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The preterit & the imperfect.  The preterit and the imperfect are not interchangeable. They fulfill different functions when telling a story or talking.

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Presentación del tema: "The preterit & the imperfect.  The preterit and the imperfect are not interchangeable. They fulfill different functions when telling a story or talking."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 The preterit & the imperfect

2  The preterit and the imperfect are not interchangeable. They fulfill different functions when telling a story or talking about an event in the past. They fulfill different functions when telling a story or talking about an event in the past.

3 Use the preterit:  To express a sequence of actions completed in the past (note that there is a forward movement of narrative time). Oyeron un ruido, se levantaron, y bajaron las escaleras. Oyeron un ruido, se levantaron, y bajaron las escaleras. They heard a noise, got up, and went downstairs.They heard a noise, got up, and went downstairs.  To talk about the beginning or end of an event, action, or condition. Pepito leyó a los cinco años. Pepito leyó a los cinco años. Pepito read (began to read) at age five.Pepito read (began to read) at age five. El niño se enfermó el sábado. El niño se enfermó el sábado. The child got sick (became sick) on Saturday.The child got sick (became sick) on Saturday. Pepito leyó el cuento. Pepito leyó el cuento. Pepito read (finished) the story.Pepito read (finished) the story. El niño estuvo enfermo ayer. El niño estuvo enfermo ayer. The child was sick yesterday (and is no longer sick).The child was sick yesterday (and is no longer sick).  To talk about an event, action, or condition that occurred over a specified period of time. Vivieron en México por diez años. Vivieron en México por diez años. They lived in Mexico for ten years.They lived in Mexico for ten years.

4 Preterit tense of regular verbs hablarcomervivir yohablécomíviví túhablastecomisteviviste Ud., él, ellahablócomióvivió nosotros/ashablamoscomimosvivimos vosotros/ashablasteiscomisteisvivisteis Uds., ellos/ashablaroncomieronvivieron

5 Use the imperfect:  To talk about customary or habitual actions, events, or conditions in the past. Todos los días llovía y por eso leíamos mucho. Todos los días llovía y por eso leíamos mucho. It used to rain every day, and that’s why we read a lot.It used to rain every day, and that’s why we read a lot.  To express an ongoing part of an event, action, or condition. En ese momento llovía mucho y los niños estaban muy tristes En ese momento llovía mucho y los niños estaban muy tristes At that moment it was raining a lot, and the children were very sad.At that moment it was raining a lot, and the children were very sad.

6 The imperfect hablarcomervivir yohablabacomíavivía túhablabascomíasvivías Ud., él, ellahablabacomíavivía nosotros/ashablábamoscomíamosvivíamos vosotros/ashablabaiscomíaisvivíais Uds., ellos/ashablabancomíanvivían

7  In a story, the imperfect provides the background information, whereas the preterit tells what happened.  Frequently an action or situation (expressed with the imperfect) is ongoing when something else (expressed with the preterit) suddenly happens. Era Navidad. Todos dormíamos cuando los niños oyeron un ruido en el techo. Era Navidad. Todos dormíamos cuando los niños oyeron un ruido en el techo. It was Christmas. All of us were sleeping when the children heard a noise on the roof.It was Christmas. All of us were sleeping when the children heard a noise on the roof.

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