:55 ELD/SLD 9:55—10:25 Clinic/Clinica 10:25-11:35 Language Arts/Lenguaje 11:35—12:20 Lunch/Almuerzo 12:20-12:50Language Arts/Lenguaje SWITCH 12:50—2:15 Math/Matematicas 2:15—2:29 Recess/Recreo 2:29—3:25 Social Studies/Science/PE 3:25 Dismissal/Salida

4 School Expectations Class rules are posted in each classroom. Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Be a Learner Reglamento del salón. Cada salón tiene su reglamento en la pared. Los alumnos de los amigos deben ser: Respetuosos Responsables Cuidadosos Estudiosos

5 ALL homework is due on a daily basis. Parent Signature is required daily in your child’s Binder Reminder. It is important that you set up a daily homework routine & that you check each piece of completed homework! Remember by signing, you are stating that your child has brought home, completed and is returning all of their homework. La tareas serán asignadas y entregadas diariamente. Los padres deben firmar a diario la libreta de tareas (Binder Reminder). Al firmar los padres la libreta de tareas, los maestros nos damos cuenta que estan enterados de si su hijo (a) esta haciendo o no tareas.

6 Homework Homework Survival Kit *pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, scissors, pencil sharpener, paper, index cards, glue, Spanish- English Dictionary, ruler. Monthly Homework Report *Sent home once per month for parent signature Missing/Incomplete Homework *results in lowered grades Materiales recomendados: Lápices, borrador, marcadores, crayones, marcatextos, tijeras, lapiceras, sacapuntas, papel, regla, diccionarion Espaňol- Inglés. Reporte mensual de tareas. Este será enviado a casa mensualmente para que los padres de familia lo firmen. Tareas no entregadas o incompletas.

7 Grading 90-100A 80-89B 70-79C 50-69D Tests 40%, Quizzes 35%, Classwork 25% Examenes 40%, Comprobaciones rapidas 35%, Parents will have access to the online gradebook later in the year.

8 Appointments PLEASE make all upcoming appointments for your children after school. Illness---Upon your child returning to school, please make sure to send in a note or call to verify their absence. Cuando un alumno haya estado ausente por enfermedad o cita médica, favor de traer justificante.

9 Projects All projects must be submitted in a timely manner. Upcoming Projects: Mission Project Science Project Todo proyecto escolar debe ser entregado a tiempo, de lo contrario, por cada día de retraso en la entrega de éste, le serán restados puntos de la calificación final. Proyecto de las Misiones de California. Proyecto de Ciencias.

10 Miscellaneous Please review the following in your student handbook with your child. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES-ie. Cell phones in class, Ipods, electronic games, etc. Anything taken out during class or recess will be confiscated and taken to the office and given to administration. Parents will be notified. No se permite el uso de aparatos electrónicos en horas de escuela. Si algún alumno es sorprendido usando alguno de ellos, el aparato electrónico será entregado a la dirección de esta escuela y los padres deberán recogerlo personalmente.

11 Estas son algunas páginas de internet que pueden ser de mucha ayuda para sus hijos en casa. Online text books—You can always access your child’s math textbook at home by going to: Also, the following websites are very helpful.

12 Parent Volunteers are needed for helping with bulletin boards, copying (check with the office), and Scholastic book orders. Please highlight your name/child’s name on the form if you can help us. Thank you! Necesitamos padres voluntarios para ayudar con los los murales de trabajo de los alumnos en el salón y personas que ayuden con la copiadora ( en la oficina). Favor de registrarse si están en posibilidad de hacerlo.

13 Parent helpers are encouraged to become involved with our P.T.A. P.T.A. helps with: *field trips *dances *carnivals *ANYTHING THAT HELPS OUR KIDS! Necesitamos padres que puedan ayudar en P.T.A. P.T.A. es la asociación que ayuda a la escuela a organizar : Viajes escolares. Bailes Festivales.

14 Uniforms are Monday— Thursday (Friday is a free day) Uniform Waiver Review dress code policies with your children. El uniforme debe usarse de lunes a jueves (viernes no). Recordar las reglas de vestimenta con sus hijos.

15 White board markers Highlighters Hand sanitizer Blank paper Kleenex Paper towels Pencils, pens, sharpeners Quad ruled graphing books for math notes Marcadores para pizarrón Marcatextos Desinfectante para manos Hojas de papel rayadas y cuadradas Panuelos de papel Rollos de papel para limpiar. Lápices, lapiceras, sacapuntas.

16 If you need to contact either one of us, you can e- mail or call us at En caso que deseen contactarnos, pueden hacerlo por correo electrónico: Ext 324 Ext 323 Ext 349 Ext 325 Phones do not notify us when there is a voicemail. (661) 285-1546

17 Classroom Websites and Applications 4 th grade website available with assignment, project, and other information. Go to Then click the down arrow next Select a School and select Los Then put the cursor over Classroom and select Ms. Baker. Front Row-math practice that matches the new Common Core Standards Class Dojo-Class behavior system

18 Remind App This is an app that allows parents to receive texts or e- mails about important things that are going on in the classroom. For the information to sign up, please contact me.

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