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Gramática Por: Rosa Gettemy Linares 4th.

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Presentación del tema: "Gramática Por: Rosa Gettemy Linares 4th."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Gramática Por: Rosa Gettemy Linares 4th


3 Present Tense of Regular Verbs
*What you are doing now *Immediate Future Stem Changing Three Types: e>ie o>ue e>i ALL forms of singular & in 3rd person plural (present tense).

4 Repaso: Irregular Yo Forms
* ONLY in first person singular form! Other irregular (yo) verbs: Estar >estoy Ir >voy Ser >soy Tener >tengo Venir >vengo

5 Preterite Tense of Regular Verbs
*COMPLETED actions in the past, done by you or others ER & IR Verbs SAME ENDINGS in the preterite!!

6 Car/Gar/Zar Verbs Changing Verbs Change spelling Buscar Cruzar Sacar
Llegar Almorzar Pagar Jugar Empezar Tocar NOSOTROS YO TU USTED USTEDES

7 Stem Changes in the Preterite
NOT all stem changes- only e I and o u! SNAKE VERBS! *Only in usted and ustedes forms

8 Irregular Preterites SONG
                                                                                                                               SONG Andar-anduve, estar-estuve, poder-pude, poner-puse…. Querer-quise, saber-supe, tener-tuve, vener-vine…


10 Repaso: Ser vs. Estar Ser = Permanent Estar = Temporary
2 different verbs Same meaning “to be” Ser = Permanent Estar = Temporary

11 The Imperfect Tense *Ongoing, habitual, or incomplete actions in the past *Time in the past * Descriptions in the past Out of the 3 irregular, ser is used in describing when someone was younger. Ex: “Cuando era niña…”

12 Repaso: Preterite vs. Imperfect

13 Present & Past Perfect Tenses
Present Perfect: [Present tense] of “haber” + past participle of the verb Past Perfect: [Imperfect] of “haber” + past participle of the verb

14 ETAPA 2

15 Verbs Like Gustar Easiest if read backwards!!
* Used to express your and others’ reactions Easiest if read backwards!! Example: [Me gusta el pastel.] < The cake is pleasing to me.

16 Por & Para General location Passing through Transportation
                                                                                                      General location Passing through Transportation How long something lasts An exchange For whom something is done Idea of a deadline Destination

17 Future Tense Ir + a + infinitive OR é emos ás á án Generally:
Strong intention Event will most likely happen soon OR é emos ás á án Less certain plans/predictions

18 Future Tense + Probability
Wondering Guessing Still uses original future tense endings

19 Aunque la moda se vista de seda,
Refrans Poco a poco se va lejos Cada cabesa es un mundo Aunque la moda se vista de seda, mona se queda

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