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Ecuador CD4CDM Technical Report – Lessons learned Closing Workshop – CD4CDM San Carlos de Bariloche, September 2006 Oficina Nacional de Promoción del MDL.

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Presentación del tema: "Ecuador CD4CDM Technical Report – Lessons learned Closing Workshop – CD4CDM San Carlos de Bariloche, September 2006 Oficina Nacional de Promoción del MDL."— Transcripción de la presentación:

1 Ecuador CD4CDM Technical Report – Lessons learned Closing Workshop – CD4CDM San Carlos de Bariloche, September 2006 Oficina Nacional de Promoción del MDL – CORDELIM Ministerio del Ambiente MDL en Ecuador

2 Contents 2. Institutional arrangements 4. Lessons learned & the way forward 1. Core objectives & main expected results 3. Implemented activities & main outputs Summary matrix: activities


4 Core objectives Awareness raising & information management CDM institution building CDM capacity development CDM project pipeline: origination & development Expected results Awareness raising CDM institution building CDM capacity development CDM project pipeline Matrix: core objectives vs. main expected results All the support information & documents can be requested at CORDELIM or downloaded from

5 Base de recursos para operaciones Staff técnico: 4-5 profesionales –Dirección a.i.: consultor CONAM en Ministerio del Ambiente –Asistencia Administrativa: proyecto CD4CDM –Coordinadores sectoriales: CD4CDM (2); Voluntario PNUD Recursos operativos –Ministerio del Ambiente: oficinas en Unidad de Cambio Climático; comunicaciones nacionales; internet –CD4CDM: equipos; comunicaciones internacionales; portal web Cooperación técnica: programas –Con PLAC / CAF Fortalecimiento de CORDELIM – Con UNEP/Risoe CD4CDM en Ecuador Cooperación técnica: actividades puntuales –CFB/Banco Mundial, FONAM/Mecanismo Mundial, FAO, JOFCA japonesa, GTZ alemana, COSUDE suiza, CDM Canadá, etc.

6 1. Core objectives & main expected results

7 Core objectives 1.Awareness raising & information management –Generate and ensure understanding and commitment regarding opportunities and challenges of carbon offset trading 2.CDM institution building –Support the establishment and consolidation of a sound domestic institutional framework 3.CDM capacity development –Enhance local technical capacities for CDM project development and deal making 4.CDM project pipeline origination & development –Support expansion and diversification of the domestic CDM project pipeline

8 Main expected results 1.Awareness raising & information management –Significant domestic critical mass on CDM opportunities and challenges 2.CDM institution building –Fully operational CDM entities endowed with the necessary human and material resources 3.CDM capacity development –Enhanced local capacities to perform specific tasks related to the CDM project cycle 4.CDM project pipeline origination & development –A well-established national market of CDM projects, which includes a pipeline of sound designed projects

9 2. Institutional arrangements

10 Institutional arrangements in Ecuador: CDM

11 Institutional arrangements for CD4CDM – Ecuador Project Implementation

12 3. Implemented activities & main outputs

13 Scope 1: Awareness raising & information management Project Activities (C4) I. Awareness raising & information management 1.1 Information and awareness raising activities: policy-makers 1.2 Information & awareness raising activities: by sectors/interest groups 1.3 Demand side driven information activities (on request, domestic/international clients) 1.4 Development and management of web-based resource centre 1.5 Dissemination and/or development of other relevant tools 1.6 Management of CDM market intelligence (in/out flow) 1.7 Management of CDM knowledge (regulatory/methodological issues) (in/out flow)

14 El Comercio, 04/Enero/2006 El Comercio, 06/Marzo/2006

15 e.g.: A1.4 Development and management of web-based resource centre Management and continuous improvement of CORDELIM´s online resource centre is a priority activity. It is internally perceived as the main tool for supporting promotion activities.


17 e.g.: A1.5 Dissemination and/or development of other relevant tools (I) CORDELIM continuously has been working on collection, systematization and/or generation of: Standard presentations/modules for e.g. for local CDM workshops, covering all basic aspects of CDM project development, international carbon market and climate change, and addressing some relevant specific issues/themes. Public domain electronic documentation on generic and specific issues related to the CDM, carbon market & climate change (e.g. Guides for CDM Project Development) Extensive database of electronic documentation on CDM methodologies and on CDM project case studies (i.a. continuous selection of relevant frequently used documents published in UNFCCC CDM web site).

18 e.g.: A1.5 Dissemination and/or development of other relevant tools (II) For selected project categories: country-specific assessment studies on sector baselines and other CDM methodological issues and/or public-domain tools for emission reductions calculation. Adjusted working tools, e.g. formats for project presentation; guide on selection criteria of CDM service providers (PDD consultants/brokers/DOEs); directory of CER buyers. Promotion material for carbon market events such as Carbon Expo. Another promotion website – – serving as a hub to subregional CDM related web sites. It has been implemented in collaboration with other Andean CDM Offices (ODL Bolivia, GMCC Colombia, FONAM Peru)

19 Scope 2: CDM institution building Project Activities (C4) II. CDM institution building 2.1 DNA: establishment / development of procedures & tools 2.2 DNA: technical support for operation (requests for LoA / LoE / others) 2.3 DNA: review & improvement of DNA approval & monitoring system 2.4 DNA: P&M to improve the domestic legal & institutional framework for the CDM 2.5 CDM Promotion Office: installed resources to enable operation (staff / equipment) 2.6 CDM Promotion Office: management of daily business (e.g. emerging demands) 2.7 Network development: domestic / international context 2.8 Advise for international climate negotiations

20 e.g.: A2.1-A2.3 DNA: establishment / operation / consolidation StageMain milestones Establishment (1 st half-year) Facilitation of consultative process to confirm designation of Ecuadorian DNA. Development and discussion of general procedures for project evaluation and national approval. Development of specific procedures and tools for supporting DNA management. Operation (since 2nd half- year) Management of requests from project developers, and individual project review processes: i.a. requests for project endorsement and/or project approval letters.As part of evaluation process, performance of i.a. project site visits and local stakeholder consultations.Management of requests from DOEs and UNFCCC Secretariat, in the context of project-specific validation and registration stages.Development of other specific procedures and tools for supporting DNA management Consolidation (since 5th half-year) Development of specific DNA procedures and tools, based on new COP decisions or new CDM EB guidance. Review of DNA procedures and tools, based on lessons learned by the DNA and emerging needs from CDM market modalities. Development of tools and procedures for addressing DNAs project follow-up functions.

21 A2.6 Network development: domestic and international context Key role of CORDELIM: facilitate CDM networking

22 Scope 3: CDM capacity development Project Activities (C4) III. CDM capacity building 3.1 Organization of CDM project development seminars 3.2 Organization of CDM national/regional workshops (discussion, awareness raising events) 3.3 Organization of CDM local workshops (alone or in partnerships) 3.4 Participation as facilitators/speakers in other relevant local events 3.5 Tutorials for project developers and demand side players 3.6 Development and continuous improvement of key tools/materials 3.7 Participation in processes framing the CDM system 3.8 Participation in international training / CD seminars

23 A3.1-A3.5 Organization/facilitation of CDM Training Organization of CDM project development courses/seminars Organization of national/regional CDM workshops (discussion/policy-making) Organization of local CDM workshops (alone/ local partnerships) Speakers/facilitators in other domestic events In-house / on-demand tutorials

24 Cursos Desarrollo de Proyectos de Certificación de Carbono, PLAC/CAF, 2002 Desarrollo de Proyectos de Reforestación y Bioenergía bajo el MDL, PLAC/CAF, 2004 Proyectos de Generación Eléctrica bajo el MDL, e7/UNDESA, 2004. CC y Manejo de Recursos Naturales, FAO/COSUDE, 2005. Talleres En alianza con otras instituciones, alrededor de 16 talleres y seminarios de capacitación básica e información. Participación como expertos invitados o asistentes en casi 40 eventos. Participantes Cerca de 1000 actores capacitados/informados: sector público (gobierno central, regional y seccional), sector privado (producción y servicios), ONGs (organizaciones comunitarias y organizaciones internacionales) y entidades internacionales. e.g. A 3.1 – A 3.5 Cursos y talleres co-organizados por CORDELIM Ciudades visitadas: Más información sobre los eventos de capacitación dirijase a

25 e.g. A 3.1 – A 3.5 Talleres de capacitación básica Serie Nacional de Talleres Locales de Promoción y Capacitación Básica sobre el MDL (Febrero – Abril 2003) Guayaquil Puyo

26 Scope 4: CDM project pipeline origination & development Project Activities (C4) IV. CDM project pipeline origination & development 4.1 Project pipeline development: general approach and overview 4.2 Project pipeline development: clean energy matrix 4.3 Project pipeline development: clean urban development 4.4 Project pipeline development: clean industrial processes 4.5 Project pipeline development: land-use change & forestry 4.6 Advisory tasks on methodological/regulatory issues: clean energy matrix 4.7 Advisory tasks on methodological/regulatory issues: clean urban development 4.8 Advisory tasks on methodological/regulatory issues: clean industrial processes 4.9 Advisory tasks on methodological/regulatory issues: land-use change & forestry 4.10 Project pipeline promotion: participation in carbon fairs & matchmaking events outside Ecuador 4.11 Project pipeline promotion: organization of fora and roundtables in Ecuador 4.12 Project pipeline promotion: development and management of tools & materials 4.13 Project pipeline promotion: framework agreements and networks (e.g. MoUs, PPPs)

27 A4.1Project pipeline development: general approach and overview Functions performed by the national team on a daily basis contributed substantially to generation and evolution of the project pipeline. The three-fold role of CORDELIM in regards to being (i) technical advisor, (ii)information source and (iii) facilitator of stakeholder relations built upon three pillars: –Advice on CDM methodological and regulatory issues. –Advice on carbon market issues. –Management of information/promotion tools and mechanisms.

28 Clean Energy Matrix Continues… The updated indicative project portfolio can be reviewed at

29 A4.2-4.9 Project pipeline development Sector-specific project origination activities Sector-specific meth advisory tasks Proactive call for project ideas CDM baseline and monitoring meths Sectoral technical workshops and other sector-specific events Dissemination of project design tools Coordination with other sector agencies Sector-scoped assessments for CDM purposes 4 scopes for promotional purposes: clean energy matrix, clean urban development, clean industrial processes, sustainable land-use change and forestry Beyond cross-cutting activities, some sector-specific activities focused assistance for ER project development in each scope.

30 e.g. A 4.1 CORDELIMs scopes for promotional purposes… Clean Energy Matrix Clean Urban Development Clean Industrial Processes Sustainable land-use change and forestry Info en Central de proyectos en

31 A4.10-4.13 Project pipeline promotion Carbon fairs & matchmaking events outside Ecuador Organization of fora and roundtables in Ecuador Development and management of tools & materials Framework agreements & networks


33 (5) Facilitación de ruedas de negocios y networking Networking y promoción del país Carbon Expo 2005Rueda de negocios MDL (Ecuador-Canadá) Septiembre 2005 e.g. A4.10-4.13 Project pipeline promotion

34 Finally…..some projects promoted from the portfolio Proyecto hidroeléctrico Sibimbe (15 MW), Ventanas Proyecto de cogeneración Ingenio San Carlos, Marcelino Maridueña Proyecto de Recuperación del Gas Metano en el Relleno Sanitario Las Iguanas, Guayaquil Proyecto de captación y quema del biogás en el botadero de Zámbiza, Quito

35 4. Lessons learned & the way forward

36 Lessons learned Soporte político a la gestión de actividades enmarcadas en la cooperación, involucramiento de actores públicos relevantes – facilita el establecimiento de las redes de trabajo Inestabilidad política – durante los tres años de gestión cinco ministros Información y difusión básica deben ir acompañadas por labores de capacitación especializada - facilitar interacción de los participantes del mercado (ferias, matchmaking) Aunque la organización de eventos de capacitación demanda una importante cantidad de tiempo, no obstante es una herramienta clave para el desarrollo de la capacidad – constante actualización del material de promoción. Cooperación programática – cooperación actividades puntuales Importante – generar credibilidad ante los diferentes actores (!)

37 Next steps… Actividades de promoción e incubación de proyectos se desarrollan con un enfoque sectorial/transversal – e.g. participación en PPP (i) M2M, (ii) GGFR y (iii) REEEP Gestión de nueva cooperación técnica ha sido iniciada, propuestas presentadas/en negociación: (i) CFA/WB (ii) PLAC/CAF

38 Gracias por su atención Oficina Ecuatoriana de Promoción del MDL – CORDELIM

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