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Persian Empire.

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Presentación del tema: "Persian Empire."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Persian Empire

2 Persian Empire

3 Royal Palace of Isbahan

4 Persian Empire Persia (Iran) has existed since 1200 BC
Time of the Persion Empire –560 BC to 330 BC Golden Era – 539 BC – 486 BC Had an “Absolute Monarchy” – King in Charge of Everything Divided into satrapies (states), governed by satraps and royal inspectors Residents paid tribute to the empire in order to maintain a strong, large army

5 Conquests of the Persian Empire
Captured Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya Acted with respect toward conquered peoples; Persian culture was influenced by the people it conquered, especially Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece

6 Religion in the Persian Empire
At first, they adopted Egyptian gods Worshiped natural phenomenon as gods Zoroastrianism: There are two forces: good and evil Monotheistic – Believed in one god There is life after death A final judgment would separate good from evil – decide whether you went to heaven or hell

7 Judaísmo Israelitas – Grupo pequeña, pero con influencia grande
Vinieron de Mesopotámia a Palestina Descendientes de Abraham fueron al Egipto por hambre, forzado servir como esclavos Por Moses, escaparon de Egipto a Palestina Tanaj/Antiguo Testamento Formaron reino unido (Rey Salomón) Fue divido (reino dividido), caputado y movado a Babilonia; los Persas les permitieron a volver

8 Creencias Solamente un Dios/ monoteísmo
El Dios creó todo; todos le sirven Dios es bueno y justo, quiere lo mismo de su gente Profetas mandado por dios Se puede tener relación personal con Dios Diez Mandamientos


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